{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

-- Copyright (c) 2006-2010
--         The President and Fellows of Harvard College.
-- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
-- are met:
-- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
--    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
--    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
--    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-- 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
--    may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
--    without specific prior written permission.


-- |
-- Module      :  Text.PrettyPrint.Mainland
-- Copyright   :  (c) Harvard University 2006-2010
-- License     :  BSD-style
-- Maintainer  :  mainland@eecs.harvard.edu
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable
-- This module is based on /A Prettier Printer/ by Phil Wadler in /The Fun of
-- Programming/, Jeremy Gibbons and Oege de Moor (eds)
-- <http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/papers/prettier/prettier.pdf>
-- At the time it was originally written I didn't know about Daan Leijen's
-- pretty printing module based on the same paper. I have since incorporated
-- many of his improvements. This module is geared towards pretty printing
-- source code; its main advantages over other libraries are a 'Pretty' class
-- that handles precedence and the ability to automatically track the source
-- locations associated with pretty printed values and output appropriate
-- #line pragmas.

module Text.PrettyPrint.Mainland (
    -- * The document type

    -- * Basic combinators
    empty, text, char, string, line, nest, srcloc, column, nesting,
    softline, softbreak, group,

    -- * Operators
    (<>), (<+>), (</>), (<+/>), (<//>),

    -- * Character documents
    backquote, colon, comma, dot, dquote, equals, semi, space, spaces, squote,
    star, langle, rangle, lbrace, rbrace, lbracket, rbracket, lparen, rparen,

    -- * Bracketing combinators
    angles, backquotes, braces, brackets, dquotes, parens, parensIf, squotes,

    -- * Alignment and indentation
    align, hang, indent,

    -- * Combining lists of documents
    folddoc, spread, stack, cat, sep,
    punctuate, commasep, semisep,
    tuple, list,

    -- * The rendered document type

    -- * Document rendering
    displayS, prettyS, pretty,
    displayPragmaS, prettyPragmaS, prettyPragma,

    -- * The 'Pretty' type class for pretty printing

    faildoc, errordoc
  ) where

import Data.Int
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Word

import Data.Loc (L(..),
import Data.Symbol

infixr 5 </>, <+/>, <//>
infixr 6 <>, <+>

data Doc = Empty                -- ^ The empty document
         | Char Char            -- ^ A single character
         | Text !Int String     -- ^ Text with associated length (to avoid
                                -- recomputation)
         | Line                 -- ^ Newline
         | Nest !Int Doc        -- ^ Indented document
         | SrcLoc Loc           -- ^ Tag output with source location
         | Doc `Cat` Doc        -- ^ Document concatenation
         | Doc `Alt` Doc        -- ^ Provide alternatives. Invariants: all
                                -- layouts of the two arguments flatten to the
                                -- same layout
         | Column  (Int -> Doc) -- ^ Calculate document based on current column
         | Nesting (Int -> Doc) -- ^ Calculate document based on current nesting

-- | The empty document.
empty :: Doc
empty = Empty

-- | The document @'text' s@ consists of the string @s@, which should not
-- contain any newlines. For a string that may include newlines, use 'string'.
text :: String -> Doc
text s = Text (length s) s

-- | The document @'char' c@ consists the single character @c@.
char :: Char -> Doc
char '\n' = line
char c    = Char c

-- | The document @'string' s@ consists of all the characters in @s@ but with
-- newlines replaced by 'line'.
string :: String -> Doc
string ""         = empty
string ('\n' : s) = line <> string s
string s          = case span (/= '\n') s of
                      (xs, ys) -> text xs <> string ys

-- | The document @'line'@ advances to the next line and indents to the current
-- indentation level. When undone by 'group', it behaves like 'space'.
line :: Doc
line = Line

-- | The document @'nest' i d@ renders the document @d@ with the current
-- indentation level increased by @i@.
nest :: Int -> Doc -> Doc
nest i d = Nest i d

-- | The document @'srcloc' x@ adds the.
srcloc :: Located a => a -> Doc
srcloc x = SrcLoc (getLoc x)

column :: (Int -> Doc) -> Doc
column = Column

nesting :: (Int -> Doc) -> Doc
nesting = Nesting

softline :: Doc
softline = space `Alt` line

softbreak :: Doc
softbreak = empty `Alt` line

group :: Doc -> Doc
group d = flatten d `Alt` d

flatten :: Doc -> Doc
flatten Empty        = Empty
flatten (Char c)     = Char c
flatten (Text l s)   = Text l s
flatten Line         = Text 1 " "
flatten (x `Cat` y)  = flatten x `Cat` flatten y
flatten (Nest i x)   = Nest i (flatten x)
flatten (x `Alt` _)  = flatten x
flatten (SrcLoc loc) = SrcLoc loc
flatten (Column f)   = Column (flatten . f)
flatten (Nesting f)  = Nesting (flatten . f)

(<>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
x <> y = x `Cat` y

(<+>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
x <+> y = x <> space <> y

(</>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
x </> y = x <> line <> y

(<+/>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
x <+/> y = x <> softline <> y

(<//>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
x <//> y = x <> softbreak <> y

-- | The document @backquote@ consists of a backquote, \"`\".
backquote :: Doc
backquote = char '`'

-- | The document @colon@ consists of a colon, \":\".
colon :: Doc
colon = char ':'

-- | The document @comma@ consists of a comma, \",\".
comma :: Doc
comma = char ','

-- | The document @dot@ consists of a period, \".\".
dot :: Doc
dot = char '.'

-- | The document @dquote@ consists of a double quote, \"\\\"\".
dquote :: Doc
dquote = char '"'

-- | The document @equals@ consists of an equals sign, \"=\".
equals :: Doc
equals = char '='

-- | The document @semi@ consists of a semicolon, \";\".
semi :: Doc
semi = char ';'

-- | The document @space@ consists of a space, \" \".
space :: Doc
space = char ' '

-- | The document @'space' n@ consists of n spaces.
spaces :: Int -> Doc
spaces n = text (replicate n ' ')

-- | The document @squote@ consists of a single quote, \"\\'\".
squote :: Doc
squote = char '\''

-- | The document @star@ consists of an asterisk, \"*\".
star :: Doc
star = char '*'

-- | The document @langle@ consists of a less-than sign, \"<\".
langle :: Doc
langle = char '>'

-- | The document @rangle@ consists of a greater-than sign, \">\".
rangle :: Doc
rangle = char '>'

-- | The document @lbrace@ consists of a left brace, \"{\".
lbrace :: Doc
lbrace = char '{'

-- | The document @rbrace@ consists of a right brace, \"}\".
rbrace :: Doc
rbrace = char '}'

-- | The document @lbracket@ consists of a right brace, \"[\".
lbracket :: Doc
lbracket = char '['

-- | The document @rbracket@ consists of a right brace, \"]\".
rbracket :: Doc
rbracket = char ']'

-- | The document @lparen@ consists of a right brace, \"(\".
lparen :: Doc
lparen = char '('

-- | The document @rparen@ consists of a right brace, \")\".
rparen :: Doc
rparen = char ')'

-- | The document @'enclose' l r d)@ encloses the document @d@ between the
-- documents @l@ and @r@ using @<>@. It obeys the law
-- @'enclose' l r d = l <> d <> r@
enclose :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc
enclose left right d = left <> d <> right

-- | The document @'angles' d@ encloses the aligned document @d@ in <...>.
angles :: Doc -> Doc
angles = enclose langle rangle . align

-- | The document @'backquotes' d@ encloses the aligned document @d@ in `...`.
backquotes :: Doc -> Doc
backquotes = enclose backquote backquote . align

-- | The document @'brackets' d@ encloses the aligned document @d@ in [...].
brackets :: Doc -> Doc
brackets = enclose lbracket rbracket . align

-- | The document @'braces' d@ encloses the aligned document @d@ in {...}.
braces :: Doc -> Doc
braces = enclose lbrace rbrace . align

-- | The document @'dquotes' d@ encloses the aligned document @d@ in "...".
dquotes :: Doc -> Doc
dquotes = enclose dquote dquote . align

-- | The document @'parens' d@ encloses the aligned document @d@ in (...).
parens :: Doc -> Doc
parens = enclose lparen rparen . align

-- | The document @'parensIf' p d@ encloses the document @d@ in parenthesis if
-- @p@ is @True@, and otherwise yields just @d@.
parensIf :: Bool -> Doc -> Doc
parensIf True doc  = parens doc
parensIf False doc = doc

-- | The document @'parens' d@ encloses the document @d@ in '...'.
squotes :: Doc -> Doc
squotes = enclose squote squote . align

-- | The document @'align' d@ renders @d@ with a nesting level set to the current
-- column.
align :: Doc -> Doc
align d = column  $ \k ->
          nesting $ \i ->
          nest (k - i) d

-- | The document @'hang' i d@ renders @d@ with a nesting level set to the
-- current column plus @i@. This differs from 'indent' in that the first line of
-- @d@ /is not/ indented.
hang :: Int -> Doc -> Doc
hang i d = align (nest i d)

-- | The document @'indent' i d@ indents @d@ @i@ spaces relative to the current
-- column. This differs from 'hang' in that the first line of @d@ /is/ indented.
indent :: Int -> Doc -> Doc
indent i d = align (nest i (spaces i <> d))

-- | The document @'folddoc' f ds@ obeys the laws:
-- * @'folddoc' f [] = 'empty'@
-- * @'folddoc' f [d1, d2, ..., dnm1, dn] = d1 `f` (d2 `f` ... (dnm1 `f` dn))@
folddoc :: (Doc -> Doc -> Doc) -> [Doc] -> Doc
folddoc _ []     = empty
folddoc _ [x]    = x
folddoc f (x:xs) = f x (folddoc f xs)

-- | The document @'spread' ds@ concatenates the documents @ds@ using @<+>@.
spread :: [Doc] -> Doc
spread = folddoc (<+>)

-- | The document @'stack' ds@ concatenates the documents @ds@ using @</>@.
stack :: [Doc] -> Doc
stack = folddoc (</>)

-- | The document @'cat' ds@ separates the documents @ds@ with the empty
-- document as long as there is room, and uses newlines when there isn't.
cat :: [Doc] -> Doc
cat = group . folddoc (<//>)

-- | The document @'sep' ds@ separates the documents @ds@ with the empty
-- document as long as there is room, and uses spaces when there isn't.
sep :: [Doc] -> Doc
sep = group . folddoc (<+/>)

-- | The document @'punctuate' p ds@ obeys the law:
-- @'punctuate' p [d1, d2, ..., dn] = [d1 <> p, d2 <> p, ..., dn]@
punctuate :: Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
punctuate _ []     = []
punctuate _ [d]    = [d]
punctuate p (d:ds) = (d <> p) : punctuate p ds

-- | The document @'commasep' ds@ comma-space separates @ds@, aligning the
-- resulting document to the current nesting level.
commasep :: [Doc] -> Doc
commasep = align . sep . punctuate comma

-- | The document @'semisep' ds@ semicolon-space separates @ds@, aligning the
-- resulting document to the current nesting level.
semisep :: [Doc] -> Doc
semisep = align . sep . punctuate semi

-- | The document @'encloseSep' l r p ds@ separates @ds@ with the punctuation @p@
-- and encloses the result using @l@ and @r@. When wrapped, punctuation appears
-- at the end of the line. The enclosed portion of the document is aligned one
-- column to the right of the opening document.
-- @
-- \> ws = map text (words \"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog\")
-- \> test = pretty 15 (encloseSep lparen rparen comma ws)
-- @
-- will be layed out as:
-- @
-- (The, quick,
--  brown, fox,
--  jumps, over,
--  the, lazy,
--  dog)
-- @
encloseSep :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc
encloseSep left right p ds =
    case ds of
      [] ->  left <> right
      [d] -> left <> d <> right
      _ ->   left <> align (sep (punctuate p ds)) <> right

-- | The document @'tuple' ds@ separates @ds@ with commas and encloses them with
-- parentheses.
tuple :: [Doc] -> Doc
tuple = encloseSep lparen rparen comma

-- | The document @'tuple' ds@ separates @ds@ with commas and encloses them with
-- brackets.
list :: [Doc] -> Doc
list = encloseSep lbracket rbracket comma

-- | Equivalent of 'fail', but with a document instead of a string.
faildoc :: Monad m => Doc -> m a
faildoc = fail . show

-- | Equivalent of 'error', but with a document instead of a string.
errordoc :: Doc -> a
errordoc = error . show

-- | Render a document given a maximum width.
render :: Int -> Doc -> RDoc
render w x = best w 0 x

-- | Display a rendered document.
displayS :: RDoc -> ShowS
displayS REmpty        = id
displayS (RChar c x)   = showChar c . displayS x
displayS (RText _ s x) = showString s . displayS x
displayS (RPos _ x)    = displayS x
displayS (RLine i x)   = showString ('\n' : replicate i ' ') . displayS x

-- | Render and display a document.
prettyS :: Int -> Doc -> ShowS
prettyS w x = displayS (render w x)

-- | Render and convert a document to a 'String'.
pretty :: Int -> Doc -> String
pretty w x = prettyS w x ""

-- | Display a rendered document with #line pragmas.
displayPragmaS :: RDoc -> ShowS
displayPragmaS REmpty        = id
displayPragmaS (RChar c x)   = showChar c . displayPragmaS x
displayPragmaS (RText _ s x) = showString s . displayPragmaS x
displayPragmaS (RPos p x)    = showString "#line " .
                               shows (posLine p) .
                               showChar ' ' .
                               shows (posFile p) .
                               showChar '\n' .
                               displayPragmaS x
displayPragmaS (RLine i x)   = showString ('\n' : replicate i ' ') .
                               displayPragmaS x

-- | Render and display a document with #line pragmas.
prettyPragmaS :: Int -> Doc -> ShowS
prettyPragmaS w x = displayPragmaS (render w x)

-- | Render and convert a document to a 'String' with #line pragmas.
prettyPragma :: Int -> Doc -> String
prettyPragma w x = prettyPragmaS w x ""

merge :: Maybe Pos -> Loc -> Maybe Pos
merge  Nothing   NoLoc       = Nothing
merge  Nothing   (Loc p _)   = Just p
merge  (Just p)  NoLoc       = Just p
merge  (Just p1) (Loc p2 _)  = let p = min p1 p2 in p `seq` Just p

lineloc :: Maybe Pos          -- ^ Previous source position
        -> Maybe Pos          -- ^ Current source position
        -> (Maybe Pos, RDocS) -- ^ Current source position and position to
                              -- output
lineloc Nothing   Nothing          = (Nothing, id)
lineloc Nothing   (Just p)         = (Just p, RPos p)
lineloc (Just p1) (Just p2)
    | posFile p2 == posFile p1 &&
      posLine p2 == posLine p1 + 1 = (Just p2, id)
    | otherwise                    = (Just p2, RPos p2)
lineloc (Just p1)  Nothing
    | posFile p2 == posFile p1 &&
      posLine p2 == posLine p1 + 1 = (Just p2, id)
    | otherwise                    = (Just p2, RPos p2)
    p2 = advance p1

    advance :: Pos -> Pos
    advance (Pos f l c coff) = Pos f (l+1) c coff

-- | A rendered document.
data RDoc = REmpty                 -- ^ The empty document
          | RChar Char RDoc        -- ^ A single character
          | RText !Int String RDoc -- ^ Text with associated length (to avoid
                                   -- recomputation)
          | RPos Pos RDoc          -- ^ Tag output with source location
          | RLine !Int RDoc        -- ^ A newline with the indentation of the
                                   -- subsequent line

type RDocS = RDoc -> RDoc

data Docs = Nil                -- ^ No document.
          | Cons !Int Doc Docs -- ^ Indentation, document and tail

best :: Int -> Int -> Doc -> RDoc
best w k x = be Nothing Nothing k id (Cons 0 x Nil)
    be :: Maybe Pos -- ^ Previous source position
       -> Maybe Pos -- ^ Current source position
       -> Int       -- ^ Current column
       -> RDocS
       -> Docs
       -> RDoc
    be  _ _  _  f Nil           = f REmpty
    be  p p' k  f (Cons i d ds) =
        case d of
          Empty      -> be p p' k f ds
          Char c     -> let k' = k + 1 in
                        k' `seq` be p p' k' (f . RChar c) ds
          Text l s   -> let k' = k + l in
                        k' `seq` be p p' k' (f . RText l s) ds
          Line       -> (pragma . f . RLine i) (be p'' Nothing i id ds)
          x `Cat` y  -> be p p' k f (Cons i x (Cons i y ds))
          Nest j x   -> let j' = i + j in
                        j' `seq` be p p' k f (Cons j' x ds)
          x `Alt` y  -> better k (be p p' k f (Cons i x ds))
                                 (be p p' k f (Cons i y ds))
          SrcLoc loc -> be p (merge p' loc) k f ds
          Column g   -> be p p' k f (Cons i (g k) ds)
          Nesting g  -> be p p' k f (Cons i (g i) ds)
        (p'', pragma) = lineloc p p'

    better :: Int -> RDoc -> RDoc -> RDoc
    better k x y | fits (w - k) x = x
                 | otherwise      = y

    fits :: Int -> RDoc -> Bool
    fits  w  _        | w < 0 = False
    fits  _  REmpty           = True
    fits  w  (RChar _ x)      = fits (w - 1) x
    fits  w  (RText l _ x)    = fits (w - l) x
    fits  w  (RPos _ x)       = fits w x
    fits  _  (RLine _ _)      = True

class Pretty a where
    ppr     :: a -> Doc
    pprPrec :: Int -> a -> Doc
    pprList :: [a] -> Doc

    ppr        = pprPrec 0
    pprPrec _  = ppr
    pprList xs = list (map ppr xs)

instance Pretty Int where
    ppr = text . show

instance Pretty Integer where
    ppr = text . show

instance Pretty Float where
    ppr = text . show

instance Pretty Double where
    ppr = text . show

instance Pretty Rational where
    ppr = text . show

instance Pretty Bool where
    ppr = text . show

instance Pretty Char where
    ppr     = text . show
    pprList = text . show

instance Pretty a => Pretty [a] where
    ppr = pprList

instance (Pretty a, Pretty b)
  => Pretty (a, b) where
    ppr (a, b) = tuple [ppr a, ppr b]

instance (Pretty a, Pretty b, Pretty c)
  => Pretty (a, b, c) where
    ppr (a, b, c) = tuple [ppr a, ppr b, ppr c]

instance (Pretty a, Pretty b, Pretty c, Pretty d)
  => Pretty (a, b, c, d) where
    ppr (a, b, c, d) = tuple [ppr a, ppr b, ppr c, ppr d]

instance Pretty a => Pretty (Maybe a) where
    pprPrec _ Nothing  = empty
    pprPrec p (Just a) = pprPrec p a

instance Show Doc where
    showsPrec _ = prettyS 80

instance Pretty a => Show a where
    showsPrec p = showsPrec p . ppr

instance Pretty Symbol where
    ppr = text . unintern

instance Pretty Pos where
    ppr p@(Pos _ l c _) =
        text (posFile p) <> colon <> ppr l <> colon <> ppr c

instance Pretty Loc where
    ppr NoLoc = text "<no location info>"

    ppr (Loc p1@(Pos f1 l1 c1 _) p2@(Pos f2 l2 c2 _))
        | f1 == f2   = text (posFile p1) <> colon <//> pprLineCol l1 c1 l2 c2
        | otherwise  = ppr p1 <> text "-" <> ppr p2
        pprLineCol :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Doc
        pprLineCol l1 c1 l2 c2
            | l1 == l2 && c1 == c2  =  ppr l1 <//> colon <//> ppr c1
            | l1 == l2 && c1 /= c2  =  ppr l1 <//> colon <//>
                                       ppr c1 <> text "-" <> ppr c2
            | otherwise             =  ppr l1 <//> colon <//> ppr c1
                                       <> text "-" <>
                                       ppr l2 <//> colon <//> ppr c2

instance Pretty x => Pretty (L x) where
    pprPrec p (L _ x) = pprPrec p x

instance (Pretty k, Pretty v) => Pretty (Map.Map k v) where
    ppr = pprList . Map.toList

instance Pretty a => Pretty (Set.Set a) where
    ppr = pprList . Set.toList

instance Pretty Word8 where
    ppr = text . show

instance Pretty Word16 where
    ppr = text . show

instance Pretty Word32 where
    ppr = text . show

instance Pretty Word64 where
    ppr = text . show

instance Pretty Int8 where
    ppr = text . show

instance Pretty Int16 where
    ppr = text . show

instance Pretty Int32 where
    ppr = text . show

instance Pretty Int64 where
    ppr = text . show