{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Text.Markdown
    ( -- * Functions
      -- * Settings
    , MarkdownSettings
    , msXssProtect
      -- * Newtype
    , Markdown (..)
      -- * Convenience re-exports.
    , def
    ) where

import Text.Markdown.Inline
import Text.Markdown.Block
import Prelude hiding (sequence, takeWhile)
import Data.Default (Default (..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Text.Blaze.Html (ToMarkup (..), Html)
import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Text (renderHtml)
import Data.Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import Data.Monoid (Monoid (mappend, mempty, mconcat))
import Data.Functor.Identity (runIdentity)
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes as HA
import Text.HTML.SanitizeXSS (sanitizeBalance)

-- | A settings type providing various configuration options.
-- See <http://www.yesodweb.com/book/settings-types> for more information on
-- settings types. In general, you can use @def@.
data MarkdownSettings = MarkdownSettings
    { msXssProtect :: Bool
      -- ^ Whether to automatically apply XSS protection to embedded HTML. Default: @True@.

instance Default MarkdownSettings where
    def = MarkdownSettings
        { msXssProtect = True

-- | A newtype wrapper providing a @ToHtml@ instance.
newtype Markdown = Markdown TL.Text

instance ToMarkup Markdown where
    toMarkup (Markdown t) = markdown def t

-- | Convert the given textual markdown content to HTML.
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Text
-- >>> renderHtml $ markdown def "# Hello World!"
-- "<h1>Hello World!</h1>"
-- >>> renderHtml $ markdown def { msXssProtect = False } "<script>alert('evil')</script>"
-- "<script>alert('evil')</script>"
markdown :: MarkdownSettings -> TL.Text -> Html
markdown ms tl =
  $ CL.sourceList (TL.toChunks tl)
 $$ mapOutput (fmap (toHtmlI ms . toInline)) toBlocks
 =$ toHtmlB ms
 =$ CL.fold mappend mempty

data MState = NoState | InList ListType

toHtmlB :: Monad m => MarkdownSettings -> GInfConduit (Block Html) m Html
toHtmlB ms =
    loop NoState
    loop state = awaitE >>= either
        (\e -> closeState state >> return e)
        (\x -> do
            state' <- getState state x
            yield $ go x
            loop state')

    closeState NoState = return ()
    closeState (InList Unordered) = yield $ escape "</ul>"
    closeState (InList Ordered) = yield $ escape "</ol>"

    getState NoState (BlockList ltype _) = do
        yield $ escape $
            case ltype of
                Unordered -> "<ul>"
                Ordered -> "<ol>"
        return $ InList ltype
    getState NoState _ = return NoState
    getState state@(InList lt1) b@(BlockList lt2 _)
        | lt1 == lt2 = return state
        | otherwise = closeState state >> getState NoState b
    getState state@(InList _) _ = closeState state >> return NoState

    go (BlockPara h) = H.p h
    go (BlockList _ (Left h)) = H.li h
    go (BlockList _ (Right bs)) = H.li $ blocksToHtml bs
    go (BlockHtml t) = escape $ (if msXssProtect ms then sanitizeBalance else id) t
    go (BlockCode Nothing t) = H.pre $ H.code $ toMarkup t
    go (BlockCode (Just lang) t) = H.pre $ H.code H.! HA.class_ (H.toValue lang) $ toMarkup t
    go (BlockQuote bs) = H.blockquote $ blocksToHtml bs
    go BlockRule = H.hr
    go (BlockHeading level h) =
        wrap level h
       wrap 1 = H.h1
       wrap 2 = H.h2
       wrap 3 = H.h3
       wrap 4 = H.h4
       wrap 5 = H.h5
       wrap _ = H.h6

    blocksToHtml bs = runIdentity $ mapM_ yield bs $$ toHtmlB ms =$ CL.fold mappend mempty

escape :: Text -> Html
escape = preEscapedToMarkup

toHtmlI :: MarkdownSettings -> [Inline] -> Html
toHtmlI ms is0
    | msXssProtect ms = escape $ sanitizeBalance $ TL.toStrict $ renderHtml final
    | otherwise = final
    final = gos is0
    gos = mconcat . map go

    go (InlineText t) = toMarkup t
    go (InlineItalic is) = H.i $ gos is
    go (InlineBold is) = H.b $ gos is
    go (InlineCode t) = H.code $ toMarkup t
    go (InlineLink url Nothing content) = H.a H.! HA.href (H.toValue url) $ gos content
    go (InlineLink url (Just title) content) = H.a H.! HA.href (H.toValue url) H.! HA.title (H.toValue title) $ gos content
    go (InlineImage url Nothing content) = H.img H.! HA.src (H.toValue url) H.! HA.alt (H.toValue content)
    go (InlineImage url (Just title) content) = H.img H.! HA.src (H.toValue url) H.! HA.alt (H.toValue content) H.! HA.title (H.toValue title)
    go (InlineHtml t) = escape t