Module      : $Header$
Description : Adapter for communicating with IRC.
Copyright   : (c) Justus Adam, 2017
License     : BSD3
Maintainer  : dev@justus.science
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX

See caveats and potential issues with this adapter here <https://marvin.readthedocs.io/en/latest/adapters.html#irc>.
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types     #-}
module Marvin.Adapter.IRC
    ( IRCAdapter, IRCChannel
    ) where

import           Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted
import           Control.Concurrent.Chan.Lifted
import           Control.Exception.Lifted
import           Control.Lens
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
import           Control.Monad.Logger
import           Data.ByteString                 (ByteString)
import           Data.Conduit
import           Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text                       as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding              as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy                  as L
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding         as L
import           Data.Time.Clock                 (getCurrentTime)
import           Marvin.Adapter
import           Marvin.Interpolate.All
import           Marvin.Types                    as MT
import           Network.IRC.Conduit             as IRC

type MarvinIRCMsg = IRC.Message L.Text

-- Im not happy with this yet, we need to distinguish users and channels somehow
data IRCChannel
    = RealChannel { chanName :: L.Text }
    | Direct      { chanName :: L.Text }

data IRCAdapter = IRCAdapter
    { msgOutChan :: Chan MarvinIRCMsg

producer :: Chan MarvinIRCMsg -> Producer IO IrcMessage
producer chan = forever $ do
    msg <- readChan chan
    yield $ T.encodeUtf8 . L.toStrict <$> msg

consumer = awaitForever . writeChan

-- NOTE: Maybe we can add some verification of how the server was coping with a message of ours.
-- Perhaps save queries to the server in a queue and associate incoming numerics and such with them?
processor :: Chan (Either ByteString IrcEvent) -> EventHandler IRCAdapter -> AdapterM IRCAdapter ()
processor inChan handler = do
    IRCAdapter{msgOutChan} <- getAdapter
    let handleOneMessage = readChan inChan >>= \case
            Left bs -> logInfoN $(isT "Undecodable message: #{T.decodeUtf8 bs}")
            Right rawEv -> do
                let ev = fmap (L.fromStrict . T.decodeUtf8) rawEv
                ts <- liftIO $ TimeStamp <$> getCurrentTime
                let (user, channel) = case _source ev of
                                        User nick -> (nick, Direct nick)
                                        Channel chan user -> (user, RealChannel chan)
                case _message ev of
                    Privmsg _ (Right msg) ->
                        runHandler $ CommandEvent user channel msg ts
                    Notice target (Right msg) -> do
                        botname <- getBotname
                        -- Check if bot is addressed
                        runHandler $ (if target == botname then CommandEvent else MessageEvent) user channel msg ts
                    Join channel' -> runHandler $ ChannelJoinEvent user (RealChannel channel') ts
                    Part channel' _ -> runHandler $ ChannelLeaveEvent user (RealChannel channel') ts
                    Kick channel' nick _ -> runHandler $ ChannelLeaveEvent nick (RealChannel channel') ts
                    Topic channel' t -> runHandler $ TopicChangeEvent user (RealChannel channel') t ts
                    Ping a b -> writeChan msgOutChan $ Pong $ fromMaybe a b
                    Invite chan _ -> writeChan msgOutChan $ Join chan
                    _ -> logDebugN $(isT "Unhadeled event #{rawEv}")
    forever $
        handleOneMessage `catch` (\e -> logErrorN $(isT "UserError: #{e :: ErrorCall}"))
    runHandler = void . async . liftIO . handler

instance IsAdapter IRCAdapter where
    -- | Stores the username
    type User IRCAdapter = L.Text
    -- | Stores channel name
    type Channel IRCAdapter = IRCChannel

    adapterId = "irc"
    messageChannel chan msg = do
        IRCAdapter{msgOutChan} <- getAdapter
        writeChan msgOutChan $ msgType $ Right msg
        msgType = case chan of
                      Direct n -> Privmsg n
                      RealChannel c -> Notice c

    -- TODO Perhaps these resolving funtions should be changed such that
    -- they return Nothing if the user doesn't exist.
    getUsername = return
    getChannelName = return . chanName
    resolveChannel = return . Just . RealChannel
    -- | Just returns the value again
    resolveUser = return . Just
    initAdapter = IRCAdapter <$> newChan
    runWithAdapter handler = do
        port <- fromMaybe 7000 <$> lookupFromAdapterConfig "port"
        host <- requireFromAdapterConfig "host"
        IRCAdapter{msgOutChan} <- getAdapter
        inChan <- newChan
        async $ processor inChan handler
        liftIO $ ircClient port host (return ()) (consumer inChan) (producer msgOutChan)