{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances       #-}
module Marvin.Adapter.Slack.Types where

import           Control.Concurrent.Chan.Lifted (Chan)
import           Control.Concurrent.MVar.Lifted (MVar)
import           Control.Lens                   hiding ((.=))
import           Data.Aeson                     hiding (Error)
import           Data.Aeson.TH
import           Data.Aeson.Types               hiding (Error)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8     as BS
import           Data.Foldable                  (toList)
import           Data.Hashable
import           Data.HashMap.Strict            (HashMap)
import           Data.String                    (IsString (..))
import qualified Data.Text                      as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy                 as L
import           Marvin.Adapter
import           Network.URI

jsonParseURI :: Value -> Parser URI
jsonParseURI =  withText "expected text" $ maybe (fail "string not parseable as uri") return . parseURI . T.unpack

data RTMData = RTMData
    { ok  :: Bool
    , url :: URI

type APIResponse a = Either String a

-- | Identifier for a user (internal and not equal to the username)
newtype SlackUserId = SlackUserId T.Text deriving (IsString, Eq, Hashable)
-- | Identifier for a channel (internal and not equal to the channel name)
newtype SlackChannelId = SlackChannelId T.Text deriving (IsString, Eq, Show, Hashable)

deriveJSON defaultOptions { unwrapUnaryRecords = True } ''SlackUserId
deriveJSON defaultOptions { unwrapUnaryRecords = True } ''SlackChannelId

class HasTopic s a | s -> a where topic :: Lens' s a
class HasName s a | s -> a where name :: Lens' s a
class HasIdValue s a | s -> a where idValue :: Lens' s a
class HasUsername s a | s -> a where username :: Lens' s a
class HasNameResolver s a | s -> a where nameResolver :: Lens' s a
class HasInfoCache s a | s -> a where infoCache :: Lens' s a

declareFields [d|
    data LimitedChannelInfo = LimitedChannelInfo
        { limitedChannelInfoIdValue :: SlackChannelId
        , limitedChannelInfoName    :: L.Text
        , limitedChannelInfoTopic   :: L.Text
        } deriving Show

declareFields [d|
    data UserInfo = UserInfo
        { userInfoUsername :: L.Text
        , userInfoIdValue  :: SlackUserId

declareFields [d|
    data ChannelCache = ChannelCache
        { channelCacheInfoCache    :: HashMap SlackChannelId LimitedChannelInfo
        , channelCacheNameResolver :: HashMap L.Text SlackChannelId

declareFields [d|
    data UserCache = UserCache
        { userCacheInfoCache    :: HashMap SlackUserId UserInfo
        , userCacheNameResolver :: HashMap L.Text SlackUserId

data InternalType a
    = SlackEvent (Event (SlackAdapter a))
    | Error
        { code :: Int
        , msg  :: String
    | Unhandeled String
    | Ignored
    | ChannelArchiveStatusChange SlackChannelId Bool
    | ChannelCreated LimitedChannelInfo
    | ChannelDeleted SlackChannelId
    | ChannelRename LimitedChannelInfo
    | UserChange UserInfo
    | OkResponseEvent T.Text

-- | Adapter for interacting with Slack API\'s. Polymorphic over the method for retrieving events.
data SlackAdapter a = SlackAdapter
    { channelCache  :: MVar ChannelCache
    , userInfoCache :: MVar UserCache
    , outChannel    :: Chan (SlackChannelId, L.Text)

instance FromJSON RTMData where
    parseJSON = withObject "expected object" $ \o ->
        RTMData <$> o .: "ok" <*> (o .: "url" >>= jsonParseURI)

rawBS :: BS.ByteString -> String
rawBS bs = "\"" ++ BS.unpack bs ++ "\""

helloParser :: Value -> Parser Bool
helloParser = withObject "expected object" $ \o -> do
    t <- o .: "type"
    return $ (t :: T.Text) == "hello"

userInfoParser :: Value -> Parser UserInfo
userInfoParser = withObject "expected object" $ \o ->
    o .: "user" >>= withObject "expected object" (\o' -> UserInfo <$> o' .: "name" <*> o' .: "id")

userInfoListParser :: Value -> Parser [UserInfo]
userInfoListParser = withArray "expected array" (fmap toList . mapM userInfoParser)

apiResponseParser :: (Object -> Parser a) -> Value -> Parser (APIResponse a)
apiResponseParser f = withObject "expected object" $ \o -> do
    succ <- o .: "ok"
    if succ
        then Right <$> f o
        else Left <$> o .: "error"

lciParser :: Value -> Parser LimitedChannelInfo
lciParser = withObject "expected object" $ \o ->
        <$> o .: "id"
        <*> o .:? "name" .!= ""
        <*> (o .:? "topic" >>= maybe (return "") (withObject "object" (.: "value")))

lciListParser :: Value -> Parser [LimitedChannelInfo]
lciListParser = withArray "array" $ fmap toList . mapM lciParser