{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Data.List (intercalate) import Marvin.Interpolate.All import Test.Hspec import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as L data G = G instance Show G where show _ = "show" instance ShowStr G where showStr _ = "showStr" instance ShowT G where showT _ = "showT" instance ShowL G where showL _ = "showL" main :: IO () main = hspec $ do describe "parsing to itself" $ do it "#" $ [iq|#|] `shouldBe` ("#" :: String) it "#anything" $ [iq|#anything|] `shouldBe` ("#anything" :: String) describe "general parsing" $ do it "allows primes in at the end of binding names" $ let x' = "str" in [iq|Hello #{x'}|] `shouldBe` ("Hello str" :: String) it "allows primes in the middle of binding names" $ let isn't = 5 :: Int in $(isS "Hello #{isn't}") `shouldBe` "Hello 5" describe "parsing escape sequences" $ it "parses ## as #" $ [iq|##|] `shouldBe` ("#" :: String) describe "interpolation substitution" $ do it "leaves an empty string" $ [iq||] `shouldBe` ("" :: String) it "returns a string unchanged if no variable is in it" $ [iq|this is not changed|] `shouldBe` ("this is not changed" :: String) it "interpolates just an external variable" $ let y = "str" :: String in [iq|#{y}|] `shouldBe` y it "interpolates an external variable" $ let y = "str2" :: String in [iq| hello you #{y} end|] `shouldBe` " hello you " ++ y ++ " end" it "interpolates the variable x (used to be special)" $ let x = "str" :: String in [iq| hello x: #{x}|] `shouldBe` " hello x: " ++ x it "interpolates infix with $" $ [iq|str #{show $ 4 + (5 :: Int)} str|] `shouldBe` "str 9 str" it "interpolates multiple bindings" $ let x = "multiple" y = "can" z = "local scope" :: String in [iq|We #{y} interpolate #{x} bindings from #{z}|] `shouldBe` "We can interpolate multiple bindings from local scope" it "interpolates complex expressions" $ let x = ["haskell", "expression"] y = " can be" :: String in [iq|Any #{intercalate " " x ++ y} interpolated|] `shouldBe` "Any haskell expression can be interpolated" describe "splice interpolation" $ it "interpolates a splice" $ let x = 5 :: Int in $(isS "#{x}") `shouldBe` "5" describe "'is' generic interpolation" $ do it "to string" $ $(is "") `shouldBe` ("" :: String) it "to Text" $ $(is "") `shouldBe` ("" :: T.Text) it "to lazy Text" $ $(is "") `shouldBe` ("" :: L.Text) let x = 5 :: Int describe "'isS' interpolation to String" $ do it "calls show on Int" $ $(isS "#{x}") `shouldBe` "5" it "calls showStr if available" $ $(isS "#{G}") `shouldBe` "showStr" it "does not change Text" $ $(isS "#{\"str\" :: T.Text}") `shouldBe` "str" it "does not change String" $ $(isS "#{\"str\" :: String}") `shouldBe` "str" describe "'isT' interpolation to Text" $ do it "calls show on Int" $ $(isT "#{x}") `shouldBe` "5" it "calls showT if available" $ $(isT "#{G}") `shouldBe` "showT" it "does not change Text" $ $(isT "#{\"str\" :: T.Text}") `shouldBe` "str" it "does not change String" $ $(isT "#{\"str\" :: String}") `shouldBe` "str" describe "'isL' interpolation to lazy Text" $ do it "calls show on Int" $ $(isL "#{x}") `shouldBe` "5" it "calls showStr if available" $ $(isL "#{G}") `shouldBe` "showL" it "does not change Text" $ $(isL "#{\"str\" :: T.Text}") `shouldBe` "str" it "does not change String" $ $(isL "#{\"str\" :: String}") `shouldBe` "str"