math-grads- Library containing graph data structures and graph algorithms

Safe HaskellSafe




Module that provides various functions for interaction with GraphEdges, EdgeLists and vertices themselves.


Vertex Functions

areAdjacent :: EdgeList e -> Int -> Int -> Bool Source #

Checks whether two vertices with given indices are adjacent in given EdgeList.

getEnds :: GraphEdge e -> [Int] Source #

Retrieves indices of vertices that are being connected by given GraphEdge.

getOtherEnd :: GraphEdge e -> Int -> Int Source #

Returns index of vertex incident to given GraphEdge and different from passed index.

getSharedVertex :: GraphEdge e1 -> GraphEdge e2 -> Maybe Int Source #

Gets shared common vertex of two edges. If edges don't have common vertex, returns Nothing.

getVertexAdjacent :: EdgeList e -> Int -> [Int] Source #

Finds in given EdgeList all indices of vertices adjacent to given vertex.

getVertexIncident :: EdgeList e -> Int -> EdgeList e Source #

Find all edges in given EdgeList that are incident to vertex with given index.

getVertexIncidentIdx :: EdgeList e -> Int -> [Int] Source #

Returns indices of edges in EdgeList that are incident to vertex with given index.

haveSharedVertex :: GraphEdge e1 -> GraphEdge e2 -> Bool Source #

Checks that two edges have common vertex.

isIncident :: GraphEdge e -> Int -> Bool Source #

Checks that vertex with given index is incident to GraphEdge.

(~=) :: GraphEdge e1 -> GraphEdge e2 -> Bool Source #

Equality operator for GraphEdges.

(/~=) :: GraphEdge e1 -> GraphEdge e2 -> Bool Source #

Inequality operator for GraphEdges.

Edge Functions

matchEdges :: EdgeList e -> [(Int, Int)] -> EdgeList e Source #

Find edges in EdgeList which ordered pairs of indices, that they are connecting, are present in passed list of ordered pairs.

getEdgeIncident :: Ord e => EdgeList e -> Int -> EdgeList e Source #

Find all edges that are incident to edge in EdgeList with given index.

EdgeList Functions

doubleEdgeList :: EdgeList e -> EdgeList e Source #

For every edge in EdgeList add to that list an edge in opposite direction.

edgeListToMap :: EdgeList e -> Map Int [Int] Source #

Transforms EdgeList into Map that corresponds to adjacency list of undirected graph induced by these edges.

haveSharedEdge :: Eq e => EdgeList e -> EdgeList e -> Bool Source #

Checks that two EdgeLists have common edge.

sortBondList :: Ord e => EdgeList e -> EdgeList e Source #

Sorting for EdgeList, that sorts edges on their type, then on index of their to (right) vertex, then on index of their from (left) vertex.

getIndices :: EdgeList e -> [Int] Source #

Gets all vertices from EdgeList.