90000.0.0 ========= Package changes: * Updated the package to use `crypton-connection` since `connection` is now unmaintained. API changes: * Updated the `ChannelMember` type's `channelMemberMsgCount` field to have type `Int`, not `Integer`, to match all other numeric types in the API. * Added support for `multiple_channels_viewed` websocket event added in Mattermost 9.0. 50200.15.0 ========== API changes: * The `Post` data type got a new `postMetadata` field of type `PostMetadata` which carries the `metadata` JSON data that the server provides in API responses. As of this implementation, only the file list (`files`) and reactions (`reactions`) are parsed from the post metdata. 50200.14.0 ========== Package changes: * Updated to build with `mtl-2.3.*` (thanks Ryan Scott) 50200.13.0 ========== API changes: * Added a `wepParentId` field to `WEData` and parsed `parent_id` in its JSON representation. 50200.12.0 ========== Package changes: * Changed Aeson dependency to 2.0 to support GHC 9. New features: * 2FA support (thanks @msm-code) 50200.11.0 ========== API changes: (Thanks Ajay Eeralla) * Added a new constructor `PreferenceCategoryFavoriteChannel` to the `PreferenceCategory` type and updated its JSON parser to recognize this category. * Added a `FavoriteChannelPreference` type and `preferenceToFavoriteChannelPreference` smart constructor. Other changes: * Logging now uses `show`, not `toJSON`, for values to be logged. This changes the logging functionality to use simple Show instances instead of first converting internal data types back to AESON structures. That wasn't really providing any additional value, and the extra conversion was producing at least one inconsistency due to an unfinished ToJSON implementation. (Thanks to Karl Smeltzer (@karljs)) 50200.10.0 ========== API changes: * `Types` got constructors for `Preference` values * `Types` got a new `PreferenceCategoryTeamsOrder` constructor for `PreferenceCategory` 50200.9.0 ========= API changes: * Added `Network.Mattermost.Types.Internal.connectionDataURL` and its return type, `ServerBaseURL`, to obtain base URLs corresponding to a connection handle. 50200.8.0 ========= API changes: * Added a `WMUnknownEvent` constructor to the `WebsocketEventType` data type to hold unknown event types to avoid parse failures for new event types. * Added `mmListCommandsForTeam` to get commands for a team and implemented a JSON parser for the `Command` type. Package changes: * Upgraded to HTTP 4000.3.15 to get an `Eq` instance fix for HTTP header name comparisons. 50200.7.0 ========= * Added `mmUpdateChannelNotifications` and fixed the JSON encoding of the `ChannelNotifyProps` type. 50200.6.0 ========= API changes: * Version 4 API functions now all have the potential to raise a new exception type, `RateLimitExceptions`, when HTTP 429 (rate limiting) responses are received. The new exception type provides rate limit metadata received from the server so the caller can determine whether to attempt a request again, and how long to wait before attempting it. * The `ChannelNotifyProps` type got a new `channelNotifyPropsIgnoreChannelMentions` field. * The `WEData` type got a `wepChannelMember` field. Other changes: * `channel_member_updated` websocket events are now parsed. * Some haddock syntax errors were fixed (thanks Eric Mertens) 50200.5.0 ========= API changes: * Added support for making connections to Mattermost servers that use non-root URL paths for their API endpoints. This change adds a new field, `cdUrlPath`, to the `ConnectionData` type. It also added a URL path argument of type `Text` to `mkConnectionData`. (Thanks Isaiah Mindich) * Added `Network.Mattermost.Endpoints.mmGetLimitedClientConfiguration` (thanks Eric Mertens) 50200.4.0 ========= * The post pinning API is now supported. * Adds a new postPinned field to the Post type to allow parsing "is_pinned" values in post editing websocket events. Typically "is_pinned" is not present in post structures, in which case this will take the value Nothing. * Exposes the new StatusOK type that is returned by new API functions. * Adds new API functions: * mmPinPostToChannel * mmUnpinPostToChannel * mmGetChannelPinnedPosts * The library now supports connecting to HTTPS endpoints without valid certificates. This change gets rid of the initConnectionDataInsecure function and instead makes initConnectionData take a new argument of type 'ConnectionType' that describes how the connection should be made. The ConnectionType type indicates that a connection should be HTTP, HTTPS with cert validation, or HTTPS without cert validation. This change also modified ConnectionData to carry the connecion type rather than just a Bool indicating HTTP/HTTPS. * Websocket action responses are now parsed properly. Websocket actions, such as "user typing" notifications, generate server responses that we previously could not parse. We weren't parsing them because the parser for websocket events wasn't aware of an alternative response message structure. This patch adds a new type for action responses. It adds a new type rather than adding a new constructor to the event type because I think that's a less ugly API (the API in this patch is not ideal). This patch also adds logic to the websocket response parser to first attempt to parse incoming messages as websocket events (the most common case) and then fall back to attempting a parse as a websocket action response. If both fail, the message and the parse exceptions are all logged. 50200.3.0 ========= Bug fixes: * Fixed a bug in the Team JSON decoder where the `invite_id` field was required despite it truly being optional (see also https://github.com/matterhorn-chat/matterhorn/issues/550) 50200.2.0 ========= API changes: * Added `Network.Mattermost.Endpoints.mmDeleteReaction` to delete reactions. * Added `Network.Mattermost.Endpoints.mmPostReaction` to add reactions. * Added an `Emoji` data type and functions for custom emoji search and listing: * `Network.Mattermost.Endpoints.mmSearchCustomEmoji` * `Network.Mattermost.Endpoints.mmGetListOfCustomEmoji` New features: * Add support for SOCKS proxies via standard environment variables `HTTPS_PROXY` and `ALL_PROXY`. * Support `NO_PROXY` to blacklist proxied hosts. 50200.1.4 ========= Bug fixes: * Content-type headers in server API responses are now parsed correctly in the presence of media type parameters as per RFC 2616. 50200.1.3 ========= API changes: * The `PostProps` type got support for the `from_webhook` prop 50200.1.2 ========= Bug fixes: * The server response to an uploaded file may report "null" for client_ids. This previously failed the parse attempt to create a `Seq ClientId`; this fix updates to conver null to an empty `Seq`. This typically manifested in attempting to attach a file in a common channel. Compatibility: * Updated supported/tested GHC versions: 8.2.2, 8.4.4, and 8.6.3. 50200.1.1 ========= Bug fixes: * The `userCreateAt`, `userUpdateAt`, and `userAuthData` fields of `User` are now permitted to be optional in the user JSON encoding to be consistent with the server. 50200.1.0 ========= * Added `mmUploadFile` and exposed its `UploadResponse` result type. * Fixed the `FileInfo` JSON decoder to permit `post_id` to be omitted. * Added `RestrictDirectMessageSetting` data type for `clientConfigRestrictDirectMessage` field of `ClientConfig`. * Added `mmAutocompleteUsers`. * Added `mmAutocompleteChannels`. * Added `DirectChannelShowStatus` preference type and constructor. Bug fixes: * `mkQueryString` now properly URI-encodes keys and values. 50200.0.1 ========= Bug fixes: * Fix the specification of the QuerySince time for fetching channel posts. The previous version generated a user-displayable date-time which contained spaces and created a malformed URL as well as not being in the proper format for the server. 50200.0.0 ========= API changes: * Expose new type, TeammateNameDisplayMode, as the type of the clientConfigTeammateNameDisplay field * Removed various fields from TeamSettings and ClientConfig that seem to have been removed in 4.9 * Remove `parent_id` fields from Post and PendingPost since they are unused and thus confusing * Added basic parsing support for websocket events new in 5.2 (fixes #408) * ClientConfig: removed EnableUserCreation field that is removed in 5.0 * Removed `extra_update_at` channel data field Bug fixes: * Fixed examples and tests to use the UserText type instead of Data.Text (thanks Carlos D ) 40900.1.0 ========= API changes: * Added a `newtype`, `UserText`, to wrap many API response fields to indicate that they may contain unsafe or unsanitized user input. Also added `unsafeUserText` to unwrap such values when the caller knows that using the unsafe value is appropriate. 40900.0.0 ========= * Endpoints: enabled `mmPatchPost` and removed duplicate argument type for `PostUpdate`. * Ensure that file fetching uses the V4 API endpoint. 40800.0.2 ========= * The websocket connection now uses the V4 API endpoint. * submitRequest now also retries on "resource vanished" exceptions. 40800.0.1 ========= * `createPool` now requires a secure connection argument. Previously it always defaulted to `True` which broke insecure connection setups. * Removed the upper bound from `memory` to support GHC 8.4. 40800.0.0 ========= * Fixed the URI for the mmUnflagPost API call. * Some JSON instances now more precisely handle missing optional fields. * mattermost-api now supports connection pooling with persistent server connections. A connection pool configuration is required to connect to Mattermost servers (thanks to Abhinav Sarkar) 40700.0.0 ========= API changes: * Added a websocket event constructor for the `delete_team` event added in 4.7. 40600.1.0 ========= API changes: * The `UserSearch` type now wraps optional fields with `Maybe`. The field types changed from `Text` to the appropriate ID type. * Removed defunct `Network.Mattermost.Types.mkSession` function. * Added an API endpoint function `mmGetUsersByIds` for getting users by ID. Other changes: * The `doRequest` function used by APIv4 endpoint functions now invokes the connection's logger to log request method and URI. 40600.0.0 ========= API changes: * This release provides implementations of many of Mattermost's version 4 API endpoints in the new Network.Mattermost.Endpoints module. The old version 3 API is still provided by Network.Mattermost but will be deprecated in a future release, and removed after that. Note that this release chiefly exposes version 4 endpoints used by the Matterhorn application; endpoints not used there have not been tested and so are left commented out in this release and may be enabled in future releases as needed. * This release also provides first-class Haskell types corresponding to the server-side configuration; see Network.Mattermost.Types.Config. * The Post data type got a new postEditAt field corresponding to the (at the time) undocumented `edit_at` field of posts. * Websockets got action support; see Network.Mattermost.WebSocket.mmSendWSAction and the new WebsocketAction type (thanks to Abhinav Sarkar for this change) * All UTCTimes received from the Mattermost server are wrapped in a `ServerTime` newtype to ensure that users cannot accidentally compare such timestamps to local UTCTimes, since the server time is not necessarily comparable. * Added Network.Mattermost.Endpoints.mmGetClientConfig to get the client configuration from the server (Thanks to Kelly McLaughlin for this change) 40400.0.0 ========= API changes: * Added endpoints for some preference endpoints, group channels, and post search: * `mmChannelRemoveUser` * `mmCreateGroupChannel` * `mmSearchPosts` * `mmSetPreferences` * Added `GroupChannelPreferences` type for showing/hiding group channels * Separated the previous `NotifyProps` type into `UserNotifyProps` and `ChannelNotifyProps`. * Websocket parse failures are now captured and appear to the library user as an `Either String WebsocketEvent`, where the `String` represent a parse failure. * Add support for `user_role_updated` websocket event type. 40000.1.0 ========= API changes: * The postRootId of Post is now a Maybe PostId to better reflect the actual wire format. * MinCommand now has fields for reply parent and root post IDs to support replying to posts with commands such as /me. * CommandResponse's commandResponseType is now Maybe to permit optional types. * PreferenceCategory got a new constructor, PreferenceCategoryLast, mapping to the "last" preference category. * Added functions for bulk fetching for channel/user data: * mmGetAllChannelsForUser * mmGetAllChannelDataForUser * mmGetAllChannelsWithDataForUser 40000.0.1 ========= API changes: * Added support for the `emoji_added` websocket event type. * WEData's JSON parser now permits both null and empty channel IDs. 40000.0.0 ========= Package changes: * Added lower bound for binary to avoid build failures in the websocket package on GHC 7.10 (see https://github.com/jaspervdj/websockets/pull/155) API changes: * Added support for the `channel_viewed` and `channel_updated` websocket events 31000.0.0 ========= API changes: * Added flagged posts API: * Types: FlaggedPost * mmGetFlaggedPosts * mmFlagPost * mmUnflagPost * Added preferences API: * Types: Preference, PreferenceCategory, PreferenceName, PreferenceValue * mmDeletePreferences * mmSavePreferences * mmGetMyPreferences * Added PostType for post types (joins, parts, header changes, etc.) and changed the type of Post.postType to use this new type. * Added a new field WEData.wepMentions so that websocket events can include the set of UserIds in a mention set. * Made most fields of PostPropAttachment optional. * Added a new PostPropAttachment type as defined by Slack and used by Mattermost. * Allow null for the "fields" field of PostPropAttachment. * Extended PostPropAttachment with additional fields to better match the upstream spec. Other changes: * Improved the LoginFailureException message format. * Refrain from logging passwords when logging login requests. * Logging operations seek to the end of the log in case of a shared log file. 30802.1.0 ========= This release supports server version 3.8.2. API changes: * Made the PendingPost `created_at` field optional. It defaults to 0. This behavior is due to Mattermost's support for admins setting the creation timestamp to values in the past. A value of zero causes the server to use the server's clock to set the creation timestamp. Any other value is only permitted for users with administrative privileges. * Moved some types to a new Types.Internal module and exposed that module for testing purposes. It should not be used by anyone wanting a stable API. For a stable API, see the export list for the Types module. 30802.0.0 ========= This release supports server version 3.8.2. API changes: * The `Network.Mattermost.Types` module is now directly exported and all clients should obtain their types from this import. The types are still exported from `Network.Mattermost` to allow time for this change but this export is deprecated will be removed in a future version. * Added the CommandResponse type for the execute endpoint. * mmGetMoreChannels, mmGetChannelMembers, and mmGetProfiles now take limit/offset parameters. * mmGetFile now supports v4 file-fetching. * Added new constructors to the WebsocketEventType corresponding to server websocket events. * mmUpdateLastViewedAt was replaced with mmViewChannel. * Added the WithDefault type to wrap around bools and NotifyOptions. * Added NotifyProps types. * The `Token` type has been replaced with a `Session` type, representing a combination of a `Token` and a `ConnectionData` type. All exposed API functions which require an authenticated connection will use this instead. This is a major breaking change, but makes the API significantly cleaner. * Removed `UserProfile` type in favor of single pervasive `User` type. * Replaced the return type of `mmGetTeamMembers` to use a `TeamMember` instead of raw JSON `Value`s. Documentation: * All API functions how have corresponding HTTP route documentation. Package changes: * Source repository was updated. * Constrained 'memory' version to avoid 'foundation' dependency. * Include Network.Mattermost.TH. * The `Network.Mattermost.Websocket` module now exports everything exported by `Network.Mattermost.Websocket.Types` in order to cut down on the number of imports needed by users. 30701.0.0 ========= * Supports server version 3.7.1. API changes: * Tests now provide websocket event testing infrastructure * The Channel data type now supports Group channels (type "G") * Added mmGetTeamMembers to get the users in a channel * Added support for the Post type `system_header_change` and the post properties `new_header` and `old_header` as described at https://github.com/mattermost/platform/pull/4209 * Removed the UserProfile type in favor of the User type (fixed #23) Bug fixes: * WebSocket.Types: permit empty `team_id` in event data 30600.2.2 ========= Bug fixes: * Support optional `notify_props` and `last_password_update` in mmGetUser responses. Package changes: * Renamed ChangeLog.md to CHANGELOG.md. Testing changes: * Added support for testing websocket events and updated the test suite to check for expected websocket events. 30600.2.1 ========= API changes: * Export FileInfo type Bug fixes: * Fixed parsing of nullable width/height fields in FileInfo * Fixed parsing of create_at, update_at, and delete_at timestamp fields in FileInfo 30600.2.0 ========= API changes: * Added mmDeletePost * Added mmUpdatePost for editing posts * Post: make deletion time optional to match server API, do millisecond conversion on JSON encoding * PendingPost: add fields for setting parents in case of replies * Export PendingPost type so it can be modified for replies and edits Bug fixes: * Post: do millisecond conversion of timestamps on JSON encoding 30600.1.0 ========= API changes: * MinCommand lost its unused minComSuggest field Bug fixes: * The JSON format of MinCommand got its channelId field (3.5.0) renamed to channel_id (3.6.0). See also: https://github.com/mattermost/platform/issues/5281 Other: * mmGetJSONBody got a debugging label that it now uses to generate exception messages to indicate what kind of value it was attempting to parse. 30600.0.0 ========= Initial release for server version 3.6.0.