-- |
-- Module      :  Foreign.Maude
-- Copyright   :  (c) David Lazar, 2010
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  lazar6@illinois.edu
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable
-- This package provides a simple interface (via the 'rewrite' function) for
-- doing Maude rewrites from within Haskell.  The following steps are
-- performed every time the 'rewrite' function is executed: 
-- 1. A temporary file is created that contains the necessary commands.
-- 2. The temporary file (with any other input files) is executed by Maude.
-- 3. The temporary file is removed.
-- 4. The output from step 2 is parsed and returned.
-- This is a simple way to perform a single rewrite command, but it is
-- inefficient for performing many rewrite commands.  See /Future Work/ below.

module Foreign.Maude
    -- * Invoking Maude
    , rewrite

    -- * Examples
    -- $examples

    -- * Future Work
    -- $future
    ) where

import Data.List (break, stripPrefix)
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, hClose, openTempFile)
import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory, removeFile)
import System.Process (readProcess)

-- | The result of a Maude rewrite.
data MaudeResult = MaudeResult
    { resultSort :: String  -- ^ The sort of the rewritten term.
    , resultTerm :: String  -- ^ The rewritten term.
    , statistics :: String  -- ^ Statistics printed by Maude.
    } deriving (Show)

-- | The name of the Maude executable.  It should be in $PATH.
maudeCmd :: FilePath
maudeCmd = "maude"

-- | Maude option flags which force Maude's output to be as relevant as
-- possible.
maudeArgs :: [String]
maudeArgs =
    [ "-no-banner"
    , "-no-advise"
    , "-no-wrap"
    , "-no-ansi-color"

-- | The 'rewrite' function takes a list of Maude file names and a term, and
-- attempts to rewrite the term in the context of those files.  It assumes
-- the command to run Maude is \"maude\" and that it located somewhere in
-- @$PATH@.
rewrite :: [FilePath] -> String -> IO (Maybe MaudeResult)
rewrite files term = do
    runner <- newRunnerFile term
    let args = maudeArgs ++ files ++ [runner]
    out <- readProcess maudeCmd args []
    removeFile runner
    return $ parseMaudeResult out

-- | Parse Maude's output into a MaudeResult.  The current implementation does
-- very little sanity checking and can not parse Maude failures.
parseMaudeResult :: String -> Maybe MaudeResult
parseMaudeResult str = case lines str of
    (stats : res : _) -> do
        r <- stripPrefix "result " res
        let (sort, term) = break (==':') r
        return $ MaudeResult
            { resultSort = sort
            , resultTerm = drop 2 term
            , statistics = stats
    _ -> Nothing

-- | Create a temporary file which contains the commands Maude should run at
-- startup, namely some formatting commands, the rewrite command, and quit.
newRunnerFile :: String -> IO FilePath
newRunnerFile term = do
    currDir <- getCurrentDirectory
    (tmpf, tmph) <- openTempFile currDir "runner.maude"
    hPutStrLn tmph "set print with parentheses on ."
    hPutStrLn tmph "set show command off ."
    hPutStrLn tmph $ "rewrite " ++ term ++ " ."
    hPutStrLn tmph "quit"
    hClose tmph
    return tmpf

{- $examples

Maude's standard prelude is loaded by default, even when no input files are

>>> rewrite [] "not (A:Bool or B:Bool) implies (not A:Bool) and (not B:Bool)"
Just (MaudeResult
    { resultSort = "Bool"
    , resultTerm = "true"
    , statistics = "rewrites: 13 in 0ms cpu (0ms real) (~ rewrites/second)"

The name of the module in which to reduce a term can be given explicitly:

>>> rewrite [] "in NAT-LIST : reverse(1 2 3 4)"
Just (MaudeResult
    { resultSort = "NeNatList"
    , resultTerm = "(4 (3 (2 1)))"
    , statistics = "rewrites: 6 in 0ms cpu (0ms real) (~ rewrites/second)"

Notice that the resulting list is given in parenthesized form.  This is because

> set print with parentheses on .

is executed before every rewrite.

Using a naive implementation of primes in Maude:

>>> rewrite ["primes.maude"] "2 .. 20"
Just (MaudeResult
    { resultSort = "PrimeSet"
    , resultTerm = "(2 (3 (5 (7 (11 (13 (17 19)))))))"
    , statistics = "rewrites: 185 in 0ms cpu (0ms real) (~ rewrites/second)"

If we are only interested in the statistics:

>>> liftM statistics <$> rewrite ["primes.maude"] "2 .. 1000"
Just "rewrites: 409905 in 839ms cpu (856ms real) (488014 rewrites/second)"

{- $future

This Maude interface is very minimal first step.  It could be extended in the
following ways:

* Better handling of Maude failures.  Failure messages should be parsed and
  returned to the user.

* The rewriting environment should be configurable.  This would allow
  parenthesized mode to be turned off and for the location of the Maude
  binary to be customized.

* Support for other Maude commands besides @rewrite@. 

* A Maude monad that handles failure and multiple Maude commands efficiently is
  a long-term goal for this package.