/* Copyright © 2016-2017 George Steel and Peter Jurgec This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include #include #include #include // Optimized functions to perfor calculations on packed DFAs for FFI use by the WeightedDFA module. // All functions read from and write into memory buffers allocted by Haskell using Data.Vector.Storable int64_t transducePackedShort(const int16_t ns, const int16_t q0, const int16_t* restrict tmat, const int16_t* restrict tcounts, const int16_t* restrict fcounts, const int16_t* restrict cstream, int32_t* restrict fstream) { int64_t tacc = 0; int32_t wacc = 0; int16_t st = q0; const int16_t* citer = cstream; const int32_t* fiter = fstream; while(1){ const int16_t c = *citer; if (c == -2){ return tacc; } if (c == -1){ tacc += (wacc + fcounts[st]) * (*fiter); wacc = 0; st = q0; ++fiter; ++citer; }else{ int i = (c*ns) + st; st = tmat[i]; wacc += tcounts[i]; ++citer; } } } static inline int indexScalarTable(int ns, int q, int c){ return c * ns + q; } static inline int indexVecTable(int ns, int dims, int q, int c){ return (c * ns + q) * dims; } static inline void accumVec16(int sz, const int16_t* restrict in, int32_t* restrict out){ for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i){ out[i] += in[i]; } } static inline void accumTimesVec32(int sz, int32_t s, const int32_t* restrict in, int64_t* restrict out){ for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i){ out[i] += s * in[i]; } } static inline void zeroVec32(int sz, int32_t* v){ memset(v,0,4*sz); } static inline void zeroVec64(int sz, int64_t* v){ memset(v,0,8*sz); } void transducePackedMulti(const int16_t ns, const int16_t q0, const int16_t dims, const int16_t* restrict tmat, const int16_t* restrict tcounts, const int16_t* restrict fcounts, const int16_t* restrict cstream, int32_t* restrict fstream, int64_t* restrict out) { zeroVec64(dims,out); int32_t wacc[dims]; zeroVec32(dims,wacc); int16_t st = q0; const int16_t* citer = cstream; const int32_t* fiter = fstream; while(1){ const int16_t c = *citer; if (c == -2){ return; } if (c == -1){ accumVec16(dims, fcounts + (st*dims), wacc); accumTimesVec32(dims, *fiter, wacc, out); zeroVec32(dims,wacc); st = q0; ++fiter; ++citer; }else{ int i = (c*ns) + st; st = tmat[i]; accumVec16(dims, tcounts+ (i*dims), wacc); ++citer; } } } void weightExpVec(const int16_t ns, const int16_t nc, const int16_t dims, const int16_t* restrict tcounts, const int16_t* restrict fcounts, const double* restrict weights, double* restrict tprob, double* restrict tvec, double* restrict fprob, double* restrict fvec){ // for (int t = 0; t < ns*nc; ++t){ double lp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dims; ++i) lp += tcounts[t*dims + i] * weights[i]; double p = exp(-lp); tprob[t] = p; for (int i = 0; i < dims; ++i) tvec[t*dims + i] = p * tcounts[t*dims + i]; } for (int t = 0; t < ns; ++t){ double lp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dims; ++i) lp += fcounts[t*dims + i] * weights[i]; double p = exp(-lp); fprob[t] = p; for (int i = 0; i < dims; ++i) fvec[t*dims + i] = p * fcounts[t*dims + i]; } } void weightExpPartial(const int16_t ns, const int16_t nc, const int16_t dims, const int16_t* restrict tcounts, const int16_t* restrict fcounts, const double* restrict weights, const double* restrict dir, double* restrict tprob, double* restrict tvec, double* restrict fprob, double* restrict fvec){ // for (int t = 0; t < ns*nc; ++t){ double lp = 0; double v = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dims; ++i){ lp += tcounts[t*dims + i] * weights[i]; v += tcounts[t*dims + i] * dir[i]; } double p = exp(-lp); tprob[t] = p; tvec[t] = p * v; } for (int t = 0; t < ns; ++t){ double lp = 0; double v = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dims; ++i){ lp += fcounts[t*dims + i] * weights[i]; v += fcounts[t*dims + i] * dir[i]; } double p = exp(-lp); fprob[t] = p; fvec[t] = p * v; } } static inline void expVecTimesPlusAccum(int dim, double p1, const double* restrict v1, double p2, const double* restrict v2, double* restrict pacc, double* restrict vacc){ *pacc += p1 * p2; for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++i){ vacc[i] += (p2 *v1[i]) + (p1 * v2[i]); } } void expsByLengthVec(const int16_t ns, const int16_t nc, const int16_t dims, const int16_t q0, const int16_t maxlen, const int16_t* restrict tmat, const double* restrict tprob, const double* restrict tvec, const double* restrict fprob, const double* restrict fvec, double* outp, double* outv) { double* accump = calloc(((int)ns)*(maxlen+1), sizeof(double)); double* accumv = calloc(((int)ns)*dims*(maxlen+1), sizeof(double)); accump[q0] = 1; for (int n=1; n <= maxlen; ++n) for (int q = 0; q < ns; ++q) for (int c = 0; c < nc; ++c) { int qprime = tmat[c*ns+q]; expVecTimesPlusAccum(dims, tprob[c*ns+q], tvec+(c*ns+q)*dims, accump[(n-1)*ns+q], accumv+((n-1)*ns+q)*dims, accump+(n*ns+qprime), accumv+(n*ns+qprime)*dims); } for (int n=0; n <= maxlen; ++n) for (int q = 0; q < ns; ++q){ expVecTimesPlusAccum(dims, accump[n*ns+q], accumv+(n*ns+q)*dims, fprob[q], fvec+q*dims, outp+n, outv+n*dims); } free(accump); free(accumv); } void expsByLengthDouble(const int16_t ns, const int16_t nc, const int16_t q0, const int16_t maxlen, const int16_t* restrict tmat, const double* restrict tprob, const double* restrict tvec, const double* restrict fprob, const double* restrict fvec, double* outp, double* outv) { double* accump = calloc(((int)ns)*(maxlen+1), sizeof(double)); double* accumv = calloc(((int)ns)*(maxlen+1), sizeof(double)); accump[q0] = 1; for (int n=1; n <= maxlen; ++n) for (int q = 0; q < ns; ++q) for (int c = 0; c < nc; ++c) { int qprime = tmat[c*ns+q]; double p1 = tprob[c*ns+q]; double p2 = accump[(n-1)*ns+q]; double v1 = tvec[c*ns+q]; double v2 = accumv[(n-1)*ns+q]; accump[n*ns+qprime] += p1*p2; accumv[n*ns+qprime] += p2*v1 + p1*v2; } for (int n=0; n <= maxlen; ++n){ outp[n] = 0; outv[n] = 0; for (int q = 0; q < ns; ++q){ double p1 = accump[n*ns+q]; double p2 = fprob[q]; double v1 = accumv[n*ns+q]; double v2 = fvec[q]; outp[n] += p1*p2; outv[n] += p2*v1 + p1*v2; } } free(accump); free(accumv); }