mcmc-samplers- Combinators for MCMC sampling

Safe HaskellNone




Optimized sampler for Gaussian Mixture Model

Here is the code in the Hakaru language for generating the data used in this example:

p <- unconditioned (beta 2 2)
[m1,m2] <- replicateM 2 $ unconditioned (normal 100 30)
[s1,s2] <- replicateM 2 $ unconditioned (uniform 0 2)
let makePoint = do        
      b <- unconditioned (bern p)
      unconditioned (ifThenElse b (normal m1 s1)
                                  (normal m2 s2))
replicateM nPoints makePoint



data GaussianMixtureState



Focused targets

targetLabel :: Int -> Target GaussianMixtureState
targetLabel i = makeTarget (densityLabel i)

densityLabel :: Int -> GaussianMixtureState -> Double
densityLabel i (GMM l _ p) = if (l !! (i-1)) then p else 1-p    

targetGaussParams :: Target GaussianMixtureState
targetGaussParams = makeTarget densityGaussParams

densityGaussParams :: GaussianMixtureState -> Double
densityGaussParams state = mdens m1 * mdens m2 * cdens c1 * cdens c2
    where ((m1, c1), (m2, c2)) = gaussParams state
          mdens m = density (normal 100 900) m
          cdens c = density (uniform 0 2) c

targetBernParam :: Target GaussianMixtureState
targetBernParam = makeTarget densityBernParam

densityBernParam :: GaussianMixtureState -> Double
densityBernParam state = density (beta 2 2) (bernParam state)

targetObs :: Int -> [Double] -> Target GaussianMixtureState
targetObs i obs = makeTarget (densityObs i obs)

densityObs :: Int -> [Double] -> GaussianMixtureState -> Double
densityObs i obs state = if labels state !! (i-1)
                         then density (normal m1 c1) oi
                         else density (normal m2 c2) oi
    where oi = obs !! (i-1)
          ((m1, c1), (m2, c2)) = gaussParams state

Focused proposals

labelsProposal :: Int -> GaussianMixtureState -> Proposal GaussianMixtureState
labelsProposal i x = makeProposal dens sf
    where dens y = density (updateLabel i $ labels x) (labels y)
          sf g = do newLabels <- sampleFrom (updateLabel i $ labels x) g
                    return x { labels = newLabels }

updateLabel :: Int -> [Bool] -> Proposal [Bool]
updateLabel i ls = updateNth i flipBool ls
    where flipBool bn = if bn then bern 0 else bern 1

gaussParamsProposal :: GaussianMixtureState -> Proposal GaussianMixtureState
gaussParamsProposal x = makeProposal dens sf
    where dens y = density (updateGaussParams $ gaussParams x) (gaussParams y)
          sf g = do newParams <- sampleFrom (updateGaussParams $ gaussParams x) g
                    return x { gaussParams = newParams }

updateGaussParams :: ((Double, Double), (Double, Double)) -> Proposal ((Double, Double), (Double, Double))
updateGaussParams params = mixProposals $ zip [m1p, c1p, m2p, c2p] (repeat 1)
    where condProp c = normal c 1
          m1p = updateFirst (updateFirst condProp) params
          c1p = updateFirst (updateSecond condProp) params
          m2p = updateSecond (updateFirst condProp) params
          c2p = updateSecond (updateSecond condProp) params

bernParamProposal :: GaussianMixtureState -> Proposal GaussianMixtureState
bernParamProposal x = makeProposal dens sf
    where dens y = density (updateBernParam $ bernParam x) (bernParam y)
          sf g = do newParam <- sampleFrom (updateBernParam $ bernParam x) g
                    return x { bernParam = newParam }

updateBernParam :: Double -> Proposal Double
updateBernParam p = uniform (p2) (1-p2)

Focused steps

Each step computes only those parts of the density ratio that its proposal affects - the other parts would cancel out

stepLabels :: [Double] -> Step GaussianMixtureState
stepLabels obs = chooseStep nPoints 
                 (i -> makeTarget $ dens i) labelsProposal metropolisHastings
    where dens i state = density (targetLabel i) state *
                         density (targetObs i obs) state

-- This could be optimized further if we know the label corresponding 
-- to the gaussian to which the updated param belongs.
stepGaussParams :: [Double] -> Step GaussianMixtureState
stepGaussParams obs = metropolisHastings (makeTarget dens) gaussParamsProposal
    where dens state = density targetGaussParams state * 
                       product [density (targetObs i obs) state | i <- [1..nPoints]]

stepBernParam :: Step GaussianMixtureState
stepBernParam = metropolisHastings (makeTarget dens) bernParamProposal
    where dens state = density targetBernParam state *
                       product [density (targetLabel i) state | i <- [1..nPoints]]

Optimized sampler

A mixture of focused, i.e. optimized steps

gmmSampler :: [Double] -> Step GaussianMixtureState
gmmSampler obs = mixSteps $ 
                 zip [(stepLabels obs), (stepGaussParams obs), stepBernParam] [1,1,1]


nPoints :: Int
nPoints = 6

sampleData :: [Double]
sampleData = [ 63.13941114139962, 132.02763712240528
             , 62.59642260289356, 132.2616834236893
             , 64.10610391933461, 62.143820541377934 ]

startState :: GaussianMixtureState
startState = GMM { -- labels = [True, True, True, False, False, False],
                   labels = [False, False, False, True, True, True],
                   gaussParams = ((63, 100), (132, 100)),
                   bernParam = 0.5 }

test :: IO ()
test = do
  g <- MWC.createSystemRandom
  let c = every 50 collect
      p = every 1 (display labels)
  -- ls <- walk (gmmSampler sampleData) startState (10^6) g c
  -- print $ take 20 (map labels ls)
  walk (gmmSampler sampleData) startState (10^2) g p