name: mcpi Version: Stability: experimental License: PublicDomain Author: Douglas Burke ( Maintainer: Category: network, raspberrypi, minecraft Synopsis: Connect to MineCraft running on a Raspberry PI. Description: The MineCraft edition for Raspberry PI comes with a Java and Python API. . This is a *very* basic, and *incomplete* Haskell version. I fully expect everything to change in later versions. . Two very simple examples are included in the examples/ directory, as well as a way to interact with MineCraft directly. . Please see the TODO file in the source code for an incomplete list of possible changes. Tested-With: GHC==7.4.1 Cabal-Version: >= 1.8 Build-Type: Simple -- #Source-repository head -- # type: mercurial -- # location: Data-Files: examples/README examples/*.hs Flag build-examples Description: Build the example programs (defaults to True) Default: True Library Build-Depends: base >=3 && < 5, network == 2.3.*, split == 0.2.*, transformers == 0.3.* Hs-Source-Dirs: src/ Exposed-Modules: Network.MineCraft.Pi.Client Network.MineCraft.Pi.Client.Internal Data.MineCraft.Pi.Block Data.MineCraft.Pi.Camera Data.MineCraft.Pi.Other Data.MineCraft.Pi.Player Data.MineCraft.Pi.Types ghc-options: -Wall Executable flatten if !flag(build-examples) Buildable: False Main-Is: Flatten.hs Hs-Source-Dirs: examples/ ghc-options: -Wall Build-Depends: base, mcpi, transformers Executable freefall if !flag(build-examples) Buildable: False Main-Is: Freefall.hs Hs-Source-Dirs: examples/ ghc-options: -Wall Build-Depends: base, mcpi, transformers Executable hmcpi if !flag(build-examples) Buildable: False Main-Is: HMCPI.hs Hs-Source-Dirs: examples/ ghc-options: -Wall Build-Depends: base, network, pipes == 3.1.* Executable isongold if !flag(build-examples) Buildable: False Main-Is: IsOnGold.hs Hs-Source-Dirs: examples/ ghc-options: -Wall Build-Depends: base, mcpi, transformers