-- | A conduit 'Source' that receives bytestrings and parses RTP packets.
{-# OPTIONS -Wno-unused-top-binds #-}

module Data.MediaBus.Rtp.Source
  ( type RtpStream
  , rtpSource
  , rtpPayloadDemux
  , type RtpPayloadHandler
  ) where

import Conduit
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Logger
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Default
import qualified Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.MediaBus
import Data.MediaBus.Rtp.Packet
import Data.String
import Text.Printf

-- | A handy alias for a 'Stream' for RTP packets, with according sequence
-- number, time stamp and payload types.
type RtpStream p = Stream RtpSsrc RtpSeqNum RtpTimestamp p RtpPayload

data RRState ctx = MkRRState
  { _currCtx :: ctx
  , _isFirstPacket :: Bool
  } deriving (Show)

makeLenses ''RRState

-- | A 'Conduit' that consumes 'ByteString's and produces an 'RtpStream'
  :: ( Show i
     , Show s
     , Show t
     , Show p
     , Default i
     , Monad m
     , Default p
     , MonadLogger m
  => Conduit (Stream i s t p B.ByteString) m (RtpStream p)
rtpSource =
  evalStateC (MkRRState (MkFrameCtx def def def def) True) $
  awaitForever processFrames
    processFrames frm@(MkStream (Start _)) =
      $logInfo (fromString ("state frame received: " ++ show frm))
    processFrames (MkStream (Next (MkFrame _ _ !contentIn))) =
      case deserialize contentIn of
        Left rtpError -> logRtpError rtpError
        Right rtpPacket -> do
          let rtpHeader = header rtpPacket
          res <- updateState rtpHeader
          unless (res == FrameCtxNotChanged) (yieldStreamStart res)
          yieldStreamNext (body rtpPacket)
    logRtpError e = do
      ctx <- use currCtx
      $logError (fromString (printf "rtp packet parse error: %s, frame-context: %s" e (show ctx)))
    updateState rtpHeader = do
      oldCtx <-
        currCtx <<%=
        ((frameCtxSeqNumRef .~ sequenceNumber rtpHeader) .
         (frameCtxTimestampRef .~ headerTimestamp rtpHeader))
      wasFirstPacket <- isFirstPacket <<.= False
      if oldCtx ^. frameCtxSourceId /= ssrc rtpHeader
        then do
          currCtx . frameCtxSourceId .= ssrc rtpHeader
          return RtpSsrcChanged
        else if sequenceNumbersDifferTooMuch
                  (oldCtx ^. frameCtxSeqNumRef)
                  (sequenceNumber rtpHeader)
               then return RtpSequenceNumberGap
               else if timestampsDifferTooMuch
                         (oldCtx ^. frameCtxTimestampRef)
                         (headerTimestamp rtpHeader)
                      then return RtpTimestampGap
                      else if wasFirstPacket
                             then return NewRtpSession
                             else return FrameCtxNotChanged
        sequenceNumbersDifferTooMuch oldSN currSN =
          let d =
                if currSN >= oldSN
                  then currSN - oldSN
                  else oldSN - currSN -- TODO use LocalOrd??
              sequenceNumberMaxDelta = 10
          in d >= sequenceNumberMaxDelta
        timestampsDifferTooMuch oldTS currTS =
          let d =
                if currTS >= oldTS
                  then currTS - oldTS
                  else oldTS - currTS
              timestampMaxDelta = 2000 -- TODO extract
          in d >= timestampMaxDelta
    yieldStreamStart why = do
      fx <- use currCtx
      $logDebug (fromString (show why ++ ": starting rtp stream: " ++ show fx))
      yieldStartFrameCtx fx
    yieldStreamNext p = do
      ts <- use (currCtx . frameCtxTimestampRef)
      sn <- use (currCtx . frameCtxSeqNumRef)
      yield (MkStream (Next (MkFrame ts sn p)))

-- | The stream might re-'Start' for these reasons:
data RRSourceChange
  = NewRtpSession
  | RtpSsrcChanged
  | RtpSequenceNumberGap
  | RtpTimestampGap
  | FrameCtxNotChanged
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | A utility that call the right 'RtpPayloadHandler' for the 'RtpPayloadType'
-- of the 'Frame'.
  :: (Integral t, Monad m)
  => [(RtpPayloadType, RtpPayloadHandler (Ticks r t) c)]
  -> c
  -> Conduit (RtpStream p) m (Stream RtpSsrc RtpSeqNum (Ticks r t) p c)
rtpPayloadDemux payloadTable fallbackContent =
  mapC (timestamp %~ (MkTicks . fromIntegral . _rtpTimestamp)) .|
  awaitForever go
    setFallbackContent = framePayload .~ fallbackContent
    go (MkStream (Next !frm)) =
      let pt = frm ^. framePayload . rtpPayloadType
          mHandler = Data.List.lookup pt payloadTable
          !frm' = fromMaybe setFallbackContent mHandler frm
      in yieldNextFrame frm'
    go (MkStream (Start !frmCtx)) = yieldStartFrameCtx frmCtx

-- | Functions from 'Frame' to 'Frame' for converting/coercing an 'RtpPayload'
-- to some common media type. NOTE: This is not for transcoding, this is rather
-- for /casting/ or /coercing/
type RtpPayloadHandler t c = Frame RtpSeqNum t RtpPayload -> Frame RtpSeqNum t c