{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Blockchain.Database.MerklePatricia.MPDB (
  ) where

import           Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
import           Data.Binary
import qualified Data.ByteString                              as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy                         as BL
import           Data.Default
import qualified Database.LevelDB                             as DB

import           Blockchain.Database.MerklePatricia.StateRoot

-- | This is the database reference type, contianing both the handle to the underlying database, as well
-- as the stateRoot to the current tree holding the data.
-- The MPDB acts a bit like a traditional database handle, although because it contains the stateRoot,
-- many functions act by updating its value.  Because of this, it is recommended that this item be
-- stored and modified within the state monad.
data MPDB = MPDB {
    ldb       :: DB.DB,
    stateRoot :: StateRoot

-- | This function is used to create an MPDB object corresponding to the blank database.
-- After creation, the stateRoot can be changed to a previously saved version.
openMPDB::String -- ^ The filepath with the location of the underlying database.
        ->ResourceT IO MPDB
openMPDB path = do
  ldb' <- DB.open path def{DB.createIfMissing=True}
  DB.put ldb' def (BL.toStrict $ encode emptyTriePtr) B.empty
  return MPDB{ ldb=ldb', stateRoot=emptyTriePtr }