{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Text.HTML5.MetaData.Schema.Offer where -- Valid: 2013-05-30 ( Schema.rdfs.org ) import Text.HTML5.MetaData.Class import Text.HTML5.MetaData.Type import Data.Text -- | An offer to sell an item—for example, an offer to sell a product, the DVD of a movie, or tickets to an event. -- -- [@id@] Offer -- -- [@label@] Offer -- -- [@comment@] An offer to sell an item—for example, an offer to sell a product, the DVD of a movie, or tickets to an event. -- -- [@ancestors@] @'Thing','Intangible'@ -- -- [@subtypes@] @'AggregateOffer'@ -- -- [@supertypes@] @'Intangible'@ -- -- [@url@] data Offer = Offer { additionalType :: AdditionalType , description :: Description , image :: Image , name :: Name , url :: Url , acceptedPaymentMethod :: AcceptedPaymentMethod , addOn :: AddOn , advanceBookingRequirement :: AdvanceBookingRequirement , aggregateRating :: AggregateRating , availability :: Availability , availabilityEnds :: AvailabilityEnds , availabilityStarts :: AvailabilityStarts , availableAtOrFrom :: AvailableAtOrFrom , availableDeliveryMethod :: AvailableDeliveryMethod , businessFunction :: BusinessFunction , category :: Category , deliveryLeadTime :: DeliveryLeadTime , eligibleCustomerType :: EligibleCustomerType , eligibleDuration :: EligibleDuration , eligibleQuantity :: EligibleQuantity , eligibleRegion :: EligibleRegion , eligibleTransactionVolume :: EligibleTransactionVolume , gtin13 :: Gtin13 , gtin14 :: Gtin14 , gtin8 :: Gtin8 , includesObject :: IncludesObject , inventoryLevel :: InventoryLevel , itemCondition :: ItemCondition , itemOffered :: ItemOffered , mpn :: Mpn , price :: Price , priceCurrency :: PriceCurrency , priceSpecification :: PriceSpecification , priceValidUntil :: PriceValidUntil , review :: Review , reviews :: Reviews , seller :: Seller , serialNumber :: SerialNumber , sku :: Sku , validFrom :: ValidFrom , validThrough :: ValidThrough , warranty :: Warranty } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) instance MetaData Offer where _label = const "Offer" _comment_plain = const "An offer to sell an item\8212for example, an offer to sell a product, the DVD of a movie, or tickets to an event." _comment = const "An offer to sell an item\8212for example, an offer to sell a product, the DVD of a movie, or tickets to an event." _url = const "http://schema.org/Offer"