Copyright 2015 Russell O'Connor

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module Mezzolens.Profunctor
  ( Profunctor(..), Strong(..), OutPhantom(..), Choice(..), InPhantom(..), Wandering(..), Cartographic(..)
  , _2Default, _RightDefault
  , ProProduct(..)
  , SuperStar(..), SubStar, Kleisli(..)
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (map)

import Mezzolens.Combinators
import Mezzolens.Phantom

import Control.Arrow (Kleisli(..))

class Profunctor p where
  dimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> p b c -> p a d
  dimap f g = imap f . omap g

  imap :: (a -> b) -> p b c -> p a c
  imap f = dimap f id

  omap :: (c -> d) -> p a c -> p a d
  omap g = dimap id g

instance Profunctor (->) where
  dimap f g h = g . h . f
  imap f h = h . f
  omap g h = g . h

class Profunctor p => Strong p where
  _1 :: p a b -> p (a, c) (b, c)
  _1 h = dimap swap swap (_2 h)

  _2 :: p a b -> p (c, a) (c, b)
  _2 h = dimap swap swap (_1 h)

instance Strong (->) where
  _2 = wander

class Strong p => OutPhantom p where
  ocoerce :: p c a -> p c b

_2Default :: OutPhantom p => p a b -> p (c, a) (c, b)
_2Default = ocoerce . imap snd

-- visit :: (Strong p, Functor t) => (forall f x. Functor f => t (f x) -> f (t x)) -> p a b -> p (t a) (t b)
visit :: (Strong p, Functor t) => (t (a, ()) -> (a, (t z))) -> p a b -> p (t a) (t b)
visit dist = dimap f g . _1
  f = dist . fmap (\x -> (x,()))
  g (b, t1) = fmap (const b) t1

class Profunctor p => Choice p where
  _Left :: p a b -> p (Either a c) (Either b c)
  _Left h = dimap switch switch (_Right h)

  _Right :: p a b -> p (Either c a) (Either c b)
  _Right h = dimap switch switch (_Left h)

instance Choice (->) where
  _Right = wander

class Choice p => InPhantom p where
  icoerce :: p a c -> p b c

_RightDefault :: InPhantom p => p a b -> p (Either c a) (Either c b)
_RightDefault = icoerce . omap Right

-- It would be nice to come up with a better characterization of this class.
-- prod :: p a1 b1 -> p a2 b2 -> p (a1,a2) (b1,b2) could be one of the methods, but that doesn't appear to be sufficent.
class (Strong p, Choice p) => Wandering p where
  wander :: Traversable f => p a b -> p (f a) (f b)

instance Wandering (->) where
  wander = map

class Wandering p => Cartographic p where
  map :: Functor f => p a b -> p (f a) (f b)

instance Cartographic (->) where
  map = fmap

data ProProduct p q a b = ProProduct { upper :: p a b, lower :: q a b}
instance (Profunctor p, Profunctor q) => Profunctor (ProProduct p q) where
  dimap f g (ProProduct u l) = ProProduct (dimap f g u) (dimap f g l)

type SubStar = Kleisli

instance Functor f => Profunctor (Kleisli f) where
  dimap f g (Kleisli h) = Kleisli (fmap g . h . f)

instance Functor f => Strong (Kleisli f) where
  _2 (Kleisli h) = Kleisli $ \(x,y) -> (,) x <$> (h y)

instance Phantom f => OutPhantom (Kleisli f) where
  ocoerce (Kleisli h) = Kleisli $ coerce . h

instance Applicative f => Choice (Kleisli f) where
  _Right = wander

instance Applicative f => Wandering (Kleisli f) where
  wander (Kleisli h) = Kleisli (traverse h)

-- instance Identical f => Cartographic (Kleisli f) where
--   map (Kleisli h) = Kleisli $ pure . fmap (runIdentical . h)

newtype SuperStar f a b = SuperStar { runSuperStar :: f a -> b }

instance Functor f => Profunctor (SuperStar f) where
  dimap f g (SuperStar h) = SuperStar (g . h . fmap f)

instance Phantom f => Choice (SuperStar f) where
  _Left (SuperStar h) = SuperStar $ Left . h . coerce
  _Right (SuperStar h) = SuperStar $ Right . h . coerce

instance Phantom f => InPhantom (SuperStar f) where
  icoerce (SuperStar h) = SuperStar $ h . coerce

newtype ProIn p f a b = ProIn { proIn :: p (f a) b }

instance (Profunctor p, Functor f) => Profunctor (ProIn p f) where
  dimap f g (ProIn pab) = ProIn $ dimap (fmap f) g pab

instance (Profunctor p, Phantom f) => Choice (ProIn p f) where
  _Right = _RightDefault

instance (Profunctor p, Phantom f) => InPhantom (ProIn p f) where
  icoerce (ProIn pab) = ProIn $ imap coerce pab

newtype ProOut p g a b = ProOut { proOut :: p a (g b) }

instance (Profunctor p, Functor f) => Profunctor (ProOut p f) where
  dimap f g (ProOut pab) = ProOut $ dimap f (fmap g) pab

instance (Profunctor p, Phantom f) => Strong (ProOut p f) where
  _2 = _2Default

instance (Profunctor p, Phantom f) => OutPhantom (ProOut p f) where
  ocoerce (ProOut pab) = ProOut $ omap coerce pab