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No. |
Time |
User |
SHA256 |
-r1 (microlens-contra- |
2023-10-11T19:28:16Z |
AndreasAbel |
Changed tested-with
from ghc ==7.6.3: ghc ==7.8.4: ghc ==7.10.3: ghc ==8.0.2: ghc ==8.2.2: ghc ==8.4.4: ghc ==8.6.5: ghc ==8.8.4: ghc ==8.10.7: ghc ==9.0.2: ghc ==9.2.5: ghc ==9.4.3
to ghc ==9.8.1: ghc ==9.6.3: ghc ==9.4.7: ghc ==9.2.8: ghc ==9.0.2: ghc ==8.10.7: ghc ==8.8.4: ghc ==8.6.5: ghc ==8.4.4: ghc ==8.2.2: ghc ==8.0.2: ghc ==7.10.3 Changed homepage
to Changed bug-reports
to Changed source-repository
from source-repository head
type: git
location: git://
to source-repository head
type: git
Changed description
from This package provides @Fold@ and @Getter@ that are fully compatible with lens; the downside is that this package depends on contravariant, which in its turn depends on a lot of other packages (but still less than lens).
The difference between @Fold@ and @SimpleFold@ is that you can use e.g. @takingWhile@\/@droppingWhile@ and @backwards@ on the former but not on the latter. Most functions from lens that work with @Fold@ would work with @SimpleFold@ as well, though.
Starting from GHC 8.6, this package doesn't depend on contravariant anymore.
This package is a part of the < microlens> family; see the readme < on Github>.
to This package provides @Fold@ and @Getter@ that are fully compatible with lens; the downside is that this package depends on contravariant, which in its turn depends on a lot of other packages (but still less than lens).
The difference between @Fold@ and @SimpleFold@ is that you can use e.g. @takingWhile@\/@droppingWhile@ and @backwards@ on the former but not on the latter. Most functions from lens that work with @Fold@ would work with @SimpleFold@ as well, though.
Starting from GHC 8.6, this package doesn't depend on contravariant anymore.
This package is a part of the < microlens> family; see the readme < on Github>.
-r0 (microlens-contra- |
2022-12-14T05:19:46Z |
stevenfontanella |