ALSA events may contain values
for channel, pitch, velocity, controller, program that are out of bound.
In this case our conversions yield an error.
module Sound.MIDI.ALSA where

import qualified Sound.MIDI.Message.Channel as ChannelMsg
import qualified Sound.MIDI.Message.Channel.Voice as VoiceMsg
import qualified Sound.MIDI.Message.Channel.Mode as Mode

import Sound.MIDI.Message.Channel (Channel, )
import Sound.MIDI.Message.Channel.Voice (Velocity, Pitch, Controller, Program, )

import qualified Sound.ALSA.Sequencer.Event as Event

import qualified Data.Accessor.Basic as Acc
import Data.Accessor.Basic ((^.), )
import Data.Tuple.HT (mapPair, )

-- * value conversions

toChannel :: Event.Channel -> Channel
toChannel  =  ChannelMsg.toChannel . fromIntegral . Event.unChannel

fromChannel :: Channel -> Event.Channel
fromChannel  =  Event.Channel . fromIntegral . ChannelMsg.fromChannel

toPitch :: Event.Pitch -> Pitch
toPitch  =  ChannelMsg.toPitch . fromIntegral . Event.unPitch

fromPitch :: Pitch -> Event.Pitch
fromPitch  =  Event.Pitch . fromIntegral . ChannelMsg.fromPitch

toVelocity :: Event.Velocity -> Velocity
toVelocity  =  ChannelMsg.toVelocity . fromIntegral . Event.unVelocity

fromVelocity :: Velocity -> Event.Velocity
fromVelocity  =  Event.Velocity . fromIntegral . ChannelMsg.fromVelocity

{- |
Return a 'NoteOff' if input is a 'NoteOn' with velocity zero.
This is a trick of the MIDI standard
in order to allow compression of a series of note events.
After normalization you can safely match on 'NoteOn' and 'NoteOff'.
normalizeNote :: (Event.NoteEv, Velocity) -> (Event.NoteEv, Velocity)
normalizeNote nv@(notePart,velocity) =
   case notePart of
      Event.NoteOn ->
         if velocity == VoiceMsg.toVelocity 0
           then (Event.NoteOff, VoiceMsg.normalVelocity)
           else (Event.NoteOn, velocity)
      _ -> nv

normalNoteFromEvent :: Event.NoteEv -> Event.Note -> (Event.NoteEv, Velocity)
normalNoteFromEvent notePart note =
   normalizeNote (notePart, note ^. noteVelocity)

{- |
Controllers from @0x78@ to @0x7F@ are special,
you must assert that the controller number is in the range @0@ to @0x77@.
toController :: Event.Parameter -> Controller
toController  =  ChannelMsg.toController . fromIntegral . Event.unParameter

fromController :: Controller -> Event.Parameter
fromController  =  Event.Parameter . fromIntegral . ChannelMsg.fromController

toProgram :: Event.Value -> Program
toProgram  =  ChannelMsg.toProgram . fromIntegral . Event.unValue

fromProgram :: Program -> Event.Value
fromProgram  =  Event.Value . fromIntegral . ChannelMsg.fromProgram

-- * construction of event data records

noteEvent ::
   Channel -> Pitch -> Velocity -> Velocity -> Int ->
noteEvent chan pitch velOn velOff dur =
      (fromChannel chan)
      (fromPitch pitch)
      (fromVelocity velOn)
      (fromVelocity velOff)
      (Event.Duration $ fromIntegral dur)

controllerEvent ::
   Channel -> Controller -> Int ->
controllerEvent chan ctrl value =
      (fromChannel chan)
      (fromController ctrl)
      (Event.Value $ fromIntegral value)

programChangeEvent ::
   Channel -> Program ->
programChangeEvent chan pgm =
      (fromChannel chan)
      (Event.Parameter 0)
      (fromProgram pgm)

modeEvent ::
   Channel -> Mode.T ->
modeEvent chan m =
   case Mode.toControllerValue m of
      (param,value) ->
            (fromChannel chan)
            (Event.Parameter $ fromIntegral param)
            (Event.Value value)

-- * accessors to event data fields

noteChannel :: Acc.T Event.Note Channel
noteChannel =
      (\c note -> note{Event.noteChannel = fromChannel c})
      (toChannel . Event.noteChannel)

notePitch :: Acc.T Event.Note Pitch
notePitch =
      (\p note -> note{Event.noteNote = fromPitch p})
      (toPitch . Event.noteNote)

{- |
This may not yield what you expect.
See 'normalizeNote'.
noteVelocity :: Acc.T Event.Note Velocity
noteVelocity =
      (\v note -> note{Event.noteVelocity = fromVelocity v})
      (toVelocity . Event.noteVelocity)

ctrlChannel :: Acc.T Event.Ctrl Channel
ctrlChannel =
      (\c ctrl -> ctrl{Event.ctrlChannel = fromChannel c})
      (toChannel . Event.ctrlChannel)

{- |
This is undefined, if the controller is no regular controller
but a channel mode message.
Better use 'ctrlControllerMode'.
ctrlController :: Acc.T Event.Ctrl Controller
ctrlController =
      (\c ctrl -> ctrl{Event.ctrlParam = fromController c})
      (toController . Event.ctrlParam)

data ControllerMode =
     Controller Controller Int
   | Mode Mode.T
   deriving (Show, Eq)

ctrlControllerMode :: Acc.T Event.Ctrl ControllerMode
ctrlControllerMode =
      (\cm ctrl ->
         let (p,v) =
                case cm of
                   Controller c x ->
                      (fromController c, fromIntegral x)
                   Mode m ->
                      mapPair (Event.Parameter, fromIntegral) $
                      Mode.toControllerValue m
         in  ctrl{Event.ctrlParam = p,
                  Event.ctrlValue = Event.Value v})
      (\ctrl ->
         let c = Event.ctrlParam ctrl
         in  if c < Event.Parameter 0x78
               then Controller (ctrl ^. ctrlController) (ctrl ^. ctrlValue)
               else Mode $ snd $ Mode.fromControllerValue
                       (Event.unParameter $ Event.ctrlParam ctrl,
                        fromIntegral $ Event.unValue $ Event.ctrlValue ctrl))

ctrlValue :: Acc.T Event.Ctrl Int
ctrlValue =
      (\x ctrl -> ctrl{Event.ctrlValue = Event.Value $ fromIntegral x})
      (fromIntegral . Event.unValue . Event.ctrlValue)

ctrlProgram :: Acc.T Event.Ctrl Program
ctrlProgram =
      (\p ctrl -> ctrl{Event.ctrlValue = fromProgram p})
      (toProgram . Event.ctrlValue)