module Configuration where import qualified Sound.ALSA.Sequencer.Event as Event import qualified Options.Applicative as OP import qualified Control.Functor.HT as FuncHT import Control.Applicative (liftA2, liftA3) import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Bool.HT (if') import Data.Monoid ((<>)) data T = Cons { rows, columns :: Int, texts :: [[String]], pitches :: [Event.Pitch] } create :: [[String]] -> [Event.Pitch] -> T create ts ps = Cons { rows = length ts, columns = maximum (map length ts), texts = ts, pitches = ps } board4x4, board4x4sg, board4x6sg, board6x6sg :: T board4x4 = create (FuncHT.outerProduct (\r c -> [r,c]) ['A'..'D'] ['0'..'3']) (map (Event.Pitch . (60+)) [0,2,4,5,7,9,11,12]) board4x4sg = create (map (map (:[])) ["SPR*", "*ACH", "GIT*", "*TER"]) (map (Event.Pitch . (60+)) [0,2,4,5,7,9,11,12]) board4x6sg = create (map (map (:[])) $ concat $ replicate 2 ["SPRACH", "GITTER"]) (map (Event.Pitch . (60+)) [0..11]) board6x6sg = create (map (map (:[])) $ concat $ replicate 3 ["SPRACH", "GITTER"]) (map (Event.Pitch . (60+)) [0..17]) parseSize :: String -> Either String (Int,Int) parseSize str = let parser str0 = do (width, 'x':str1) <- reads str0 (height, "") <- reads str1 return (width,height) in case parser str of [(width,height)] -> if' (width<0) (Left "Negative width") $ if' (height<0) (Left "Negative height") $ if' (width>10) (Left "Width larger than 10") $ if' (height>10) (Left "Height larger than 10") $ if' (mod (width*height) 2 /= 0) (Left "Board needs an even number of fields") $ Right (fromInteger width, fromInteger height) _ -> Left "MIDI pitch must be a number" optionBoardSize :: OP.Parser (Int,Int) optionBoardSize = OP.option (OP.eitherReader parseSize) $ OP.long "board-size" <> OP.metavar "WIDTHxHEIGHT" <> OP.value (4,4) <> "Board geometry (default: 4x4)" majorScale, minorScale, chromaticScale :: [Int] majorScale = [0,2,4,5,7,9,11] minorScale = [0,2,3,5,7,8,10] chromaticScale = [0..11] scales :: Map String [Int] scales = Map.fromList $ ("major", majorScale) : ("minor", minorScale) : ("chromatic", chromaticScale) : [] parseScale :: String -> Either String [Int] parseScale str = case Map.lookup str scales of Just scale -> Right scale Nothing -> Left $ "Scale must be one of: " ++ List.intercalate ", " (Map.keys scales) optionScale :: OP.Parser [Int] optionScale = OP.option (OP.eitherReader parseScale) (OP.long "musical-scale" <> OP.metavar "NAME" <> OP.value [] <> "Musical scale for notes") parsePitch :: String -> Either String Event.Pitch parsePitch str = case reads str of [(pitch, "")] -> if' (pitch<0) (Left "Negative MIDI pitch") $ if' (pitch>=128) (Left "MIDI pitch larger than 127") $ Right $ Event.Pitch $ fromInteger pitch _ -> Left "MIDI pitch must be a number" optionZerokey :: OP.Parser Event.Pitch optionZerokey = OP.option (OP.eitherReader parsePitch) (OP.long "zerokey" <> OP.metavar "INT" <> OP.value (Event.Pitch 60) <> "MIDI pitch for the lowest note (default: 60)") option :: OP.Parser (Either String T) option = liftA3 (\(w,h) scalePlain zeroKey -> let numTones = div (w*h) 2 zk = Event.unPitch zeroKey in if' (fromIntegral zk + numTones >= 128) (Left "Highest pitch outside MIDI scale") $ Right $ create (FuncHT.outerProduct (\r c -> [r,c]) (take h ['A'..]) (take w ['0'..])) (let scale = if null scalePlain then if numTones>8 then chromaticScale else majorScale else scalePlain in map (Event.Pitch . (zk +) . fromIntegral) $ take numTones $ liftA2 (+) [0,12..] scale)) optionBoardSize optionScale optionZerokey