module Option where import qualified Configuration as Config import qualified Sound.ALSA.Sequencer.Event as Event import qualified System.Exit as Exit import qualified System.IO as IO import qualified Options.Applicative as OP import qualified Control.Functor.HT as FuncHT import Control.Applicative ((<*>), ) import Data.Bool.HT (if') import Data.Monoid ((<>)) exitFailureMsg :: String -> IO a exitFailureMsg msg = do IO.hPutStrLn IO.stderr msg Exit.exitFailure parseChannel :: String -> Either String Event.Channel parseChannel str = case reads str of [(ch, "")] -> if' (ch<0) (Left "negative MIDI channel") $ if' (ch>=16) (Left "MIDI channel larger than 15") $ Right $ Event.Channel $ fromInteger ch _ -> Left "MIDI channel must be a number" parseArgs :: OP.Parser (Either String Config.T, ([String], Event.Channel)) parseArgs = OP.liftA2 (,) Config.option $ OP.liftA2 (,) (OP.many $ OP.strOption $ OP.short 'p' <> OP.long "connect-to" <> OP.metavar "ADDRESS" <> "Connect with synthesizer at startup") (OP.option (OP.eitherReader parseChannel) $ OP.long "midi-channel" <> OP.value (Event.Channel 0) <> OP.metavar "CHANNEL" <> "Send on a certain MIDI channel (default: 0)") info :: String -> OP.Parser a -> OP.ParserInfo a info desc parser = (OP.helper <*> parser) (OP.fullDesc <> OP.progDesc desc) multiArgs :: String -> IO (Config.T, ([String], Event.Channel)) multiArgs desc = do FuncHT.mapFst (either exitFailureMsg return) =<< OP.execParser (info desc parseArgs)