module Program.Mighty.Resource (
  , setGroupUser
  , unlimit
  ) where

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 709
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import System.Posix


-- | Checking if this process has the root privilege.
amIrootUser :: IO Bool
amIrootUser = (== 0) <$> getRealUserID


-- | Setting user and group.
setGroupUser :: String -- ^ User
             -> String -- ^ Group
             -> IO ()
setGroupUser user group = do
    root <- amIrootUser
    when root $ do
        getGroupEntryForName group >>= setGroupID . groupID
        getUserEntryForName user >>= setUserID . userID


-- | Set the limit of open files.
unlimit :: Integer -> IO ()
unlimit limit = handle (\(SomeException _) -> return ()) $ do
    hard <- hardLimit <$> getResourceLimit ResourceOpenFiles
    let lim = if hard == ResourceLimitInfinity then
                  ResourceLimits (ResourceLimit limit) hard
                  ResourceLimits hard hard
    setResourceLimit ResourceOpenFiles lim