Name: mines Version: 0.1 Cabal-Version: >= 1.2 License: OtherLicense License-File: LICENSE Author: Antti Salonen Maintainer: Copyright: Antti Salonen 2008 Stability: Experimental Homepage: Category: Game, AI Synopsis: Minesweeper simulation using neural networks Description: A simulation of AI controlled minesweepers using neural networks and genetic algorithms. The minesweepers learn to sweep mines themselves and their movements are recorded in an SVG file. Build-Type: Simple Data-Files: README, examples/samplerun.txt examples/gen200.svg, examples/gen400.svg, examples/gen600.svg extra-source-files: src/NN.hs, src/GA.hs, src/Vectors.hs, src/SVG.hs Executable mines Build-Depends: base, random>=, mtl>=, directory>= Main-is: Mines.hs Hs-Source-Dirs: src Include-dirs: . Ghc-options: -Wall