-- Minio Haskell SDK, (C) 2017 Minio, Inc.
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
--     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- limitations under the License.

module Network.Minio.API
  , RequestInfo(..)
  , runMinio
  , executeRequest
  , mkStreamRequest
  , getLocation

  , isValidBucketName
  , checkBucketNameValidity
  , isValidObjectName
  , checkObjectNameValidity
  ) where

import qualified Data.Conduit as C
import           Data.Conduit.Binary (sourceHandleRange)
import           Data.Default (def)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Char as C
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import           Network.HTTP.Conduit (Response)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Conduit as NC
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HT

import           Lib.Prelude

import           Network.Minio.Data
import           Network.Minio.Data.Crypto
import           Network.Minio.Errors
import           Network.Minio.Sign.V4
import           Network.Minio.Utils
import           Network.Minio.XmlParser

sha256Header :: ByteString -> HT.Header
sha256Header = ("x-amz-content-sha256", )

getPayloadSHA256Hash :: (MonadIO m) => Payload -> m ByteString
getPayloadSHA256Hash (PayloadBS bs) = return $ hashSHA256 bs
getPayloadSHA256Hash (PayloadH h off size) = hashSHA256FromSource $
  sourceHandleRange h
    (return . fromIntegral $ off)
    (return . fromIntegral $ size)

getRequestBody :: Payload -> NC.RequestBody
getRequestBody (PayloadBS bs) = NC.RequestBodyBS bs
getRequestBody (PayloadH h off size) =
  NC.requestBodySource (fromIntegral size) $
    sourceHandleRange h
      (return . fromIntegral $ off)
      (return . fromIntegral $ size)

-- | Fetch bucket location (region)
getLocation :: Bucket -> Minio Region
getLocation bucket = do
  resp <- executeRequest $ def {
      riBucket = Just bucket
    , riQueryParams = [("location", Nothing)]
    , riNeedsLocation = False
  parseLocation $ NC.responseBody resp

-- | Looks for region in RegionMap and updates it using getLocation if
-- absent.
discoverRegion :: RequestInfo -> Minio (Maybe Region)
discoverRegion ri = runMaybeT $ do
  bucket <- MaybeT $ return $ riBucket ri
  regionMay <- gets (Map.lookup bucket)
  maybe (do
            l <- lift $ getLocation bucket
            modify $ Map.insert bucket l
            return l
        ) return regionMay

buildRequest :: RequestInfo -> Minio NC.Request
buildRequest ri = do
  maybe (return ()) checkBucketNameValidity $ riBucket ri
  maybe (return ()) checkObjectNameValidity $ riObject ri

  ci <- asks mcConnInfo

               -- getService/makeBucket/getLocation -- don't need
               -- location
  region <- if | not $ riNeedsLocation ri ->
                   return $ Just $ connectRegion ci

               -- if autodiscovery of location is disabled by user
               | not $ connectAutoDiscoverRegion ci ->
                   return $ Just $ connectRegion ci

               -- discover the region for the request
               | otherwise -> discoverRegion ri

  regionHost <- case region of
    Nothing ->  return $ connectHost ci
    Just r -> if "amazonaws.com" `T.isSuffixOf` connectHost ci
              then maybe
                   (throwM $ MErrVRegionNotSupported r)
                   (Map.lookup r awsRegionMap)
              else return $ connectHost ci

  sha256Hash <- getPayloadSHA256Hash (riPayload ri)
  let newRi = ri { riPayloadHash = sha256Hash
                 , riHeaders = sha256Header sha256Hash : riHeaders ri
                 , riRegion = region
      newCi = ci { connectHost = regionHost }

  reqHeaders <- liftIO $ signV4 newCi newRi

  return NC.defaultRequest {
      NC.method = riMethod newRi
    , NC.secure = connectIsSecure newCi
    , NC.host = encodeUtf8 $ connectHost newCi
    , NC.port = connectPort newCi
    , NC.path = getPathFromRI newRi
    , NC.queryString = HT.renderQuery False $ riQueryParams newRi
    , NC.requestHeaders = reqHeaders
    , NC.requestBody = getRequestBody (riPayload newRi)

executeRequest :: RequestInfo -> Minio (Response LByteString)
executeRequest ri = do
  req <- buildRequest ri
  mgr <- asks mcConnManager
  httpLbs req mgr

mkStreamRequest :: RequestInfo
                -> Minio (Response (C.ResumableSource Minio ByteString))
mkStreamRequest ri = do
  req <- buildRequest ri
  mgr <- asks mcConnManager
  http req mgr

-- Bucket name validity check according to AWS rules.
isValidBucketName :: Bucket -> Bool
isValidBucketName bucket =
  not (or [ len < 3 || len > 63
          , or (map labelCheck labels)
          , or (map labelCharsCheck labels)
          , isIPCheck
    len = T.length bucket
    labels = T.splitOn "." bucket

    -- does label `l` fail basic checks of length and start/end?
    labelCheck l = T.length l == 0 || T.head l == '-' || T.last l == '-'

    -- does label `l` have non-allowed characters?
    labelCharsCheck l = isJust $ T.find (\x -> not (C.isAsciiLower x ||
                                                    x == '-' ||
                                                    C.isDigit x)) l

    -- does label `l` have non-digit characters?
    labelNonDigits l = isJust $ T.find (not . C.isDigit) l
    labelAsNums = map (not . labelNonDigits) labels

    -- check if bucket name looks like an IP
    isIPCheck = and labelAsNums && length labelAsNums == 4

-- Throws exception iff bucket name is invalid according to AWS rules.
checkBucketNameValidity :: MonadThrow m => Bucket -> m ()
checkBucketNameValidity bucket =
  when (not $ isValidBucketName bucket) $
  throwM $ MErrVInvalidBucketName bucket

isValidObjectName :: Object -> Bool
isValidObjectName object =
  T.length object > 0 && B.length (encodeUtf8 object) <= 1024

checkObjectNameValidity :: MonadThrow m => Object -> m ()
checkObjectNameValidity object =
  when (not $ isValidObjectName object) $
  throwM $ MErrVInvalidObjectName object