{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Options where import System.Console.GetOpt import Data.Accessor import Data.Accessor.Tuple import Data.Accessor.Template import Text.Printf import Safe ( readDef ) data CopyMode = Move | Copy deriving (Read,Show,Eq,Ord) data RunOptions = RunOptions { filePattern_ :: String -- ^ output file pattern , copyMode_ :: CopyMode -- ^ should we move or copy files? , minimumFiles_ :: Int -- ^ minimum # of files , maximumFiles_ :: Int -- ^ maximum # of files , maximumAge_ :: Int -- ^ oldest age allowed (in seconds) , dryRun_ :: Bool -- ^ should we really commit our operations? , externalMove_ :: Bool -- ^ use 'mv' command instead of renameFile , externalCopy_ :: Bool -- ^ use 'cp' command instead of copyFile } deriving (Read,Show,Eq,Ord) data EnvOptions = EnvOptions { showHelp_ :: Bool -- ^ show help , showVers_ :: Bool -- ^ show version on run , showDefs_ :: Bool -- ^ show program defaults , continue_ :: Bool -- ^ set to False if either showVers or showHelp is True. if True program will not be run. -- NOT IMPLEMENTED YET: , logger_ :: String , verbose_ :: Bool } deriving (Read,Show,Eq,Ord) class Default a where def :: a instance Default RunOptions where def = RunOptions { filePattern_ = "{basename}-{modtime %d-%m-%Y-%H_%M_%S}{ext}" -- ext includes leading '.' , copyMode_ = Copy , minimumFiles_ = 3 , maximumFiles_ = 20 -- set maximum age to 3 months , maximumAge_ = 3600 {- hour -} * 24 {- day -} * 30 {- month -} * 3 , dryRun_ = False , externalMove_ = False , externalCopy_ = False } instance Default EnvOptions where def = EnvOptions { showHelp_ = False , showVers_ = False , showDefs_ = False , continue_ = True , logger_ = "" , verbose_ = False } type Options = (EnvOptions,RunOptions) type ErrorString = String $( deriveAccessors ''RunOptions ) $( deriveAccessors ''EnvOptions ) -- | strict function composition f .! g = \x -> f $! g x readErr errmsg str = readDef (error (printf "%s (input: %s)" errmsg str)) str options :: [OptDescr (Options -> Options)] options = [ Option ['h','?'] ["help"] (NoArg ((first .> continue ^= False) . (first .> showHelp ^= True))) "show help" , Option ['V'] ["version"] (NoArg ((first .> continue ^= False) . (first .> showVers ^= True))) "show version" , Option [] ["show-defaults"] (NoArg ((first .> continue ^= False) . (first .> showDefs ^= True))) "show program defaults" , Option ['p'] ["pattern"] (ReqArg (second .> filePattern ^=) "PATTERN") "pattern for final files" , Option ['m'] ["move"] (NoArg (second .> copyMode ^= Move)) "set copy mode to 'move'" , Option ['c'] ["copy"] (NoArg (second .> copyMode ^= Copy)) "set copy mode to 'copy'" , Option [] ["min-files"] (ReqArg ((second .> minimumFiles ^=) .! (readErr "--min-files: bad format")) "NUM") "minimum number of files to keep" , Option [] ["max-files"] (ReqArg ((second .> maximumFiles ^=) .! (readErr "--max-files: bad format")) "NUM") "maximum number of files to keep" , Option [] ["max-age"] (ReqArg ((second .> maximumAge ^=) .! (readErr "--max-age: bad format")) "NUMSEC") "maximum age of files to keep" , Option [] ["dry-run"] (NoArg (second .> dryRun ^= True)) "don't remove or copy any files" , Option [] ["external-move"] (NoArg (second .> externalMove ^= True)) "use external move impelmentation ('mv' command) instead of System.Directory.renameFile" , Option [] ["external-copy"] (NoArg (second .> externalCopy ^= True)) "use external move impelmentation ('cp' command) instead of System.Directory.copyFile" -- TODO: logger, verbose ] usage = usageInfo header options where header = "Usage: minirotate [OPTIONS] SOURCE [SOURCE..] DESTINATION" parseOptions :: [String] -> Either ErrorString ([FilePath],Options) parseOptions args = case getOpt Permute options args of (o,places,[]) -> Right $ (places, foldl (flip id) (def,def) o) (_,_,err) -> let errs = if not (null err) then "Bad options: \n" ++ concat err ++ "\n" else "" in Left $ errs ++ usage