mios-1.3.0: A Minisat-based SAT solver in Haskell

Safe HaskellTrustworthy




Minisat-based Implementation and Optimization Study on SAT solver


Interface to the core of solver

versionId :: String Source #

version name

runSolver :: Traversable t => MiosConfiguration -> CNFDescription -> t [Int] -> IO (Either [Int] [Int]) Source #

new top-level interface that returns

  • conflicting literal set :: Left [Int]
  • satisfiable assignment :: Right [Int]

solveSAT :: Traversable m => CNFDescription -> m [Int] -> IO [Int] Source #

the easiest interface for Haskell programs This returns the result ::[[Int]] for a given (CNFDescription, [[Int]]) The first argument target can be build by Just target <- cnfFromFile targetfile. The second part of the first argument is a list of vector, which 0th element is the number of its real elements

solveSATWithConfiguration :: Traversable m => MiosConfiguration -> CNFDescription -> m [Int] -> IO [Int] Source #

solves the problem (2rd arg) under the configuration (1st arg) and returns an assignment as list of literals :: Int

solve :: Foldable t => Solver -> t Lit -> IO Bool Source #

Fig. 16. (p.20) Main solve method.

Pre-condition: If assumptions are used, simplifyDB must be called right before using this method. If not, a top-level conflict (resulting in a non-usable internal state) cannot be distinguished from a conflict under assumptions.

getModel :: Solver -> IO [Int] Source #

return the model as a list of literal

Assignment Validator

validateAssignment :: (Traversable m, Traversable n) => CNFDescription -> m [Int] -> n Int -> IO Bool Source #

returns True if a given assignment (2nd arg) satisfies the problem (1st arg) if you want to check the answer which a slover returned, run solver validate answer, where validate :: Traversable t => Solver -> t Lit -> IO Bool

validate :: Traversable t => Solver -> t Int -> IO Bool Source #

validates the assignment even if the implementation of Solver is wrong; we re-implement some functions here.

For standalone programs

executeSolverOn :: FilePath -> IO () Source #

executes a solver on the given CNF file This is the simplest entry to standalone programs; not for Haskell programs

executeSolver :: MiosProgramOption -> IO () Source #

executes a solver on the given 'arg :: MiosConfiguration' | This is another entry point for standalone programs.

executeValidatorOn :: FilePath -> IO () Source #

validates a given assignment from STDIN for the CNF file (2nd arg) this is the entry point for standalone programs

executeValidator :: MiosProgramOption -> IO () Source #

validates a given assignment for the problem (2nd arg) this is another entry point for standalone programs; see app/mios.hs

File IO

dumpAssigmentAsCNF :: FilePath -> Bool -> [Int] -> IO () Source #

dumps an assigment to file. 2nd arg is

  • True if the assigment is satisfiable assigment
  • False if not
>>> do y <- solve s ... ; dumpAssigmentAsCNF "result.cnf" y <$> model s