(1) If it doesn't smell like chili, it probably isn't. (2) If you catch an exploding manhole cover, you can keep it. (3) Cabs driving on the sidewalk are not permitted to pick up passengers. (4) It's bad manners to lie down inside someone else's chalk body outline. (5) Don't lick food from a stranger's beard. (6) Avoid paperwork for your next of kin by keeping dental records on you. (7) Jon Gotti Always has the right of way. (8) Yelling at cab drivers in English wastes your time and theirs. (9) Remember: Regular hot dogs do not have fingernails. (10) The city does not employ so called "Wallet Inspectors". -- David Letterman, "Top Ten New York City Pedestrian Tips" % A 6'8", 280-pound Southerner walked into a NY bar, sat down next to a patron, and said, "Ah'm big, and ah'm bad, and I *loves* to fuck Northern women!" The guy was so terrified that he put down his beer and ran out of the bar. The Rebel moved over to the next guy and said, "Ah'm big and ah'm bad and I *loves* to fuck New York women." The guy took one look at him, blanched and ran out of the bar. The man then went over to a short little guy with "Bronx" written all over him. "Ah'm big and ah'm bad and I *loves* to fuck your sister." The short guy looked him up and down and said, "I don't blame you one bit. She's *got* to be an improvement on yours." % A fisherman from Maine went to Alabama on his vacation. He rented a boat, rowed out to the middle of the lake, and cast his line, but when he looked down into the water he was horrified to see a man wrapped in chains lying on the bottom of the lake. He quickly rowed to shore and ran to the police station. "Sheriff, sheriff," he gasped, there's a guy wrapped in chains, drowned in the lake!" "Now ain't that jest like a Yankee," drawled the sheriff, "to steal more chain than he can swim with?" % A gourmet restaurant in Cincinnati is one where you leave the tray on the table after you eat. % A lanky Texan was mad because Texas had just become the second largest state in the Union, so he made up his mind to move to Alaska. He drove for three days and three nights to get there and finally he came to what looked like the state line. He halted his car and walked up to the border guard. "Hi, there! How do I become a resident of this here biggest state?" demanded the Texan. The guard looked him up and down and grinned. "Waal," he answered, there are three things you gotta do to get in. First, drink down a quart of 110 proof corn liquor without blinkin'. Second, kill a grizzly bear, and third, make love to an Eskimo woman." "Sounds easy enough," said the Texan. "Where can I get a quart of this here corn liquor?" "Got one right here," replied the guard. The Texan gulped down the whiskey without batting an eyelash. "Now, do you happen to know where I can find me a grizzly?" "Yep," answered the guard, "there's a big b'ar over that way, 'bout a mile... lives in a cave on that cliff." The Texan lurched merrily off. About an hour later he returned with his clothes almost torn off and his face scratched and bloody. He was smiling happily. "Now," he roared, "where's that damn Eskimo woman you want killed?" % A little Mexican boy comes home from school one day and says to his grand- father, "Granddaddy, today my teacher said that Pancho Villa, the bandit used to raid towns around here! Did you ever know him?" "Do *I* know Pancho Villa?" exclaims the man. "Why, boy, before your father was born, I was riding into town on my horse. Suddenly, from behind the bushes leaped Pancho with his six-guns drawn! He told me to get down off the horse and to give him all my money. Then, he told me to scoop some manure from the ground and eat it!" "I refused at first, but Pancho had the guns, so I ate the shit. And he started laughing so hard that it scared his horse into rearing up -- I grabbed the guns from his hands! I said to Pancho, `Okay, Pancho, now it's your turn -- you eat the shit!' I had the guns, so he ate the shit. "And you ask me, child, if I know Pancho Villa, the bandit! Why, we had *lunch* together!" % A man enters a pet shop, seeking to purchase a parrot. He points to a fine colorful bird and asks how much it costs. When he is told it costs 70,000 zlotys, he whistles in amazement and asks why it is so much. "Well, the bird is fluent in Italian and French and can recite the periodic table." He points to another bird and is told that it costs 90,000 zlotys because it speaks French and German, can knit and can curse in Latin. Finally the customer asks about a drab gray bird. "Ah," he is told, "that one is 150,000." "Why, what can it do?" he asks. "Well," says the shopkeeper, "to tell you the truth, he doesn't do anything, but the other birds call him Mr. Secretary." -- being told in Poland, 1987 % A man goes into a bar and begins to tell a Polish joke. The man sitting next to him, a big hulking powerhouse, turns and says menacingly, "*I'm* Polish." He then calls out, "Ivan! Come over here and bring your brother." Two men, bigger than the first, appear from the back room. "Josef!" the man calls out, "come here a second, and bring Lendl with you." Two more men appear, and all five men crowd around the man with the joke. "Now," says the first Polish man, "do you want to finish that joke?" "Nah," says the man. "Oh, no? And why not? I'm sure it was very funny," says the Polish man, opening and closing his fist. "Are you scared?" "No," replies the man. "I just don't feel like having to explain it five times." % A man goes to a tailor to try on a new custom-made suit. The first thing he notices is that the arms are too long. "No problem," says the tailor. "Just bend them at the elbow and hold them out in front of you. See, now it's fine." "But the collar is up around my ears!" "It's nothing. Just hunch your back up a little ... no, a little more ... that's it." "But I'm stepping on my cuffs!" the man cries in desperation. "Nu, bend you knees a little to take up the slack. There you go. Look in the mirror -- the suit fits perfectly." So, twisted like a pretzel, the man lurches out onto the street. Reba and Florence see him go by. "Oh, look," says Reba, "that poor man!" "Yes," says Florence, "but what a beautiful suit." -- Arthur Naiman, "Every Goy's Guide to Yiddish" % A man is walking down the street when he sees a man with four arms, and antennae coming out of his head. He goes up to him and says, "You're not from around here, are you?" "No," replies the man with the antennae. "You know," continues the man, "I don't think you're an American, either. In fact, I bet you don't even come from this planet!" "Right again," says the man with four arms. "I'm from Mars." "Well," says the man, "that's quite some configuration you've got there, with those four arms and those antennae and everything." "We Martians all have four arms and antennae." "Well, that's just amazing," replies the man, "and how about that big gold colored plate in the middle of your chest, what's that, do all Martians have that?" "Well, no," says the Martian. "Not the *goyim*." % A Mexican and a Texan worked together for a construction firm, and, while they were good friends, they had a friendly rivalry over whose wife was the better cook. One weekend, as the Texan's wife was out of town, the Mexican invited the Texan to have supper with his family. The Texan accepted, and that evening sat down to some the best stew that he had ever eaten. "Damn! That stew is fantastic!" he exclaimed to his host. "What kind of meat is it?" "Rabbeet stew," replied the Mexican. "Rabbit?" replied the Texan. "There aren't any rabbits around here." "Si, my freend, the rabbeets make the beeg noise, and I shoot theem." "Rabbits don't make any noise..." "Si, my freend, they say meeyow, meeyow!" % A New Yorker is riding down the road in his new Mercedes. So intent is he on the cocaine in his hand he completely misses a turn and his car plunges over the five-hundred-foot cliff to be smashed into pieces at the bottom. As the on-lookers rush to the edge of the cliff they see him fifty feet from the top of the cliff clinging to a stunted bush with all his strength. "Dear Lord," he prays, "I never asked you for nothin' before, but I'm askin' you now: Save me, Lord, save me." Booms the Lord: "LET GO OF THE BRANCH." "But Lord, if I do that, I'll fall!" "TRUST ME, LET GO OF THE BRANCH." "But Lord, I'm gonna fall and die..." "TRUST ME TO SAVE YOU. LET GO OF THE BRANCH." Okay, Lord, I'll trust you, here I... here I go!" And he falls to his death. "DUMB YANKEE." % A Pole, a Soviet, an American, an Englishman and a Canadian were lost in a forest in the dead of winter. As they were sitting around a fire, they noticed a pack of wolves eyeing them hungrily. The Englishman volunteered to sacrifice himself for the rest of the party. He walked out into the night. The American, not wanting to be outdone by an Englishman, offered to be the next victim. The wolves eagerly accepted his offer, and devoured him, too. The Soviet, believing himself to be better than any American, turned to the Pole and says, "Well, comrade, I shall volunteer to give my life to save a fellow socialist." He leaves the shelter and goes out to be killed by the wolf pack. At this point, the Pole opened his jacket and pulls out a machine gun. He takes aim in the general direction of the wolf pack and in a few seconds has killed them all. The Canadian asked the Pole, "Why didn't you do that before the others went out to be killed? The Pole pulls a bottle of vodka from the other side of his jacket. He smiles and replies, "Five men on one bottle -- too many." % A Scotsman clad in a kilt walks up to the counter in an Apothecary. From his pocket he takes a plaid condom that has been heavily used, torn, patched, sewn, and is currently split down one side. He asks the proprieter, "How much to replace this, Ian?" The proprieter says, "Why, Angus, that'l be four pence." Then the Scotsman asks, "How much to repair?" The prop. looks the condom over carefully, and says "Three pence to repair." The Scotsman ponders for a moment, then says, "I'll be back." Later in the day, the Scotsman returns with a smile on his face and says, "Ian, the Regiment has voted to repair!" % A sheriff arrived at the scene of the horrible accident just as his deputy, all alone, was climbing down from the controls of a bulldozer. "Say, Junior, what's goin' on?" asked the sheriff. "A bus full of migrant workers went out of control and over the cliff, and I just finished buryin' 'em," explained the deputy. "Good work, boy," replied the sheriff. "Pretty gory work -- were all of 'em dead?" Junior nodded sadly and said, "Some of them said they weren't, but you know how them Mex'cans lie." % A teacher announces to her class, "Children, the student who can name the greatest man who ever lived will win a shiny red apple." Immediately an Italian boy raises his hand. "Yes, Tony?" "Christopher Columbus!" says Tony. "Well," says the teacher, "Christopher Columbus was a very great man, but I don't think he was the greatest man who ever lived." From the back of the room little Bernie Goldstein raises his hand. "Yes, Bernie?" "Jesus Christ", says Bernie. "That is correct, Bernie," pronounces the teacher. "And here is your apple." When Bernie gets up to the front of the room to claim his prize, the teacher says, "Bernie, given the fact that you're Jewish, I'm surprised that you thought Jesus was the greatest man who ever lived." "Well, actually," replies Bernie, "I do think Moses had the edge, but business is business." % A Texan, impressing the hell out of a Bostonian with tales about the heroes of the Alamo, commented, "I'll bet you never had anyone that brave around *Boston*." "Ever hear of Paul Revere?", snarled the Bostonian. "Paul Revere?", pondered the Texan. "Isn't he the guy who ran for help?" % Although a fifth-generation American, Father Sweeny was more Irish than most of Erin's natives. He spoke with an Irish brogue which had mysteriously appeared during his nineteenth year and he *hated* the English. Due to his proclivity to belabor the British from his pulpit, complaints to his superiors were not infrequent. He would blame anything evil or merely inconvenient on the English people. If there was an act of terrorism, the responsibility was promptly laid at the feet of the Brits. If there was a natural disaster, undoubtedly the English government was an accessory to the fact, if not outrightly culpable. Repeatedly, his superiors called him on the carpet for his behavior. After a particularly vituperative anti-British broadside, the Bishop instructed Father Sweeny to come straight to his office; do not pass GO; do not collect two hundred dollars. Summing up a humiliating and soul-marking reprimand, the Bishop ended with: "Next week is Saint Patrick's Day. If you so much as *mention* the British, it's your last sermon!" The following Sunday, as Father Sweeny spoke lovingly and eloquently of Saint Patrick, and he made a reference to the last Passover celebrated by Christ and His disciples. "Sure, an' you're all familiar with the tale. You know that Our Lord sat at the table and told his disciples that one among them would betray Him. As He looked around the table, He stopped at Peter, the Rock, who said, `Not I, Lord!' He looked at Thomas, who doubted, and Thomas said, `I could never do such a thing!' Then the Lord looked long and hard at Judas Iscariot, who said, `Cor, bloimy, Guv'na, you couldn't main may!'" % America has been discovered before, but it has always been hushed up. -- Oscar Wilde % America is a large, friendly dog in a very small room. Every time it wags its tail, it knocks over a chair. -- Arnold Joseph Toynbee % America is a melting pot. You know, where those on the bottom get burned, and the scum rises to the top. -- Utah Phillips % America, Russia and Japan are sending up a two year shuttle mission with one astronaut from each country. Since it's going to be two long, lonely years up there, each may bring any form of entertainment weighing 150 pounds or less. The American approaches the NASA board and asks to take his 125 lb. wife. They approve. The Japanese astronaut says, "I've always wanted to learn Latin. I want 100 lbs. of textbooks." The NASA board approves. The Russian astronaut thinks for a second and says, "Two years... all right, I want 150 pounds of the best Cuban cigars ever made." Again, NASA okays it. Two years later, the shuttle lands and everyone is gathered outside to welcome back the astronauts. Well, it's obvious what the American's been up to, he and his wife are each holding an infant. The crowd cheers. The Japanese astronaut steps out and makes a 10 minute speech in absolutely perfect Latin. The crowd doesn't understand a word of it, but they're impressed and they cheer again. The Russian astronaut stomps out, clenches the podium until his knuckles turn white, glares at the first row and screams: "Anybody got a match?" % [Americans] are a race of convicts and ought to be thankful for anything we allow them short of hanging. -- Samuel Johnson America is a large friendly dog in a small room. Every time it wags its tail it knocks over a chair. -- Arnold Toynbee The United States is like the guy at the party who gives cocaine to everybody and still nobody likes him. -- Jim Samuels % An Aggie farmer was lifting his hogs, one by one, up to the branches of his apple trees to graze on the apples. A Texas student walked by and asked him, "Doesn't that take a lot of time?" Replied the Aggie, "What's time to a hog?" % An American businessman in London was given special visitor's privileges at an exclusive men's club. Striding in one afternoon, the American approached the only other man in the lounge and tried to strike up a conversation. "Care for a cigar?" he asked. "No, thank you," the Englishman replied. "I tried smoking once and didn't like it." "Would you care to join me in the bar for a drink, then?" the businessman asked. "No, thank you. I tried drinking once and it didn't agree with me." "Well, how about a game of billiards?" "Sorry. I tried it once and couldn't seem to get the hang of it." As the American started to turn away, the Englishman said, "But my son will be here shortly, and I'm sure he would enjoy a game with you." "Your son? An only child, I presume." % An American couple is in Paris, a much awaited trip, when suddenly the wife dies of a heart attack. The husband decides to have her buried there as the visit to France was something they had longed for for many years. All arrangements are made when he suddenly realizes that he doesn't have a black hat for the funeral. The hotel concierge tells him that what he wants is a "chapeau noir." So off he goes to find a store open late. First he meets a gendarme and in his fractured French asks, "M'sieur, ou pouvais-je acheter un capeau noir?" The policeman is a bit surprised but, after thinking a bit, gives our friend directions. The store -- if that is what it is -- looks a little seedy and run down, but the man behind the counter looks friendly so in goes our hero. He speaks first: "M'sieur, je veux acheter un capeau noir." "Mais, monsieur, j'ai des capeaux rouges, des capeaux blancs, et des capeaux marrons, mais pas des capeaux noires. Pourquoi avez vous besoin d'un capeau noir?" "Ma femme est morte." "O Monsieur! Quelle beau sentiment!" % An American tourist went into a restaurant in a Spanish provincial city and asked to be served the specialty of the house. When the dish arrived he asked what kind of meat it contained. "These, senor," explained the waiter in halting English, "are the cojones -- the, what you say, the testicles -- of the bull killed in the ring today. The tourist gulped but tasted the dish and found it delicious. Returning the following evening, he asked for the same dish. When it was served, he commented to the waiter, "But these -- these cojones -- are much smaller than the ones I had yesterday." "True, senor, but the bull -- he does not ALWAYS lose." % An American walks into an Irish pub around lunchtime, and finds the place is completely filled and there are no chairs available, with the exception of one -- seating a Chihuahua next to a woman. He very politely asks her if she would mind placing her dog on the floor for a few minutes while he got a quick bite to eat. "I most certainly would!", the woman haughtily replies. "Little Fifi *always* sits next to me at lunchtime and there she will stay!" Whereupon, the American picks up the Chihuahua, throws it out of an open window and takes the seat. An Irishman, watching the whole encounter, walks over, taps the American on the shoulder and says, "Mate, I guess I never will understand you Americans. You drink your beer cold, drive on the right side of the street, and you just threw the wrong bitch out the window!" % An Englishman, a Frenchman and an American are captured by cannibals. The leader of the tribe comes up to them and says, "Even though you are about to killed, your deaths will not be in vain. Every part of your body will be used. Your flesh will be eaten, for my people are hungry. Your hair will be woven into clothing, for my people are naked. Your bones will be ground up and made into medicine, for my people are sick. Your skin will be stretched over canoe frames, for my people need transportation. We are a fair people, and we offer you a chance to kill yourself with our ceremonial knife." The Englishman accepts the knife and yells, "God Save the Queen", while plunging the knife into his heart. The Frenchman removes the knife from the fallen body, and yells, "Vive la France", while plunging the knife into his heart. The American removes the knife from the fallen body, and yells, while stabbing himself all over his body, "Here's your lousy canoe!" % An Israeli soldier was checking travelers' papers on a road, when a man and a heavily pregnant woman on a donkey came by. "Your names please?" said the the soldier. "My name is Mary," said the woman. "And mine is Joseph," said the man. "Oh," said the soldier, a little taken aback, "And where are you going?" "To Bethlehem." "Your reason for going there?" "To pay our taxes to the government." "Tell me," said the soldier, "are you going to name the baby Jesus?" "Of course not," said the woman, "What do you think we are, Puerto Ricans?" % An old Jewish man reads about Einstein's theory of relativity in the newspaper and asks his scientist grandson to explain it to him. "Well, zayda, it's sort of like this. Einstein says that if you're having your teeth drilled without Novocain, a minute seems like an hour. But if you're sitting with a beautiful woman on your lap, an hour seems like a minute." The old man considers this profound bit of thinking for a moment and says, "And from this he makes a living?" -- Arthur Naiman, "Every Goy's Guide to Yiddish" % As an Englishman, an Aussie and a Scotsman are sitting in a pub, quaffing a few, three flies buzz down from the ceiling and lazily circle each drinker. Suddenly "buzzzzzzzzplooop", each fly does a kamakazi dive into a different glass. The Englishman take a disgusted look at his pint, dips the fly out with a spoon, flicks the fly over his shoulder, and drains the glass. The Aussie notices the fly as he puts the glass to his lips. With a quick puff he blows the bug out in a cloud of foam, and tosses the beer down in one gulp. Then, as they both look on, awestruck, the Scotsman gently grasps the fly by its wings, lifts it out of his brew and shakes it off. Then, in a firm voice he speaks to the fly: "There y'are now laddie, safe and sound. NOW SPIT IT OOOOT!" % "At a recent meeting in Snowmass, Colorado, a participant from Los Angeles fainted from hyperoxygenation, and we had to hold his head under the exhaust of a bus until he revived." % Back in the good ole days in Texas, when stagecoaches and the like was popular, there were three people in a stagecoach one day: a true red- blooded born and bred Texas gentleman, a tenderfoot city-slicker from back East, and a beautiful and well-endowed Texas lady. The city-slicker kept eyeing the lady, and finally he leaned forward and said, "Lady, I'll give you $10 for a blow job." The Texas gentleman looked appalled, pulled out his pistol, and killed the city-slicker on the spot. The lady gasped and said, "Thank you, suh, for defendin' mah honor!" Whereupon the Texan holstered his gun and said, "Your honor, hell! No tenderfoot is gonna come 'round here raisin' the price of women in Texas!" % Bernard was a young eighty-three, not a gomer, and able to talk. He'd been transferred from MBH (Man's Best Hospital), the House's Rival. Founded in Colonial times by the WASPs, the insemination of MBH by non-WASPs had taken place only mid-twentieth century with the token multidextrous Oriental surgeon, and finally, with the token red-hot internal-medicine Jew. Yet, MBH was still Brooks Brothers, while the House was still the Garment District. For Jews at MBH the password was "Dress British, Think Yiddish." It was rare to get a TURF from the MBH to the House, and the Fat Man was curious: "Bernard, you went to the MBH, they did a great work-up, and you told them, after they got done, you wanted to be transferred here. Why?" "I rilly don't know," said Bernard. "Was it the doctors there? The doctors you didn't like?" "The doctus? Nah, the doctus I can't complain." "The test or the room?" "The tests or the room? Vell, nah, about them I can't complain." "The nurses? The food?" asked Fats, but Bernard shook his head no. Fats laughed and said, "Listen , Bernie, you went to the MBH, they did this great workup, and when I asked you why you came to the House of God, all you tell me is, 'Nah, I can't complain.' So why did you come here? Why, Bernie, why?" "Vhy I come heah? Vell, said Bernie, "Heah I can complain." -- House of God % Bingo, gas station, hamburger with a side order of airplane noise, and you'll be Gary, Indiana. -- Jessie, "Greaser's Palace" % Board the windows, up your car insurance, and don't leave any booze in plain sight. It's St. Patrick's day in Chicago again. The legend has it that St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland. In fact, he was arrested for drunk driving. The snakes left because people kept throwing up on them. % California is a fine place to live -- if you happen to be an orange. -- Fred Allen % Californians are a strange people. They'll put every chemical known to God and man up their nostrils and then laugh at you for putting sugar in your coffee. % "Calling J-Man Kink. Calling J-Man Kink. Hash missile sighted, target Los Angeles. Disregard personal feelings about city and intercept." % Calvin: "I wonder where we go when we die." Hobbes: "Pittsburgh?" Calvin: "You mean if we're good or if we're bad?" % Canada is so square even the female impersonators are women. -- From the movie "Outrageous" % Chicago has journalists' bars, ethnic bars, neighborhood bars, even midget bars, hundreds, maybe thousands of bars, on on every neighborhood block. I was drinking on afternoon in O'Rourke's, a bar on the Near North side. It was dark and empty, which suited my mood. A fat, stubble-bearded, middle-aged man waddled in, took the stool next to mine, and ordered a beer. He was completely unremarkable, except that he was dressed, head to toe, in a white-lace wedding gown. After a silence, I said, "Been to a wedding?" He brushed back his veil, rustled his petticoats and said, "Uh... yeah." He silently finished his drink and left. The bartender said, "You know, even the transvestites in this town have five o'clock shadows." % Chicagoan: "So, where're you from?" Hoosier: "What's wrong with Indiana?" % "Cleveland? Yes, I spent a week there one day." % Dallas still lives. God MUST be dead. % France is a country where the money falls apart and you can't tear the toilet paper. -- Billy Wilder % How can you say that the world isn't Jewish, when the sun's real name is Sol? % How should they answer? -- Abigail Van Buren (Dear Abby) in reply to the question "Why do Jews always answer a question with a question?" % I am America's child, a spastic slogging on demented limbs drooling I'll trade my PhD for a telephone voice. -- Burt Lanier Safford III, "An Obscured Radiance" % I grew up in an Italian family, you know, the strange thing about Italians -- they're so Jewish. -- Kay Ballard % I have just enough white in me to make my honesty questionable. -- Will Rogers % I know why the sun never sets on the British Empire -- God wouldn't trust an Englishman in the dark. -- Duncan Spaeth % I married an Italian girl; the way you marry an Italian girl in my family is to bring a New Yorker home first. % I never believed in Santa Claus because I knew no white dude would come into my neighborhood after dark. -- Dick Gregory % I was 15 years old before I found out that "damn yankee" was two words. % If God had meant for Texans to ski he would have made bullshit white. % If I had a plantation in Georgia and a home in Hell, I'd sell the plantation and go home. -- Eugene P. Gallagher % If there really was a Jewish conspiracy to run the world, my rabbi would have let me in on it by now. I contribute enough to the shule. -- Saul Goodman % If you live in New York, even if you're Catholic, you're Jewish. -- Lenny Bruce % In the romantic days of Warsaw, Viennese whores were known for their beauty and delicacy. A gallant officer picked up one such lady of the evening, who took him to her apartment. They made delicious love all evening before drifting to sleep in each others' arms. In the morning the man dressed, staring into a full-length mirror. The lady lay in her bed watching him. Finally, she said softly, "Didn't you forget something?" "What did I forget?" asked the officer. "You forgot about the money," said the lady. "Oh, no," said the man, standing at ramrod attention. "A Polish officer never accepts money." % Israeli prime minister Shamir invited the Pope to play a round of golf. Since the Pope hadn't the faintest of an idea how to play, he convened the college of cardinals to ask their advice. "Call Arnold Palmer," they suggested, "make him a cardinal and let him play in your place. Tell Shamir you couldn't make it." Honored by His Holiness' request, Palmer agreed to represent him. When he returned from the match, the Pope asked him how he had done. "I came in second," Palmer replied. "You mean to tell me Shamir beat you?" "No, Your Holiness. Rabbi Nicklaus did." % It seems that a Scotsman and an Irishman walked into a bar. The Scot immediately singled out the bartender and proclaimed that drinks were on the house, and that he expected him to serve only his best. The next day, the headlines read: Irish Ventriloquist Beaten to Death Behind Bar. % It was in a bar in midtown Manhattan and the Frenchman and the American were talking about love over some dry Martinis. "Deed you know, sir," the Frenchman said, "that een my country thair are 79 different ways how to make the REAL, passionate luff?" "Do tell?" said the American. "Well, that's amazing. In this country there's only one." "Just one?" the Frenchman said, condescendingly. "And what eez that?" "Well, there's a man and a woman, and --" "Sacre bleu!!" exclaimed the Frenchman. "Numbair 80!" % It was the first day of a new term at Princeton, and a Texas A&M freshman was learning his way around the campus. Stopping a distinguished looking upperclassman, he inquired, "Say, buddy, can you tell me where the library is at?" "My good fellow," came the reply, "at Princeton we do not end our sentences with a preposition." "All right," said the freshman, "can you tell me where the library is at, asshole?" % It's midnight. The old man is awake, nervously pacing the floor, as his 20-year-old son comes in. "Whatta you mean? You staya out alla night, you runna around widda bums. Whatta you trying to do?" "Papa, don't talk like that," replies the boy. "Who-a you, tella me notta talka like that? You no work, you chase-a bad women, whatta become of you?" "Papa, *please* don't talk like that." "Don'ta talka like that? Whatta you mean? Why shouldn't I talka likka that?" "Papa, we're not Italian." % It's not a sin not to be Irish, but it is a great shame. -- Sean O'Huiginn % "Jean, what is this attraction between Catholic girls and Jewish men?" "You really want to know?" "Yeah." "Well, Carol, Jewish men are great in bed... right, Bob? And Catholic girls fuck like bunnies." % Jews always know two things: suffering and where to find great Chinese food. -- From the movie "My Favorite Year". % Kansas, where the men are men, the sheep are scared and the women are grateful. % Living in Hollywood is like living in a bowl of granola. What ain't fruits and nuts is flakes. % Morris had been down on his luck for months, and, though not a devoutly religious man, had begun to visit the local synagogue to ask God's help. One week, out of desperation, he prayed, "God, I've been a good and decent man all my life. Would it be so terrible if You let me win the lottery just once?" The despondent fellow returned week after week. One day, Morris, nearly hopeless now, prayed, "God, I've never asked You for anything before. I just want to win one little lottery." "As he dejectedly rose to leave, God's voice boomed, "Morris, at least meet Me halfway on this. Buy a ticket!" % Murray and Esther, a middle-aged Jewish couple, are touring Chile. Murray just got a new camera and is constantly snapping pictures. One day, without knowing it, he photographs a top-secret military installation. In an instant, armed troops surround Murray and Esther and hustle them off to prison. They can't prove who they are because they've left their passports in their hotel room. For three weeks they're tortured day and night to get them to name their contacts in the liberation movement... Finally they're hauled in front of a military court, charged with espionage, and sentenced to death. The next morning they're lined up in front of the wall where they'll be shot. The sergeant in charge of the firing squad asks them if they have any last requests. Esther wants to know if she can call her daughter in Chicago. The sergeant says he's sorry, that's not possible, and turns to Murray. "This is crazy!" Murray shouts. "We're not spies!" And he spits in the sergeants face. "Murray!" Esther cries. "Please! Don't make trouble." -- Arthur Naiman % Naches (rhymes with Bach' us, with "Bach" pronounced like the composer) is what every Jewish parent wants from their children, lots of good returns, good grades, good spouse, good grandchildren. So, now that you all understand naches, the joke: Two Jewish women are sitting having coffee. "So, how's your daughter?" "Oh, Rachel! She's fine, she just married a dentist!" "Really? Isn't she the one that married the lawyer?" "Yes, that's my Rachel." "That's... that's nice. But isn't she the same one that married the doctor?" "Yes, that's her!" "But didn't she marry a bank executive before that?" "Yes, yes!" "Ahhh. So much naches from one child!" % New Jersey is not the armpit of the nation; it's the asshole of the universe. -- Jonathan Michael Smith % Now a Jew, in the dictionary, is one who is descended from the ancient tribes of Judea ... but you and I know what a Jew is -- one who killed Our Lord ... A lot of people say to me "Why did you kill Christ?" What can I say? It was an accident. It was one of those parties that got out of hand, you know... We killed him because he didn't want to become a doctor, that's why we killed him. -- Lenny Bruce % On an isolated stretch of beach near Cannes, a beautiful French girl threw herself into the sea and drowned despite a young man's attempt to save her. The man dragged the half-nude body ashore and left it on the sand while he went to notify the authorities. Upon his return, he was horrified to find a man making love to the corpse. "Monsieur, monsieur," he shouted, "that woman is dead, that woman is dead!" "Sacre bleu," exclaimed the man, springing up. "I thought she was an American!" % On his first day as a bus driver, Maxey Eckstein handed in receipts of $65. The next day his take was $67. The third day's income was $62. But on the fourth day, Eckstein emptied no less than $283 on the desk before the cashier. "Eckstein!" exclaimed the cashier. "This is fantastic. That route never brought in money like this! What happened?" "Well, after three days on that cockamamy route, I figured business would never improve, so I drove over to Fourteenth Street and worked there. I tell you, that street is a gold mine!" % On one hot dusty day in 1860, a lone Mexican bandit crossed the border into Texas. After robbing a small bank and shooting up the town, he led the posse on a merry chase through the desert. On the sixth day of the chase he was apprehended. Sheriff-to-interpreter: "Ask him where the money is." Interpreter-to-bandit: "He wants to know where you hid the money." Bandit-to-interpreter: "I'll never tell, never!" Interpreter-to-sheriff: "He says he'll never tell, senor." At this point, the sheriff loses his cool. His town has been shot up, his bank robbed, he's spent a week in the desert tracking this guy, and now he says he'll never tell. So he takes his pistol, jams it under the bandits' chin, and, with the veins standing out on his neck, screams "Tell him to tell me where the money is, or I'm gonna blow his brains all over the desert!" Interpreter-to-bandit: "He says if you don't tell him where the money is right now, he will kill you here." Bandit-to-interpreter: "Do not kill me, senor, the money is hidden under the big tree at the pass!" Interpreter-to-sheriff: "He says you ain't got the balls..." % Ona day Ima gonna to Detroit to a bigga hotel. Ina morning I go down to eat breakfast. I tella waitress I wanna two piss's toast. She bringa me only one piss. I tella her I wanna two piss ona my plate. She says you better no piss on the plate, you sonna bitch. I don't even know the lady and she call me sonna bitch. Later I go out to eat at the bigga restaurant. The waitress bring me a spoon and a knife but no fock. I tell her I wanna fock. She tells me everone wanna fock. I tell her "you no understand", I wanna fock on the table. She say you better not fock on the table, you sonna bitch. So I go back to my room ina hotel and there isa no shits ona my bed. I calla the manager and tella him I wanna shit. He tella me to go to the toilet. I say "you no understand", I wanna shit on the bed. He say you better no shit ona bed, you sonna bitch. I go to check out and the man at the desk say "peace to you". I say piss on you too, you sonna bitch. I gonna back to Italy. % One day on a busy street corner a huge, burly looking man walked up to a police officer and asks, "Thcuse me offither, can you tell me where thidee-thid, and thacramento ith?" The police officer didn't reply at all, but just looked away. The large man then asked again, but still no reply. After a few more attempts which the police officer studiously ignored, the frustrated man walked away. An onlooking pedestrian then walked up to the officer and asked, "Officer, why didn't you tell that man where thirty-third and Sacramento was?" The police officer replied, "Thure, thure, and dit the thit ticked out of me!" % One of my favorite jokes, a telling commentary on Jewish mothers' capacity to lay on guilt, involves the mother who gave her son two neckties on Chanuka. The boy hurried into his bedroom, ripped off the tie he was wearing, put on one of the ties his mother had brought him, and hurried back. "Look, Mama! Isn't it gorgeous?" "Mama asked, 'What's the matter? You don't like the other one?'" -- Leo Rosten, "Hooray For Yiddish" % One of the first things schoolchildren in Texas learn is how to compose a simple declarative sentence without the word "shit" in it. % One of the oldest problems puzzled over in the Talmud is: "Why did God create goyim?" The generally accepted answer is "somebody has to buy retail." -- Arthur Naiman, "Every Goy's Guide to Yiddish" % Our readers ask, "Why don't more WASPs go to orgies?" Well, it's really quite simple. They don't want to have to write all those thank-you notes. % Rosenberg wanted to leave the country. "And what is *your* reason?" asks the official at the Passport Office. "I am told a pogrom is being prepared against the Jews and the barbers," replies Rosenberg. "Why the barbers?" "Everybody asks that question. That's why I want to leave." % Rumour has it that the intrepid New Zealanders have finally discovered two new uses for sheep. Meat and wool. % Cleveland still lives. God MUST be dead. % Save Soviet Jewry -- Win Valuable Prizes!!!! % Shamus: A shamus is a guy who takes care of handyman tasks around the temple, and makes sure everything is in working order. A shamus is at the bottom of the pecking order of synagog functionaries, and there's a joke about that: A rabbi, to show his humility before God, cries out in the middle of a service, "Oh, Lord, I am nobody!" The cantor, not to be bested, also cries out, "Oh, Lord, I am nobody!" The shamus, deeply moved, follows suit and cries, "Oh, Lord, I am nobody!" The rabbi turns to the cantor and says, "Look who thinks he's nobody!" % So this traveling salesman got an audience with the Pope. "Hey, father," he said, "have you heard the joke about the two Polacks who --" "My son," the Pope reminded him, "I'm Polish." The salesman thought for a moment. "That's okay, Father," he said. "I'll tell it very slowly." % Social interaction can be fatal. Come to Irvine and live forever. % State license plates we'd like to see: NEVADA MASSACHUSETTS LVME 10DR OW-A CAH LAND OF 10,00 ELVIS IMPERSONATORS THE GOOFY ACCENT STATE HAWAII WISCONSIN L-O HA CHEDDAR FRUITY UMBRELLA COCKTAIL WONDERLAND EAT CHEESE OR DIE % State license plates we'd like to see: ALABAMA ARIZONA IC1 NOW 120 F THE UFO SIGHTING STATE THE HEAT PROSTRATION STATE CONNECTICUT MISSISSIPPI 5:36 EXP 4I4S2PS WHERE THE SMART NY WORK FORCE LIVES THE MOST OFTEN MISSPELLED STATE TEXAS FLORIDA 1-2-3 HIKE ZON KED PLAY FOOTBALL OR DIE AMERICA'S DRUG DEALER % State license plates we'd like to see: MICHIGAN CALIFORNIA 4-GET 74-77 EGO-MN-E-X EMBARRASSED HOME STATE OF GERALD FORD THE SERIAL KILLER STATE NORTH CAROLINA NEW JERSEY WL-GOLLY ARG GGH HOME OF GOMER, GOOBER AND JESSE HELMS FIRST IN TOXIC WASTE KANSAS WASHINGTON DC TOTO -2 $10000000 ETC THE NOT MUCH SINCE THE WIZARD OF OZ WASTING YOUR MONEY SINCE 1810 MOVIE STATE % Texas is Hell on woman and horses. -- Wayne Oakes % The first riddle I ever heard, one familiar to almost every Jewish child, was propounded to me by my father: "What is it that hangs on the wall, is green, wet -- and whistles?" I knit my brow and thought and thought, and in final perplexity gave up. "A herring," said my father. "A herring," I echoed. "A herring doesn't hang on the wall!" "So hang it there." "But a herring isn't green!" I protested. "Paint it." "But a herring isn't wet." "If it's just painted it's still wet." "But -- " I sputtered, summoning all my outrage, "a herring doesn't whistle!!" "Right, " smiled my father. "I just put that in to make it hard." -- Leo Rosten, "The Joys of Yiddish" % The Israelis are the Doberman pinschers of the Middle East. They treat the Arabs like postmen. -- Franklyn Ajaye % The president publicly apologized today to all those offended by his brother's remark, "There's more Arabs in this country than there is Jews!". Those offended include Arabs, Jews, and English teachers. -- Channel 11 News, Baltimore, on Billy Carter % The Soviet pre-eminence in chess can be traced to the average Russian's readiness to brood obsessively over anything, even the arrangement of some pieces of wood. Indeed, the Russians' predisposition for quiet reflection followed by sudden preventive action explains why they led the field for many years in both chess and ax murders. It is well known that as early as 1970, the U.S.S.R., aware of what a defeat at Reykjavik would do to national prestige, implemented a vigorous program of preparation and incentive. Every day for an entire year, a team of psychologists, chess analysts and coaches met with the top three Russian grand masters and threatened them with a pointy stick. That these tactics proved fruitless is now a part of chess history and a further testament to the American way, which provides that if you want something badly enough, you can always go to Iceland and get it from the Russians. -- Marshall Brickman, Playboy, April, 1973 % The Soviet Union, which has complained recently about alleged anti-Soviet themes in American advertising, lodged an official protest this week against the Ford Motor Company's new campaign: "Hey you stinking, fat Russian, get off my Ford Escort." -- Dennis Miller % The United States is like the guy at the party who gives cocaine to everybody and still nobody likes him. -- Jim Samuels % The white race is the cancer of history. -- Susan Sontag % The yankees, son, are up north. The damnyankees are down here. % The young Georgia miss came to the hospital for a checkup. "Have you been X-rayed?" asked the doctor. "Nope," she said, "but ah've been ultraviolated." % Then there was the Scot that wanted to rob a jewelry store -- he tossed a brick through the show window and ran off with a king's ransom. They caught him when he came back for the brick. % There are few virtues that the Poles do not possess -- and there are few mistakes they have ever avoided. -- Winston Churchill, Parliament, August, 1945 % There are some goyisha names that just about guarantee that someone isn't Jewish. For example, you'll never meet a Jew named Johnson or Wright or Jones or Sinclair or Ricks or Stevenson or Reid or Larsen or Jenks. But some goyisha names just about guarantee that every other person you meet with that name will be Jewish. Why is this? Who knows? Learned rabbis have pondered this question for centuries and have failed to come up with an answer, and you think you can find one? Get serious. You don't even understand why it's forbidden to eat crab -- fresh cold crab with mayonnaise -- or lobster -- soft tender morsels of lobster dipped in melted butter. You don't even understand a simple thing like that, and yet you hope to discover why there are more Jews named Miller than Katz? Fat Chance. -- Arthur Naiman % There was an Englishman, a Frenchman, and a Newfoundlander sitting in a bar having a few drinks together. The Englishman turns to the Frenchman, "So tell me, what do you do to drive your wife wild in bed?" "Well", replies the Frenchman, "After we make love, I go out to the garden and pick some roses. Then I take the petals off and put them all over her body. then I gently blow them off with a soft, even breath, and that drives her wild with desire." "Interesting," the Englishman replies. "After my wife and I make love I massage baby oil gently all over her body -- that works for me!" Then the pair turn to the Newfie and ask him what he does. "Well...", he says, "when me and the old lady are through, I jump out of bed and wipe my dick off on the curtain. And that REALLY drives her wild." % Three fine Irish lads, O'Rourke, O'Malley and O'Donnell, worked together at the local brewery. One day, as fate would have it, O'Rourke fell into one of the beer vats and drowned. O'Malley and O'Donnell, completely crestfallen, had to break the news to his wife. They went 'round the Widow O'Rourke's house and informed her that her poor dear Patrick had drowned in a beer vat that very day. Choking back her tears, she asked them "Tell me now, did me poor Patty suffer much?" "I don't think so," replied O'Donnell. "He climbed out twice to take a piss." % Three women and Feldstein were brought before the presiding judge. The women had been arrested for soliciting and he'd been was arrested for selling ties without a license. "What do you do for a living?" the judge asked, pointing at the first girl. "Your honor, I'm a model," she replied. "Thirty days," was the sentence. The judge turned to the second girl. "What do you do for a living?" he asked. "Your honor, I'm an actress." "Thirty days." Then he turned to the third girl. "And how about you?" he demanded. "Well, your honor, I'm a prostitute. I'm not proud of it, but it's the only way I can support my mother and my children since my husband's been laid off." "For telling the truth," he said, "I'm going to suspend sentence. Furthermore, here's $100 to help your family out." Now he turns to Feldstein, arrested for selling ties illegally. "And you," he said, "what do you do for a living?" "Your honor, I'm a prostitute. I'm not proud..." % Tourist to New Yorker: "Pardon me, sir, do you know what time it is, or should I just go fuck myself?" % Two Englishmen struck up a conversation with an American in the club car of a train headed east out of Chicago. "I say," queried the younger Englishman, "have you ever been to London?" The American laughed. "It was my home for two years during the war," he said. "Had some of the wildest times of my life in that old town." The older Englishman, a little hard of hearing, asked, "What did he say, Reggie?" "He said he's been to London, father," the younger Englishman replied. After a little lull in the conversation, the young man asked, "You didn't, by any chance, meet a Hazel Wimbleton in London, did you?" The American almost fell off his chair. "Hot Pants Hazel!" he exclaimed. "My God, I shacked up with that horny broad for three months just before I came back to the States!" "What did he say, Reggie?" the older Englishman wanted to know. "He says he knows Mother," the younger Englishman responded. % Two Finns and a penguin are sitting on the front porch of a large house. The penguin is dripping in sweat; his owner looks down and says to the other Finn, "Hey Urho, I want that you should take the penguin to the zoo, okay?" The owner then runs off to the sauna. When he gets out of the sauna, he looks up at the porch, and sure enough, there is Urho and the penguin, sweating away. So he yells out "Hey, Urho, I thought I told you to take the penguin to the zoo, I did." And Urho yells back "Yup, and tomorrow we're going to the movies!" % Two friends, an Italian boy and a Jewish boy, come of age at the same time. The Italian boy's father presents him with a brand-new pistol. On the other side of town, at his Bar Mitzvah, the Jewish boy receives a beautiful gold watch. The next day, in school, the two boys are showing each other what they got. It turns out that each boy likes the other's present better, and so they trade. That night, the Italian boy is at home and his father sees him looking at his new watch. "Where did you getta thatta watch?" he asks. The boy explains the trade, and the father blows his top. "Whatta you? Stupidda boy? Whatsa matta you!" "Somma day, you maybe gonna getta married. Then maybe somma day you gonna comma home and finda you wife inna bed with another man. Whatta you gonna do then? Looka atta you watch and say, `How longa you gonna be?'" % Two Russian friends happen to meet in Red Square. One of them says, "By the way, did you hear that Romanov died?" "No," replied the other, "I didn't even know he'd been arrested!" % Two Swedish guys get of a ship and head for the nearest bars. Each one orders two vodkas and immediately downs them. They they order two more and once again quickly throw them back. They then order two more. When they arrive, one of them picks up his glass, and, turning to the other, toasts him, "Skoal!" The other turns to the first man and scolds, "Hey! Did you come here to screw around, or did you come here to drink?" % Very few blacks will take up golf until the requirement for plaid pants is dropped. -- Franklyn Ajaye % W. Lafayette may not be the asshole of the universe... but you sure as hell can see it from there! % We Americans, we're a simple people... but piss us off, and we'll bomb your cities. -- Robin Williams % When they tell me to stick it where the sun don't shine, I put it in Oregon. % World War III is about to break out, but hidden somewhere in Switzerland, a small group of international statesmen are trying to avert disaster. The key members of this group are the representatives from Moscow, Bonn, and Jerusalem, who, despite their personal enmity, manage to forge a peaceful settlement, at the last moment. As the treaty is signed, and the war postponed, almost entirely through the efforts of those three men, an angel appears. "The earth is saved through the efforts of these three men! Therefore, I will grant each of them their heart's desire!" So, the angel asks the German for his wish, and the German, recalling the nearness of their disaster, and perceiving the cause to have been the Russians, immediately says "I wish there were no more Russians!" And God said, "It will be done." The angel asks the Russian for his wish, which, of course, is "*I* wish there were no more Germans!" Replies the angel, "It will be done." So the angel asks the Jew for his wish. The Jew is in a state of shock. "Will you really grant the German's wish?" he asks, and the angel avers. "And the Russian's, too?" The angel avers yet again. Then the Jew thinks a moment, leans back and says, "In that case, I think I'd like a small cup of coffee." % You always introduce the younger person to the older person, using the wording: "Miss Brown, I'd like to introduce you to an older person" (unless her name is not "Miss Brown"). If you do not know a person's age, ask for a driver's license and a major credit card. If you are introduced to a member of a minority group, use the "high-five" style handshake, followed by a remark designed to show you don't mind a bit, such as "I see you are a (name of a minority group)! Good!" -- Dave Barry, "The Stuff of Etiquette" % You are now in Atlanta, Georgia. Please set your clocks back 200 years. % You can bring men from other parts of the world who are sane. And you know what happens? At the very moment they cross those mountains... they go mad. Instantaneously and automatically, at the very moment they cross the mountains into California, they go insane. -- Quentin Genter % You've got to pity New Mexico... so far from heaven and so close to Texas. %