I heard andersca is a pirate % I'd like to drop me anchor in her lagoon % Well me 'earties, let's see what crawled out of the bung hole... % Is that a hornpipe in yer pocket, or arr ya just happy ta see me? % Get out o' me way, yeh landlubber % Yarrr! % This is the END for you, you gutter-crawling cur! % May the clap make ye incapable of Cracking Jenny's Tea Cup. % Eat maggoty hardtack, ye unkempt, jenny frequentin', son of a gun. % What be a priate's favourite cheese? Yarrlsburg! % Where d' all t' pirates come from? Great Yarrmouth! % Prepare to be boarded! % Gangway! % Splice the Mainbrace! % Arr! Me ship be the biggest brig in the port! % Well Ahoy! thar.