rts/sm/Sanity.h:24:0: error: conflicting types for 'checkSanity' % strange object 28 % try_stub.o: unknown symbol `Safe_zdffibonaccizuhszuaM1_closure' % absApply: Duff function % accepting non-standard pattern guards (-fglasgow-exts to suppress this message) % adjustor creation not supported on this platform % A lazy (~) pattern connot bind existential type variables % All of the type variables in the constraint are already in scope (at least one must be universally quantified here) % All the type patterns for a generic type constructor must be identical % Ambiguous constraint % ARGH! Jump uses %esi or %edi with -monly-2-regs % At least one of the forall'd type variables mentioned by the constraint must be reachable from the type after the '=>' % Bad eta expand % bindings for unlifted types aren't allowed % Bindings in hs-boot files are not allowed % Cannot desugar this Template Haskell declaration % Cannot unify a type variable with a type scheme % Can't combine named fields with locally-quantified type variables or context % Can't happen % Can't match unequal length lists % Can't mix generic and non-generic equations for class method % Can't reify a non-Haskell-98 data constructor % Can't represent a guarded lambda in Template Haskell % Can't represent explicit kind signatures yet % Can't represent Oxford brackets % Can't splice the polymorphic local variable % Command stack underflow at command % CPR Analysis tried to take the lub of a function and a tuple % Cycle in class declarations (via superclasses) % Cycle in type synonym declarations % Dangerous-looking argument. Probable cause: bad unsafeCoerce# % Data constructor does not return its parent type % deadlock: main thread blocked in a strange way % does not have the required strict field(s) % DsExpr.dsExpr: Infinite parallel array! % Duplicate binding in parallel list comprehension % Duplicate instance declarations % Empty record update % eval_thunk_selector: strange selectee % even with cunning newtype deriving the newtype is recursive % Exception: kevind stub % Exotic pattern inside meta brackets % Exotic Stmt in meta brackets % falls under the monomorphism restriction % For basic information, try the `--help' option. % foreign declaration uses deprecated non-standard syntax % From-type of Coerce differs from type of enclosed expression % Functional dependencies conflict between instance declarations % Generic method type is too complex % GHC error in desugarer lookup % GHC internal error % GHCi's bytecode generation machinery can't handle 64-bit code properly yet. % GHC's heap exhausted % GHC stack-space overflow % GHC stage restriction % Illegal binding of built-in syntax % Illegal constraint % Illegal deriving item % Illegal overloaded type signature(s) % Illegal polymorphic type % Illegal polymorphic type signature in pattern % Illegal unboxed tuple type as function argument % Illegal unlifted type argument % Implicit-parameter bindings illegal in a parallel list comprehension % Implicit parameters escape from the monomorphic top-level binding(s) % In a case expression, type of scrutinee does not match patterns % Inaccessible case alternative % In a RHS constructor application, con type doesn't match arg types % Inferred type is less polymorphic than expected % Info table already? % Interesting! A join var that isn't let-no-escaped % internal error: Invalid object in processHeapClosureForDead % internal error: scavenge_mark_stack: unimplemented/strange closure type -1368815400 @ 0x2aaaae6981f8 % invalid character % Its main purpose is to encapsulate the Horrible State Hack % jump island out of range % Kind error % Kinds don't match in type application % Kind signature on data type declaration has non-* return kind % ld64: INFO 171: Multigot invoked. Gp relative region broken up into 2 separate regions. % ld64: WARNING 47 : This module contains branch instruction(s) that might degrade performance on an R4000 processor. % lexical error in string/character literal % magic number mismatch: old/corrupt interface file? % Malformed constructor signature % Malformed context in instance header % Malformed context in type or class declaration % Malformed predicate % mkProtoBCO: stack use won't fit in 16 bits 150813 % More than one type pattern for a single generic type constructor % Multiple default declarations % My brain just exploded. % NEVER use commas within those string literals, cpp will ruin your day % No constructor has all these fields % No explicit method nor default method % Non-type variables in constraint % No parameters for class % Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite kind % Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type % Offending Program % On Alpha, I can only handle 4 non-floating-point arguments to foreign export dynamic % Only unit numeric type pattern is valid % Oops! Entered absent arg % panic! (the `impossible' happened, GHC version 6.4) % parse error in data/newtype declaration % parse error on input % parse error (possibly incorrect indentation) % PArse error (possibly incorrect indentation) % Pattern bindings (except simple variables) not allowed in instance declarations % Precedence out of range % primitive string literal must contain only characters <= '\\\\xFF\\' % Qualified name in function definition % scavenge_stack: weird activation record found on stack % scavenge: unimplemented/strange closure type % Simplifier reached fixed point % Splices are not allowed in hs-boot files % TELL SIMON: evalAbsence % the eta-reduction property does not hold % The instance types do not agree with the functional dependencies of the class % There must be at least one non-type-variable in the instance head % The signature contexts in a mutually recursive group should all be identical % This is very gruesome indeed % Too many parameters for class % Try -fglasgow-exts for GHC's newtype-deriving extension % Type found where type variable expected % Type signature given for an expression % Unable to mmap( MAP_FIXED ) for Jump Islands % Unexpected kind unification failure % Unexpected strictness annotation % Unexpected type splice % Urk infer % Urk! Inventing strangely-kinded void TyCon: [..] (* -> *) -> * -> * % Urk! Inventing strangely-kinded void TyCon: :t{tc a5gUj} (* -> *) -> * -> * % Urk! Inventing strangely-kinded void TyCon: ZCt{tc a2AN} (* -> *) -> * -> * % Use -fallow-incoherent-instances % Use -fcontext-stack20 to increase stack size to (e.g.) 20 % Use -fglasgow-exts to allow GADTs % Use -fglasgow-exts to allow multi-parameter classes % WARNING: SE CAFs unsupported, forcing UPD instead % Warning: you can make GHC diverge by using SPECIALISE INLINE on an ordinarily-recursive function. % yi-static: internal error: TSO object entered! % You can get a PhD for explaining the True Meaning of this last construct % You need -fglasgow-exts to derive an instance for this class