name: miso version: category: Web, Miso, Data Structures license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: David M. Johnson maintainer: David M. Johnson homepage: copyright: Copyright (c) 2017 David M. Johnson build-type: Simple extra-source-files: cabal-version: >=1.22 synopsis: A tasty Haskell front-end framework description: Miso is a small isomorphic Haskell front-end framework featuring a virtual-dom, diffing / patching algorithm, event delegation, event batching, SVG, Server-sent events, Websockets, and an extensible Subscription-based subsystem. Inspired by Elm, Redux and Bobril. `IO` and other effects (like `XHR`) can be introduced into the system via the `Effect` data type. Miso makes heavy use of the GHCJS FFI and therefore has minimal dependencies. extra-source-files: examples/todo-mvc/index.html examples/mario/imgs/jump/right.gif examples/mario/imgs/jump/left.gif examples/mario/imgs/stand/right.gif examples/mario/imgs/stand/left.gif examples/mario/imgs/walk/right.gif examples/mario/imgs/walk/left.gif flag examples default: False description: Builds Miso's examples flag tests default: False description: Builds Miso's tests executable todo-mvc main-is: Main.hs if !impl(ghcjs) || !flag(examples) buildable: False else hs-source-dirs: examples/todo-mvc build-depends: base < 5, aeson, containers, miso default-language: Haskell2010 executable mario main-is: Main.hs if !impl(ghcjs) || !flag(examples) buildable: False else hs-source-dirs: examples/mario build-depends: base < 5, containers, miso default-language: Haskell2010 executable simple main-is: Main.hs if !impl(ghcjs) || !flag(examples) buildable: False else hs-source-dirs: exe build-depends: aeson, base < 5, containers, miso default-language: Haskell2010 executable tests main-is: Main.hs if !impl(ghcjs) || !flag(tests) buildable: False else hs-source-dirs: tests build-depends: aeson, base < 5, miso, hspec, hspec-core, ghcjs-base default-language: Haskell2010 library default-language: Haskell2010 exposed-modules: Miso.Html Miso.Html.Element Miso.Html.Event Miso.Html.Property Miso.Event Miso.Event.Decoder Miso.Event.Types Miso.Svg Miso.Svg.Attribute Miso.Svg.Element Miso.Svg.Event Miso.String other-modules: Miso.Concurrent Miso.Html.Internal ghc-options: -Wall hs-source-dirs: src build-depends: aeson, base < 5, bytestring, containers, text if impl(ghcjs) hs-source-dirs: ghcjs-src build-depends: ghcjs-base, http-types, network-uri, http-api-data, containers, scientific, unordered-containers, servant, transformers, vector js-sources: jsbits/diff.js jsbits/delegate.js jsbits/isomorphic.js jsbits/util.js exposed-modules: Miso Miso.Effect Miso.Effect.Storage Miso.Effect.XHR Miso.Effect.DOM Miso.Router Miso.Subscription Miso.Subscription.History Miso.Subscription.Keyboard Miso.Subscription.Mouse Miso.Subscription.WebSocket Miso.Subscription.Window Miso.Subscription.SSE Miso.Types other-modules: Miso.Diff Miso.FFI Miso.Delegate else build-depends: lucid, vector hs-source-dirs: ghc-src source-repository head type: git location: