import MissingH.Str import Data.List import System.IO import Data.Char notice = " NOTICE -- THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED -- DO NOT EDIT" ifdefcode str = "#ifdef MS_WINDOWS\n" ++ str ++ "\n#endif\n" windowsexc = "WindowsError" genGlue copyright excs = do h <- openFile "glue/excglue.h" WriteMode c <- openFile "glue/excglue.c" WriteMode let heads = "/* " ++ notice ++ "\n" ++ copyright ++ "*/\n#include " hPutStrLn h heads hPutStrLn c heads hPutStrLn h $ unlines . map excfunch $ excs hPutStrLn h $ ifdefcode $ excfunch windowsexc hPutStrLn c $ unlines . map excfuncc $ excs hPutStrLn c $ ifdefcode $ excfuncc windowsexc hClose h hClose c where excfunch e = "extern PyObject *hspy_" ++ e ++ "(void);" excfuncc e = "PyObject *hspy_" ++ e ++ "(void) { return PyExc_" ++ e ++ "; }" genExcTypes copyright excs = do h <- openFile "Python/Exceptions/ExcTypes.hsc" WriteMode hPutStrLn h $ "{- " ++ notice ++ "\n" ++ copyright ++ "-}" hPutStrLn h $ unlines $ ["{- |", " Module : Python.Exceptions.ExcTypes", " Copyright : Copyright (C) 2005 John Goerzen", " License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above", "", " Maintainer : John Goerzen,", " Maintainer : jgoerzen\", " Stability : provisional", " Portability: portable", "", "Python low-level exception definitions", "", "These are definitions of the built-in Python exception objects. You can", "use them with 'MissingPy.Python.Exceptions.doesExceptionMatch' and", "'MissingPy.Python.Exceptions.catchSpecificPy'.", "", "The meanings of these exceptions can be found at", ".", "", "Please note that windowsError is available only on Microsoft platforms.", "", "Written by John Goerzen, jgoerzen\\", "-}", "#include ", "module Python.Exceptions.ExcTypes", "("] hPutStrLn h $ concat $ intersperse ",\n" . map hsname $ excs hPutStrLn h $ ifdefcode $ "," ++ (hsname windowsexc) hPutStrLn h ")\nwhere" hPutStrLn h $ unlines $ ["import Python.Types", "import Python.Objects", "import System.IO.Unsafe", "import Python.Utils", "import Foreign", "exctypes_internal_e :: IO (Ptr CPyObject) -> IO PyObject", "exctypes_internal_e f = do p <- f", " fp <- newForeignPtr_ p", " return $ PyObject fp" ] hPutStrLn h $ unlines . map hsfunc $ excs hPutStrLn h $ ifdefcode $ hsfunc windowsexc hPutStrLn h $ unlines . map cfunc $ excs hPutStrLn h $ ifdefcode $ cfunc windowsexc hClose h where hsname "Exception" = "pyMainException" hsname "EOFError" = "pyEOFError" hsname "IOError" = "pyIOError" hsname "OSError" = "pyOSError" hsname (x:xs) = toLower x : xs hscomment "Exception" = "-- | This is Exception in Python; renamed to avoid naming conflicts here.\n" hscomment _ = "" hsfunc exc = hscomment exc ++ "{-# NOINLINE " ++ hsname exc ++ " #-}\n" ++ hsname exc ++ " = unsafePerformIO $ exctypes_internal_e " ++ "c" ++ exc ++ "\n" cfunc exc = "foreign import ccall unsafe \"excglue.h hspy_" ++ exc ++ "\"\n" ++ " c" ++ exc ++ " :: IO (Ptr CPyObject)\n" main = do c <- readFile "exceptionlist" copyright <- readFile "COPYRIGHT" let excs = sort . map strip . filter (/= "") . lines $ c genGlue copyright excs genExcTypes copyright excs