    Module      :  Numeric.MixedType.Field
    Description :  Bottom-up typed division
    Copyright   :  (c) Michal Konecny
    License     :  BSD3

    Maintainer  :  mikkonecny@gmail.com
    Stability   :  experimental
    Portability :  portable


module Numeric.MixedTypes.Field
  -- * Field
  CanAddSubMulDivBy, Field, CertainlyEqField, OrderedField, OrderedCertainlyField
  -- * Division
  , CanDiv(..), CanDivBy, CanDivSameType, CanRecip, CanRecipSameType
  , (/), recip
  , powUsingMulRecip
  -- ** Tests
  , specCanDiv, specCanDivNotMixed, CanDivX

import Numeric.MixedTypes.PreludeHiding
import qualified Prelude as P
import Text.Printf

-- import qualified Data.List as List

import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck

import Numeric.MixedTypes.Literals
import Numeric.MixedTypes.Bool
import Numeric.MixedTypes.Eq
import Numeric.MixedTypes.Ord
-- import Numeric.MixedTypes.MinMaxAbs
-- import Numeric.MixedTypes.AddSub
import Numeric.MixedTypes.Ring

{----- Field -----}

type CanAddSubMulDivBy t s =
  (CanAddSubMulBy t s, CanDivBy t s)

type Field t =
    (Ring t, CanDivSameType t, CanRecipSameType t,
     CanAddSubMulDivBy t Rational,
     CanAddSubMulDivBy t Integer,
     CanAddSubMulDivBy t Int

type CertainlyEqField t = (Field t, CertainlyEqRing t)

type OrderedField t =
  (Field t, OrderedRing t, HasOrder t Rational)

type OrderedCertainlyField t =
  (CertainlyEqField t, OrderedCertainlyRing t, HasOrderCertainly t Rational)

{---- Division -----}

  A replacement for Prelude's binary `P./`.  If @t1 = t2@ and @Fractional t1@,
  then one can use the default implementation to mirror Prelude's @/@.
class CanDiv t1 t2 where
  type DivType t1 t2
  type DivType t1 t2 = t1 -- default
  divide :: t1 -> t2 -> DivType t1 t2
  default divide :: (DivType t1 t2 ~ t1, t1~t2, P.Fractional t1) => t1 -> t1 -> t1
  divide = (P./)

(/) :: (CanDiv t1 t2) => t1 -> t2 -> DivType t1 t2
(/) = divide

type CanRecip t =
  (CanDiv Integer t)

type CanRecipSameType t =
  (CanDiv Integer t, DivType Integer t ~ t)

recip :: (CanRecip t) => t -> DivType Integer t
recip = divide 1

type CanDivBy t1 t2 =
  (CanDiv t1 t2, DivType t1 t2 ~ t1)
type CanDivSameType t =
  CanDivBy t t

{-| Compound type constraint useful for test definition. -}
type CanDivX t1 t2 =
  (CanDiv t1 t2,
   Show t1, Arbitrary t1,
   Show t2, Arbitrary t2,
   Show (DivType t1 t2),
   HasEqCertainly t1 (DivType t1 t2))

  HSpec properties that each implementation of CanDiv should satisfy.
specCanDiv ::
  (CanRecip t1, CanRecip (DivType Integer t1),
   Show (DivType Integer (DivType Integer t1)),
   HasEqCertainly t1 (DivType Integer (DivType Integer t1)),
   CanTestZero (DivType Integer t1),
   CanDivX t1 t2,
   CanTestZero t1,
   CanTestZero t2,
   CanDivX t1 t1,
   CanMulX t1 (DivType t1 t2),
   ConvertibleExactly Integer t2, ConvertibleExactly Integer t1)
  T t1 -> T t2 -> Spec
specCanDiv (T typeName1 :: T t1) (T typeName2 :: T t2) =
  describe (printf "CanDiv %s %s" typeName1 typeName2) $ do
    it "recip(recip x) = x" $ do
      property $ \ (x :: t1) ->
        (isNonZero x && isNonZero (recip x)) ==>
          recip (recip x) ?==?$ x
    it "x/1 = x" $ do
      property $ \ (x :: t1) -> let one = (convertExactly 1 :: t2) in (x / one) ?==?$ x
    it "x/x = 1" $ do
      property $ \ (x :: t1) ->
        (isNonZero x) ==>
          let one = (convertExactly 1 :: t1) in (x / x) ?==?$ one
    it "x/y = x*(1/y)" $ do
      property $ \ (x :: t1) (y :: t2) ->
        (isNonZero y) ==>
          let one = (convertExactly 1 :: t1) in (x / y) ?==?$ x * (one/y)
  infix 4 ?==?$
  (?==?$) :: (HasEqCertainlyAsymmetric a b, Show a, Show b) => a -> b -> Property
  (?==?$) = printArgsIfFails2 "?==?" (?==?)

  HSpec properties that each implementation of CanDiv should satisfy.
specCanDivNotMixed ::
  (CanRecip t, CanRecip (DivType Integer t),
   Show (DivType Integer (DivType Integer t)),
   HasEqCertainly t (DivType Integer (DivType Integer t)),
   CanTestZero (DivType Integer t),
   CanDivX t t,
   CanTestZero t,
   CanMulX t (DivType t t),
   ConvertibleExactly Integer t)
  T t -> Spec
specCanDivNotMixed t = specCanDiv t t

instance CanDiv Int Int where
  type DivType Int Int = Rational
  divide a b = (rational a) P./ (rational b)

instance CanDiv Integer Integer where
  type DivType Integer Integer = Rational
  divide a b = (rational a) P./ (rational b)
instance CanDiv Rational Rational
instance CanDiv Double Double

instance CanDiv Int Integer where
  type DivType Int Integer = Rational
  divide a b = (rational a) P./ (rational b)
instance CanDiv Integer Int where
  type DivType Integer Int = Rational
  divide a b = (rational a) P./ (rational b)

instance CanDiv Int Rational where
  type DivType Int Rational = Rational
  divide = convertFirst divide
instance CanDiv Rational Int where
  type DivType Rational Int = Rational
  divide = convertSecond divide

instance CanDiv Integer Rational where
  type DivType Integer Rational = Rational
  divide = convertFirst divide
instance CanDiv Rational Integer where
  type DivType Rational Integer = Rational
  divide = convertSecond divide

instance CanDiv Int Double where
  type DivType Int Double = Double
  divide = convertFirst divide
instance CanDiv Double Int where
  type DivType Double Int = Double
  divide = convertSecond divide

instance CanDiv Integer Double where
  type DivType Integer Double = Double
  divide = convertFirst divide
instance CanDiv Double Integer where
  type DivType Double Integer = Double
  divide = convertSecond divide

instance CanDiv Rational Double where
  type DivType Rational Double = Double
  divide = convertFirst divide
instance CanDiv Double Rational where
  type DivType Double Rational = Double
  divide = convertSecond divide

instance (CanDiv a b) => CanDiv [a] [b] where
  type DivType [a] [b] = [DivType a b]
  divide (x:xs) (y:ys) = (divide x y) : (divide xs ys)
  divide _ _ = []

instance (CanDiv a b) => CanDiv (Maybe a) (Maybe b) where
  type DivType (Maybe a) (Maybe b) = Maybe (DivType a b)
  divide (Just x) (Just y) = Just (divide x y)
  divide _ _ = Nothing

powUsingMulRecip ::
  (CanBeInteger e,
   CanRecipSameType t, CanMulSameType t, ConvertibleExactly Integer t)
   t -> e -> t
powUsingMulRecip x nPre
  | n < 0 = recip $ powUsingMul x (negate n)
  | otherwise = powUsingMul x n
    n = integer nPre