name: ml-w version: 0.1.1 synopsis: Minimal ML language to to demonstrate the W type infererence algorithm. author: Francesco Mazzoli maintainer: Francesco Mazzoli category: Language, Type Inference license: PublicDomain build-type: Simple cabal-version: >= 1.6 tested-with: GHC==6.12.3, GHC==7.0.4, GHC==7.2.2, GHC==7.4.1, Hugs extra-source-files: Makefile description: . This package implements a minimal ML-like language to demonstrate how the W algorithm works. . The 'ML' module contains the definition of the language in the form of an Haskell data type, plus functions to parse files and pretty print the datatype. . The 'TypeInfer' module contains the W algorithm itself. . The 'Main' module contains a program that parses and typechecks programs reading from standard input. . The library and executable is compatible with GHC and Hugs (to use Hugs with cabal use the flag @--hugs@). source-repository head type: git location: git:// executable ML main-is: Main.hs build-depends: base < 5, mtl, parsec if impl(ghc) build-depends: pretty GHC-options: -Wall library build-depends: base < 5, mtl, parsec if impl(ghc) build-depends: pretty GHC-Options: -Wall exposed-modules: Language.ML, Language.ML.Syntax, Language.ML.TypeCheck other-modules: Applicative