module Main where import System.IO.MMap import Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL import Data.Word import Foreign.ForeignPtr import Foreign.Storable import Foreign.Ptr import System.Mem import Control.Concurrent import Control.Exception as E content = BSC.pack "Memory mapping of files for POSIX and Windows" main = do BSC.writeFile "test.bin" content bs <- mmapFileByteString "test.bin" Nothing BSC.putStrLn bs print (bs == content) bs2 <- mmapFileByteString "test.bin" (Just (5,5)) print (bs2 == BSC.take 5 (BSC.drop 5 content)) -- create 5 gigabyte file let l = 1024*1024*1024*5 (f,s) <- mmapFileForeignPtr "test.bin" ReadWrite (Just (l,5)) withForeignPtr f $ \f -> poke (castPtr f) (64::Word8) E.catch (do bs3 <- mmapFileByteString "test.bin" Nothing print (fromIntegral l==BSC.length bs3 + 5 )) (\e -> print True -- exception here is also ok ) bs4 <- mmapFileByteStringLazy "test.bin" Nothing print (BSL.fromChunks [content] == BSL.take (fromIntegral $ BSC.length content) bs4) bs5 <- mmapFileByteStringLazy "test.bin" (Just (5,5)) print (BSC.take 5 (BSC.drop 5 content) == BSC.concat (BSL.toChunks bs5)) System.Mem.performGC threadDelay 10000