{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}

module System.IO.MMap
     -- $mmap_intro

     -- * Memory mapped files strict interface

     -- * Memory mapped files lazy interface

     -- * Mapping mode

import System.IO ()
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr,FunPtr,nullPtr,plusPtr)
import Foreign.C.Types (CInt,CLLong)
import Foreign.C.String (CString,withCString)
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (ForeignPtr,withForeignPtr,finalizeForeignPtr,newForeignPtr,newForeignPtrEnv)
import Foreign.Storable( poke )
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc( malloc )
import Foreign.C.Error ( throwErrno )
import qualified Foreign.Concurrent( newForeignPtr )
import System.IO.Unsafe  (unsafePerformIO)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BS (unsafePackCStringFinalizer)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Control.Monad  (when)
import Control.Exception   (bracket)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL  (ByteString,fromChunks)

-- $mmap_intro
-- This module is an interface to mmap(2) system call under POSIX (Unix, Linux,
-- Mac OS X) and CreateFileMapping,MapViewOfFile under Windows.
-- We can consider mmap as lazy IO pushed into the virtual memory
-- subsystem.
-- It is only safe to mmap a file if you know you are the sole user.
-- For more details about mmap, and its consequences, see:
-- * <http://opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/functions/mmap.html>
-- * <http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Memory_002dmapped-I_002fO.html>
-- * <http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa366781(VS.85).aspx>

-- | Mode of mapping. Three cases are supported.
data Mode = ReadOnly      -- ^ file is mapped read-only
          | ReadWrite     -- ^ file is mapped read-write
          | WriteCopy     -- ^ file is mapped read-write, but changes aren't propagated to disk
    deriving (Eq,Ord,Enum)

-- | The 'mmapFilePtr' function maps a file or device into memory,
-- returning a tripple containing pointer that accesses the mapped file,
-- the finalizer to run to unmap region and size of mmaped memory.
-- If the mmap fails for some reason, an error is thrown.
-- Memory mapped files will behave as if they were read lazily --
-- pages from the file will be loaded into memory on demand.
-- The storage manager is used to free the mapped memory. When
-- the garbage collector notices there are no further references to the
-- mapped memory, a call to munmap is made. It is not necessary to do
-- this yourself. In tight memory situations, it may be profitable to
-- use 'System.Mem.performGC' or 'finalizeForeignPtr' to force an unmap.
-- File must be created with correct attributes prior to mapping it
-- into memory.
-- If mode is 'ReadWrite' or 'WriteCopy', the returned memory region may
-- be written to with 'Foreign.Storable.poke' and friends.
-- Range specified may be 'Nothing', then whole file is mapped. Otherwise
-- range should be 'Just (offset,size)' where offsets is the beginning byte
-- of file region to map and size tells its length. There are no alignment
-- requirements.
-- If range to map extends beyond end of file, it will be resized accordingly.
mmapFilePtr :: FilePath                -- ^ name of file to mmap
            -> Mode                    -- ^ access mode
            -> Maybe (Int64,Int)       -- ^ range to map, maps whole file if Nothing
            -> IO (Ptr a,IO (),Int)    -- ^ pointer, finalizer and size
mmapFilePtr fp m range = do
  (ptr, size) <- mmapFilePtr' fp m range
  sizeptr <- malloc
  poke sizeptr (fromIntegral size)
  return (ptr, c_system_io_mmap_munmap sizeptr ptr, size)

-- | Maps region of file and returns it as 'ForeignPtr'. See 'mmapFilePtr' for details.
mmapFileForeignPtr :: FilePath                     -- ^ name of file to map
                   -> Mode                         -- ^ access mode
                   -> Maybe (Int64,Int)            -- ^ range to map, maps whole file if Nothing
                   -> IO (ForeignPtr a,Int)        -- ^ foreign pointer to beginning of region and size
mmapFileForeignPtr fp m range = do
  (ptr, size) <- mmapFilePtr' fp m range
  sizeptr <- malloc
  poke sizeptr (fromIntegral size)
  foreignptr <- newForeignPtrEnv c_system_io_mmap_munmap_funptr sizeptr ptr
  return (foreignptr,size)

mmapFilePtr' :: FilePath                -- ^ name of file to mmap
             -> Mode                    -- ^ access mode
             -> Maybe (Int64,Int)       -- ^ range to map, maps whole file if Nothing
             -> IO (Ptr a,Int)          -- ^ pointer and size
mmapFilePtr' filepath mode offsetsize = do
    bracket (mmapFileOpen filepath mode)
            (finalizeForeignPtr) mmap
        mmap handle = do
            (offset,size) <- case offsetsize of
                Just (offset,size) -> return (offset,size)
                Nothing -> do
                    longsize <- withForeignPtr handle c_system_io_file_size
                    when (longsize > fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int)) $
                         fail ("file is longer (" ++ show longsize ++ ") than maxBound::Int")
                    return (0,fromIntegral longsize)
            withForeignPtr handle $ \handle -> do
                let align = offset `mod` fromIntegral c_system_io_granularity
                    offsetraw = offset - align
                    sizeraw = size + fromIntegral align
                ptr <- c_system_io_mmap_mmap handle (fromIntegral $ fromEnum mode) (fromIntegral offsetraw) (fromIntegral sizeraw)
                when (ptr == nullPtr) $
                      throwErrno $ "mmap of '" ++ filepath ++ "' failed"
                return (ptr `plusPtr` fromIntegral align,fromIntegral size)

-- | Maps region of file and returns it as 'Data.ByteString.ByteString'.
-- File is mapped in in 'ReadOnly' mode. See 'mmapFilePtr' for details
-- Note: this operation may break referential transparency! If
-- any other process on the system changes the file when it is mapped
-- into Haskell, the contents of your 'Data.ByteString.ByteString' may change.
mmapFileByteString :: FilePath                     -- ^ name of file to map
                   -> Maybe (Int64,Int)            -- ^ range to map, maps whole file if Nothing
                   -> IO BS.ByteString                -- ^ bytestring with file content
mmapFileByteString filepath offsetsize = do
    (ptr,finalizer,size) <- mmapFilePtr filepath ReadOnly offsetsize
    bytestring <- BS.unsafePackCStringFinalizer ptr size finalizer
    return bytestring

-- | The 'mmapFilePtrLazy' function maps a file or device into memory,
-- returning a list of tripples containing pointer that accesses the mapped file,
-- the finalizer to run to unmap that region and size of mapped memory.
-- If the mmap fails for some reason, an error is thrown.
-- Memory mapped files will behave as if they were read lazily --
-- pages from the file will be loaded into memory on demand.
-- The storage manager is used to free the mapped memory. When
-- the garbage collector notices there are no further references to the
-- mapped memory, a call to munmap is made. It is not necessary to do
-- this yourself. In tight memory situations, it may be profitable to
-- use 'System.Mem.performGC' or 'finalizeForeignPtr' to force an unmap.
-- File must be created with correct attributes prior to mapping it
-- into memory.
-- If mode is 'ReadWrite' or 'WriteCopy', the returned memory region may
-- be written to with 'Foreign.Storable.poke' and friends.
-- Range specified may be 'Nothing', then whole file is mapped. Otherwise
-- range should be 'Just (offset,size)' where offsets is the beginning byte
-- of file region to map and size tells its length. There are no alignment
-- requirements.
-- If range to map extends beyond end of file, it will be resized accordingly.
mmapFilePtrLazy :: FilePath                -- ^ name of file to mmap
            -> Mode                        -- ^ access mode
            -> Maybe (Int64,Int64)         -- ^ range to map, maps whole file if Nothing
            -> IO [(Ptr a,IO (),Int)]      -- ^ list of pointer, finalizer and size
mmapFilePtrLazy filepath mode offsetsize = do
    handle <- mmapFileOpen filepath mode
    mmap handle
        mmap handle = do
            (offset,size) <- case offsetsize of
                Just (offset,size) -> return (offset,size)
                Nothing -> do
                    longsize <- withForeignPtr handle c_system_io_file_size
                    return (0,fromIntegral longsize)
            return $ map (mapChunk handle) (chunks offset size)
        mapChunk handle (offset,size) = unsafePerformIO $
            withForeignPtr handle $ \handle -> do
                let align = offset `mod` fromIntegral c_system_io_granularity
                    offsetraw = offset - align
                    sizeraw = size + fromIntegral align
                ptr <- c_system_io_mmap_mmap handle (fromIntegral $ fromEnum mode) (fromIntegral offsetraw) (fromIntegral sizeraw)
                when (ptr == nullPtr) $
                     throwErrno $ "mmap of '" ++ filepath ++ "' failed"
                sizeptr <- malloc
                poke sizeptr $ fromIntegral sizeraw
                let finalizer = c_system_io_mmap_munmap sizeptr ptr
                return (ptr `plusPtr` fromIntegral align,finalizer,fromIntegral size)

chunks :: Int64 -> Int64 -> [(Int64,Int)]
chunks offset size | size <= fromIntegral chunkSize = [(offset,fromIntegral size)]
                   | otherwise = let offset2 = offset + fromIntegral chunkSize `div` fromIntegral chunkSize * fromIntegral chunkSize
                                     size2 = fromIntegral (offset2 - offset)
                                 in (offset,size2) : chunks (offset2) (size-fromIntegral size2)

-- | Maps region of file and returns it as list of 'ForeignPtr's. See 'mmapFilePtr' for details.
-- Each chunk is mapped in on demand only.
mmapFileForeignPtrLazy :: FilePath                   -- ^ name of file to map
                   -> Mode                           -- ^ access mode
                   -> Maybe (Int64,Int64)            -- ^ range to map, maps whole file if Nothing
                   -> IO [(ForeignPtr a,Int)]        -- ^ foreign pointer to beginning of region and size
mmapFileForeignPtrLazy filepath mode offsetsize = do
    list <- mmapFilePtrLazy filepath mode offsetsize
    return (map turn list)
        turn (ptr,finalizer,size) = unsafePerformIO $ do
            foreignptr <- Foreign.Concurrent.newForeignPtr ptr finalizer
            return (foreignptr,size)

-- | Maps region of file and returns it as 'Data.ByteString.Lazy.ByteString'.
-- File is mapped in in 'ReadOnly' mode. See 'mmapFilePtrLazy' for details.
-- Chunks are mapped in on demand.
-- Note: this operation may break referential transparency! If
-- any other process on the system changes the file when it is mapped
-- into Haskell, the contents of your 'Data.ByteString.Lazy.ByteString' may change.
mmapFileByteStringLazy :: FilePath                     -- ^ name of file to map
                       -> Maybe (Int64,Int64)          -- ^ range to map, maps whole file if Nothing
                       -> IO BSL.ByteString            -- ^ bytestring with file content
mmapFileByteStringLazy filepath offsetsize = do
    list <- mmapFilePtrLazy filepath ReadOnly offsetsize
    return (BSL.fromChunks (map turn list))
        turn (ptr,finalizer,size) = unsafePerformIO $ do
            bytestring <- BS.unsafePackCStringFinalizer ptr size finalizer
            return bytestring

chunkSize :: Int
chunkSize = fromIntegral $ (128*1024 `div` c_system_io_granularity) * c_system_io_granularity

mmapFileOpen :: FilePath -> Mode -> IO (ForeignPtr ())
mmapFileOpen filepath mode = do
    ptr <- withCString filepath $ \filepath -> c_system_io_mmap_file_open filepath (fromIntegral $ fromEnum mode)
    when (ptr == nullPtr) $
        throwErrno $ "opening of '" ++ filepath ++ "' failed"
    handle <- newForeignPtr c_system_io_mmap_file_close ptr
    return handle

foreign import ccall unsafe "system_io_mmap_file_open"
    c_system_io_mmap_file_open :: CString -> CInt -> IO (Ptr ())
foreign import ccall unsafe "&system_io_mmap_file_close"
    c_system_io_mmap_file_close :: FunPtr(Ptr () -> IO ())

foreign import ccall unsafe "system_io_mmap_mmap"
    c_system_io_mmap_mmap :: Ptr () -> CInt -> CLLong -> CInt -> IO (Ptr a)
foreign import ccall unsafe "&system_io_mmap_munmap"
    c_system_io_mmap_munmap_funptr :: FunPtr(Ptr CInt -> Ptr a -> IO ())
foreign import ccall unsafe "system_io_mmap_munmap"
    c_system_io_mmap_munmap :: Ptr CInt -> Ptr a -> IO ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "system_io_mmap_file_size"
    c_system_io_file_size :: Ptr () -> IO (CLLong)
foreign import ccall unsafe "system_io_mmap_granularity"
    c_system_io_granularity :: CInt