-- | -- Module : Melodics.Ukrainian -- Copyright : (c) OleksandrZhabenko 2019 -- License : MIT -- -- Maintainer : olexandr543@yahoo.com -- -- Functions used in the main function to provide functionality of a musical instrument synthesizer or for Ukrainian speech synthesis -- especially for poets, translators and writers. -- module Melodics.Ukrainian ( appendS16LEFile, convertToProperUkrainian, -- * Securing and Limits nSymbols ) where import Data.Char import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B import System.IO import CaseBi (getBFst') import Data.List.InnToOut.Basic (mapI, mapI2) import Paths_mmsyn6ukr {- -- Inspired by: https://mail.haskell.org/pipermail/beginners/2011-October/008649.html -} data Triple = Z | O | T deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) takeData :: FilePath -> IO B.ByteString takeData file = do data1 <- B.readFile file let dataN = B.drop 44 data1 in return dataN -- | The function that actually produces a .raw file. appendS16LEFile :: V.Vector String -> Handle -> IO () appendS16LEFile xs hdl | not (V.null xs) = do dataFileList <- mapM getDataFileName ["0.wav", "1.wav", "A.wav", "B.wav", "C.wav", "D.wav", "E.wav", "F.wav", "G.wav", "H.wav", "I.wav", "J.wav", "K.wav", "L.wav", "M.wav", "N.wav", "O.wav", "P.wav", "Q.wav", "R.wav", "S.wav", "T.wav", "U.wav", "V.wav", "W.wav", "X.wav", "Y.wav", "Z.wav", "a.wav", "b.wav", "c.wav", "d.wav", "e.wav", "f.wav"] dataList <- V.mapM takeData . V.fromList $! dataFileList V.mapM_ (\u -> if V.all (\z -> B.length z > 0) dataList then let rs = tail . dropWhile (/= ' ') . takeWhile (/= '}') . show $ hdl in do hClose hdl closedHdl <- hIsClosed hdl if closedHdl then do B.appendFile rs $ dataList V.! (getBFst' (0, V.fromList [("0", 0), ("1", 1), ("а", 2), ("б", 3), ("в", 4), ("г", 5), ("д", 6), ("дж", 7), ("дз", 8), ("е", 9), ("ж", 10), ("з", 11), ("и", 12), ("й", 13), ("к", 14), ("л", 15), ("м", 16), ("н", 17), ("о", 18), ("п", 19), ("р", 20), ("с", 21), ("сь", 22), ("т", 23), ("у", 24), ("ф", 25), ("х", 26), ("ц", 27), ("ць", 28), ("ч", 29), ("ш", 30), ("ь", 31), ("і", 32), ("ґ", 33)]) u) else error "File is not closed!" else error "Data sound file is not read!") xs hClose hdl | otherwise = return () -- | The function that converts a written Ukrainian text into the sounding in the program phonetical respesentation. -- It is not exact phonetically but you can make for yourself a general impression of the Ukrainian sounding. convertToProperUkrainian :: String -> V.Vector String convertToProperUkrainian ys = toVector . correctA . applyChanges . createTuplesByAnalysis . changeJotted . secondConv . wasFstConverted . filterUkr $ ys filterUkr :: String -> String filterUkr xs = concatMap (\x -> if isUkrainian x then [toLower x] else if isSpace x || isControl x then [x] else []) xs secondConv :: String -> String secondConv (y:ys) | if isSpace y then True else isControl y = '1':secondConv ys | otherwise = y:secondConv ys secondConv _ = [] createTuplesByAnalysis :: String -> [(String, Triple)] createTuplesByAnalysis x@(y:ys) | getBFst' (False, V.fromList $ zip "\1075\1076\1078\1079\1082\1085\1087\1089\1090\1092\1093\1094\1095\1096" (repeat True)) y = initialA x | not (null ys) && head ys == '\1081' && isConsNotJ y = case y of '\1089' -> ("\1089\1100", T):createTuplesByAnalysis (tail ys) '\1094' -> ("\1094\1100", T):createTuplesByAnalysis (tail ys) _ -> ([y], T):("\1100", Z):createTuplesByAnalysis (tail ys) | otherwise = ([y], Z):createTuplesByAnalysis ys createTuplesByAnalysis _ = [] canChange :: Char -> Triple canChange x | isSpace x || isControl x || x == '-' = O | getBFst' (False, V.fromList $ zip "\1075\1076\1078\1079\1082\1085\1087\1089\1090\1092\1093\1094\1095\1096" (repeat True)) x = T | otherwise = Z isVoicedObstruent :: String -> Bool isVoicedObstruent xs | not (null xs) = getBFst' (False, V.fromList $ zip ["\1073","\1075","\1076","\1076\1078","\1076\1079","\1078","\1079","\1169"] (repeat True)) xs | otherwise = False initialA :: String -> [(String, Triple)] initialA t1@(t:ts) | canChange t == O = ("1", Z):initialA ts | canChange t == T = if getBFst' (False, V.fromList $ zip "\1076\1085\1089\1090\1093\1094" (repeat True)) t then let (us,vs) = splitAt 2 t1 in if getBFst' (False, V.fromList $ zip ["\1076\1078","\1076\1079","\1085\1090","\1089\1090","\1089\1100","\1090\1089","\1090\1100","\1093\1075","\1094\1100"] (repeat True)) us then (us, T):initialA (vs) else ([t], T):initialA ts else case (getBFst' (False, V.fromList $ zip "\1075\1078\1079\1082\1087\1092\1095\1096" (repeat True)) t) of ~True -> ([t], T):initialA ts | otherwise = ([t], Z):initialA ts initialA _ = [] wasFstConverted :: String -> String wasFstConverted = mapI mustBeConverted convertionFst mustBeConverted :: Char -> Bool mustBeConverted c = getBFst' (False, V.fromList $ zip "'-\700\1097\1102\1103\1108\1111\8217" (repeat True)) c convertionFst :: Char -> String convertionFst u = getBFst' ([u], V.fromList $ zip "'-\700\1097\1102\1103\1108\1111\8217" ["0","0","0","\1096\1095","\1081\1091","\1081\1072","\1081\1077","\1081\1110","0"]) u isConsNotJ :: Char -> Bool isConsNotJ = getBFst' (False, V.fromList $ zip "\1073\1074\1075\1076\1078\1079\1082\1083\1084\1085\1087\1088\1089\1090\1092\1093\1094\1095\1096\1169" (repeat True)) changeJotted :: String -> String changeJotted (x:y:z:zs) | (getBFst' (False, V.fromList $ zip "\1072\1077\1080\1091\1110" (repeat True)) z) && (y == '\1081') && (isConsNotJ x) = x:'\1100':z:changeJotted zs | isConsNotJ x && y == '\1110' = x:'\1100':y:changeJotted (z:zs) | otherwise = x:changeJotted (y:z:zs) changeJotted xs = xs applyChanges :: [(String, Triple)] -> [(String, Triple)] applyChanges (z:t:zs) | snd z == T = getBFst' ((fst z, Z), V.fromList . zip ["\1075","\1076","\1076\1079","\1078","\1079","\1082","\1085\1090", "\1087","\1089","\1089\1090","\1089\1100","\1090","\1090\1089","\1090\1100","\1092","\1093","\1093\1075","\1094","\1094\1100","\1095","\1096"] $ [гT (t:zs), дT (t:zs), дзT (t:zs), жT (t:zs), зT (t:zs), кT (t:zs), нтT (t:zs), пT (t:zs), сT (t:zs), стT (t:zs), сьT (t:zs), тT (t:zs), тсT (t:zs), тьT (t:zs), фT (t:zs), хT (t:zs), хгT (t:zs), цT (t:zs), цьT (t:zs), чT (t:zs), шT (t:zs)]) (fst z):applyChanges (t:zs) | otherwise = z:applyChanges (t:zs) applyChanges [(xs, _)] = [(xs, Z)] applyChanges _ = [] (===) :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool (===) x ys = any (\y -> x == y) ys -- in the further ??T functions the last (, T) means that it must be afterwards be separated with the soft sign into two tuples (1 additional function in the composition) -- need further processing means that there should be additional checks and may be transformations. May be they can be omitted isSoftDOrL :: [(String, Triple)] -> Bool isSoftDOrL xs = getBFst' (False, V.fromList . zip ["\1073\1100","\1074\1100","\1076\1100","\1079\1100","\1083\1100", "\1084\1100","\1085\1100","\1087\1100","\1089\1100","\1090\1100","\1092\1100","\1094\1100"] $ (repeat True)) (takeFromFT_ 2 xs) isSoftDen :: [(String, Triple)] -> Bool isSoftDen xs = getBFst' (False, V.fromList . zip ["\1076\1100","\1079\1100","\1083\1100","\1085\1100","\1089\1100", "\1090\1100","\1094\1100"] $ (repeat True)) (takeFromFT_ 2 xs) || takeFromFT_ 3 xs == "\1076\1079\1100" гT :: [(String, Triple)] -> (String, Triple) гT (t:_) | head (fst t) == '\1082' || head (fst t) == '\1090' = ("\1093", Z) | otherwise = ("\1075", Z) гT _ = ("г", Z) дT :: [(String, Triple)] -> (String, Triple) дT t1@(_:_) | takeFromFT_ 1 t1 === ["\1078","\1095","\1096"] = ("\1076\1078", Z) -- need further processing д дж | takeFromFT_ 2 t1 === ["\1089\1100","\1094\1100"] = ("\1076\1079\1100", T) -- need further processing д дзь | takeFromFT_ 1 t1 === ["\1079","\1089","\1094"] = ("\1076\1079", Z) -- need further processing д дз | otherwise = ("\1076", Z) дT _ = ("д", Z) дзT :: [(String, Triple)] -> (String, Triple) дзT t1@(_:_) | isSoftDOrL t1 = ("\1076\1079\1100", T) | otherwise = ("\1076\1079", Z) дзT _ = ("дз", Z) жT :: [(String, Triple)] -> (String, Triple) жT t1@(_:_) | takeFromFT 2 t1 === ["\1089\1100","\1094\1100"] = ("\1079\1100", T) | otherwise = ("\1078", Z) жT _ = ("ж", Z) зT :: [(String, Triple)] -> (String, Triple) зT t1@(_:_) | takeFromFT_ 1 t1 === ["\1078","\1095","\1096"] || takeFromFT_ 2 t1 == "\1076\1078" = ("\1078", Z) | isSoftDOrL t1 = ("\1079\1100", T) | takeFromFT 1 t1 === ["\1095","\1096"] = ("\1096", Z) -- need further processing з ш | takeFromFT 1 t1 === ["\1089","\1094"] || takeFromFT_ 1 t1 === ["\1082","\1087","\1090","\1092","\1093"] = ("\1089", Z) -- need further processing з с | otherwise = ("\1079", Z) зT _ = ("з", Z) кT :: [(String, Triple)] -> (String, Triple) кT t1@(_:_) | isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 1 t1) || isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 2 t1) = ("\1169", Z) | otherwise = ("\1082", Z) кT _ = ("к", Z) нтT :: [(String, Triple)] -> (String, Triple) нтT t1@(_:_) | takeFromFT 2 t1 == "\1089\1090" = ("\1085", Z) | takeFromFT 3 t1 == "\1089\1100\1082" = ("\1085\1100", T) | otherwise = ("\1085\1090", Z) нтT _ = ("нт", T) пT :: [(String, Triple)] -> (String, Triple) пT t1@(_:_) | isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 1 t1) || isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 2 t1) = ("\1073", Z) | otherwise = ("\1087", Z) пT _ = ("п", Z) сT :: [(String, Triple)] -> (String, Triple) сT t1@(_:_) | (isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 1 t1) && drop 1 (takeFromFT_ 2 t1) == "\1100") || (isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 2 t1) && drop 2 (takeFromFT_ 3 t1) == "\1100") = ("\1079\1100", T) | isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 1 t1) || isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 2 t1) = ("\1073", Z) | isSoftDOrL t1 = ("\1089\1100", Z) | takeFromFT_ 1 t1 == "\1096" = ("\1096", Z) | otherwise = ("\1089", Z) сT _ = ("с", Z) стT :: [(String, Triple)] -> (String, Triple) стT t1@(_:_) | isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 1 t1) || isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 2 t1) = ("\1079", Z) | takeFromFT_ 3 t1 == "\1089\1100\1082" || takeFromFT_ 2 t1 == "\1094\1100" = ("\1089\1100", Z) | takeFromFT_ 1 t1 === ["\1089","\1085"] = ("\1089", Z) | takeFromFT_ 1 t1 == "\1095" = ("\1096", Z) | otherwise = ("\1089\1090", T) стT _ = ("ст", T) сьT :: [(String, Triple)] -> (String, Triple) сьT t1@(_:_) | isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 2 t1) || isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 1 t1) = ("\1079\1100", T) | otherwise = ("\1089\1100", Z) сьT _ = ("сь", Z) тT :: [(String, Triple)] -> (String, Triple) тT t1@(_:_) | (isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 1 t1) && drop 1 (takeFromFT_ 2 t1) == "\1100") || (isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 2 t1) && drop 2 (takeFromFT_ 3 t1) == "\1100") = ("\1076\1100", T) | isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 2 t1) || isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 1 t1) = ("\1076", Z) | takeFromFT_ 2 t1 == "\1094\1100" = ("\1094\1100", Z) | takeFromFT_ 1 t1 == "\1094" = ("\1094", Z) | isSoftDen t1 = ("\1090\1100", T) | takeFromFT_ 1 t1 === ["\1095","\1096"] = ("\1095", Z) | otherwise = ("\1090", Z) тT _ = ("т", Z) тсT :: [(String, Triple)] -> (String, Triple) тсT _ = ("\1094", Z) тьT :: [(String, Triple)] -> (String, Triple) тьT t1@(_:_) | isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 2 t1) || isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 1 t1) = ("\1076\1100", T) | takeFromFT_ 3 t1 == "\1089\1100\1072" = ("\1094\1100", Z) | otherwise = ("\1090\1100", T) тьT _ = ("ть", T) фT :: [(String, Triple)] -> (String, Triple) фT t1@(_:_) | isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 2 t1) || isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 1 t1) = ("\1074", Z) | otherwise = ("\1092", Z) фT _ = ("ф", Z) хT :: [(String, Triple)] -> (String, Triple) хT t1@(_:_) | isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 2 t1) || isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 1 t1) = ("\1075", Z) | otherwise = ("\1093", Z) хT _ = ("х", Z) хгT :: [(String, Triple)] -> (String, Triple) хгT _ = ("\1075", Z) цT :: [(String, Triple)] -> (String, Triple) цT t1@(_:_) | (isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 1 t1) && drop 1 (takeFromFT_ 2 t1) == "\1100") || (isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 2 t1) && drop 2 (takeFromFT_ 3 t1) == "\1100") = ("\1076\1079\1100", T) | isSoftDOrL t1 = ("\1094\1100", Z) | isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 2 t1) || isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 1 t1) = ("\1076\1079", Z) | otherwise = ("\1094", Z) цT _ = ("ц", Z) цьT :: [(String, Triple)] -> (String, Triple) цьT t1@(_:_) | (isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 1 t1) && drop 1 (takeFromFT_ 2 t1) == "\1100") || (isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 2 t1) && drop 2 (takeFromFT_ 3 t1) == "\1100") = ("\1076\1079\1100", T) | otherwise = ("\1094\1100", Z) цьT _ = ("ць", Z) чT :: [(String, Triple)] -> (String, Triple) чT t1@(_:_) | takeFromFT_ 2 t1 === ["\1089\1100","\1094\110"] = ("\1094\1100", Z) | isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 2 t1) || isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 1 t1) = ("\1076\1078", Z) | otherwise = ("\1095", Z) чT _ = ("ч", Z) шT :: [(String, Triple)] -> (String, Triple) шT t1@(_:_) | takeFromFT_ 2 t1 === ["\1089\1100","\1094\110"] = ("\1089\1100", Z) | isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 2 t1) || isVoicedObstruent (takeFromFT_ 1 t1) = ("\1078", Z) | otherwise = ("\1096", Z) шT _ = ("ш", Z) correctA :: [(String, Triple)] -> [(String, Triple)] correctA = correctSomeW . separateSoftS separateSoftS :: [(String, Triple)] -> [(String, Triple)] separateSoftS xss = mapI (\x -> snd x == T) divideToParts xss divideToParts :: (String, Triple) -> [(String, Triple)] divideToParts (xs, _) = [(init xs, Z),([last xs], Z)] correctSomeW :: [(String, Triple)] -> [(String, Triple)] correctSomeW (x:y:z:xs) | fst x == "\1094\1100" && fst y == "\1089\1100" && fst z == "\1072" = x:("\1094\1100", Z):z:correctSomeW xs | (fst x == "1" || fst x == "0") && fst y == "\1081" && fst z == "\1072" = if takeFromFT 2 xs == "\1095\1085" then x:y:z:("\1096", Z):correctSomeW (tail xs) else x:correctSomeW (y:z:xs) | otherwise = x:correctSomeW (y:z:xs) correctSomeW zs = zs takeFromFT :: Int -> [(String, Triple)] -> String takeFromFT n ts | if compare 0 n /= LT then True else null ts = [] | compare k n /= LT = take n ks | otherwise = ks ++ takeFromFT (n - k) (tail ts) where ks = fst (head ts) k = length ks takeFromFT_ :: Int -> [(String, Triple)] -> String takeFromFT_ n ts = takeFromFT n (filter (\(xs, _) -> (xs /= "1" && xs /= "0")) ts) toVector :: [(String, Triple)] -> V.Vector String toVector ts = V.fromList . mapI2 (\x -> not . null . fst $ x) fst (\_ -> []) $ ts isUkrainian :: Char -> Bool isUkrainian y | (y >= '\1040' && y <= '\1065') || (y >= '\1070' && y <= '\1097') = True | otherwise = getBFst' (False, V.fromList . map (\x -> (x, True)) $ "'-\700\1028\1030\1031\1068\1100\1102\1103\1108\1110\1111\1168\1169\8217") y -- | Function that converts the first command line argument given, which is a digit in the range @[0..9]@ -- (providing an ascending approximately exponential scale with a basis of 10 starting from 2 and ending at 1000000001), -- to the upper bound of number of symbols that the 'Main.main' function of the @mmsyn6ukr@ executable reads from the 'System.IO.stdin' for sounding. -- The default value (no input) is 31416. If there is another first command line argument then the program -- terminates with the error and informational message. Using the command line argument is done for the security reasons: -- because of performative writing to the resulting file(s) there is a need to limit the used memory. For most cases it is -- enough to use the default value. If you have enough resources and a large Ukrainian text amount then specify the higher values -- (5 or a greater one). nSymbols :: String -> Int nSymbols xs | null xs = 31416::Int | otherwise = getBFst' (31416::Int, V.generate 10 (\n -> (n, (10^n + 1)::Int))) (let temp = read xs::Int in if temp <= 9 && temp >= 0 then temp else error "Please, specify a digit as a command line argument for the program!")