Build #2 for mmtl-base-15321.1

[all reports]

Package mmtl-base-15321.1
Install DependencyFailed mmtl-0.1
Docs NotTried
Tests NotTried
Time submitted 2015-05-20 16:39:11.011778 UTC
Compiler ghc-7.8.3
OS linux
Arch x86_64
Dependencies mmtl-0.1, base-
Flags none

Code Coverage

No Code Coverage was submitted for this report.

Build log

[view raw]

Resolving dependencies...
Configuring mmtl-0.1...
Building mmtl-0.1...
Preprocessing library mmtl-0.1...

Control/Monad/Cont.hs:1:12: Warning:
    -fallow-undecidable-instances is deprecated: use -XUndecidableInstances or pragma {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} instead

Control/Monad/Cont/Class.hs:1:12: Warning:
    -fallow-undecidable-instances is deprecated: use -XUndecidableInstances or pragma {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} instead

Control/Monad/Error.hs:1:12: Warning:
    -fallow-undecidable-instances is deprecated: use -XUndecidableInstances or pragma {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} instead

Control/Monad/Error/Class.hs:1:12: Warning:
    -fallow-undecidable-instances is deprecated: use -XUndecidableInstances or pragma {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} instead

Control/Monad/List.hs:1:12: Warning:
    -fallow-undecidable-instances is deprecated: use -XUndecidableInstances or pragma {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} instead

Control/Monad/Reader/Class.hs:1:12: Warning:
    -fallow-undecidable-instances is deprecated: use -XUndecidableInstances or pragma {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} instead

Control/Monad/Writer/Class.hs:1:12: Warning:
    -fallow-undecidable-instances is deprecated: use -XUndecidableInstances or pragma {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} instead
[ 1 of 18] Compiling Control.Monad.Writer.Class ( Control/Monad/Writer/Class.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/Writer/Class.o )
[ 2 of 18] Compiling Control.Monad.State.Class ( Control/Monad/State/Class.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/State/Class.o )
[ 3 of 18] Compiling Control.Monad.Reader.Class ( Control/Monad/Reader/Class.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/Reader/Class.o )
[ 4 of 18] Compiling Control.Monad.Identity ( Control/Monad/Identity.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/Identity.o )

Control/Monad/Identity.hs:90:10: Warning:
    ‘Identity’ is an instance of Monad but not Applicative - this will become an error in GHC 7.10, under the Applicative-Monad Proposal.
[ 5 of 18] Compiling Control.Monad.Error.Class ( Control/Monad/Error/Class.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/Error/Class.o )
[ 6 of 18] Compiling Control.Monad.Trans ( Control/Monad/Trans.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/Trans.o )

Control/Monad/Trans.hs:27:1: Warning:
    The import of ‘System.IO’ is redundant
      except perhaps to import instances from ‘System.IO’
    To import instances alone, use: import System.IO()
[ 7 of 18] Compiling Control.Monad.List ( Control/Monad/List.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/List.o )

Control/Monad/List.hs:42:10: Warning:
    ‘ListT’ is an instance of Monad but not Applicative - this will become an error in GHC 7.10, under the Applicative-Monad Proposal.

Control/Monad/List.hs:50:10: Warning:
    ‘ListT’ is an instance of MonadPlus but not Alternative - this will become an error in GHC 7.10, under the Applicative-Monad Proposal.
[ 8 of 18] Compiling Control.Monad.State.Lazy ( Control/Monad/State/Lazy.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/State/Lazy.o )

Control/Monad/State/Lazy.hs:98:10: Warning:
    ‘State’ is an instance of Monad but not Applicative - this will become an error in GHC 7.10, under the Applicative-Monad Proposal.

Control/Monad/State/Lazy.hs:175:10: Warning:
    ‘StateT’ is an instance of Monad but not Applicative - this will become an error in GHC 7.10, under the Applicative-Monad Proposal.

Control/Monad/State/Lazy.hs:182:10: Warning:
    ‘StateT’ is an instance of MonadPlus but not Alternative - this will become an error in GHC 7.10, under the Applicative-Monad Proposal.
[ 9 of 18] Compiling Control.Monad.State ( Control/Monad/State.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/State.o )
[10 of 18] Compiling Control.Monad.Reader ( Control/Monad/Reader.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/Reader.o )

Control/Monad/Reader.hs:64:1: Warning:
    Module ‘Control.Monad.Instances’ is deprecated:
      This module now contains no instances and will be removed in the future

Control/Monad/Reader.hs:111:10: Warning:
    ‘Reader’ is an instance of Monad but not Applicative - this will become an error in GHC 7.10, under the Applicative-Monad Proposal.

Control/Monad/Reader.hs:155:10: Warning:
    ‘ReaderT’ is an instance of Monad but not Applicative - this will become an error in GHC 7.10, under the Applicative-Monad Proposal.

Control/Monad/Reader.hs:162:10: Warning:
    ‘ReaderT’ is an instance of MonadPlus but not Alternative - this will become an error in GHC 7.10, under the Applicative-Monad Proposal.

Control/Monad/Reader.hs:73:10: Warning:
    Orphan instance: instance MonadReader r ((->) r)
[11 of 18] Compiling Control.Monad.State.Strict ( Control/Monad/State/Strict.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/State/Strict.o )

Control/Monad/State/Strict.hs:98:10: Warning:
    ‘State’ is an instance of Monad but not Applicative - this will become an error in GHC 7.10, under the Applicative-Monad Proposal.

Control/Monad/State/Strict.hs:174:10: Warning:
    ‘StateT’ is an instance of Monad but not Applicative - this will become an error in GHC 7.10, under the Applicative-Monad Proposal.

Control/Monad/State/Strict.hs:181:10: Warning:
    ‘StateT’ is an instance of MonadPlus but not Alternative - this will become an error in GHC 7.10, under the Applicative-Monad Proposal.
[12 of 18] Compiling Control.Monad.Writer.Lazy ( Control/Monad/Writer/Lazy.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/Writer/Lazy.o )

Control/Monad/Writer/Lazy.hs:58:10: Warning:
    ‘Writer’ is an instance of Monad but not Applicative - this will become an error in GHC 7.10, under the Applicative-Monad Proposal.

Control/Monad/Writer/Lazy.hs:108:10: Warning:
    ‘WriterT’ is an instance of Monad but not Applicative - this will become an error in GHC 7.10, under the Applicative-Monad Proposal.

Control/Monad/Writer/Lazy.hs:116:10: Warning:
    ‘WriterT’ is an instance of MonadPlus but not Alternative - this will become an error in GHC 7.10, under the Applicative-Monad Proposal.
[13 of 18] Compiling Control.Monad.Writer ( Control/Monad/Writer.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/Writer.o )
[14 of 18] Compiling Control.Monad.Writer.Strict ( Control/Monad/Writer/Strict.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/Writer/Strict.o )

Control/Monad/Writer/Strict.hs:60:10: Warning:
    ‘Writer’ is an instance of Monad but not Applicative - this will become an error in GHC 7.10, under the Applicative-Monad Proposal.

Control/Monad/Writer/Strict.hs:111:10: Warning:
    ‘WriterT’ is an instance of Monad but not Applicative - this will become an error in GHC 7.10, under the Applicative-Monad Proposal.

Control/Monad/Writer/Strict.hs:119:10: Warning:
    ‘WriterT’ is an instance of MonadPlus but not Alternative - this will become an error in GHC 7.10, under the Applicative-Monad Proposal.
[15 of 18] Compiling Control.Monad.Cont.Class ( Control/Monad/Cont/Class.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/Cont/Class.o )
[16 of 18] Compiling Control.Monad.Cont ( Control/Monad/Cont.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/Cont.o )

Control/Monad/Cont.hs:109:10: Warning:
    ‘Cont’ is an instance of Monad but not Applicative - this will become an error in GHC 7.10, under the Applicative-Monad Proposal.

Control/Monad/Cont.hs:135:10: Warning:
    ‘ContT’ is an instance of Monad but not Applicative - this will become an error in GHC 7.10, under the Applicative-Monad Proposal.
[17 of 18] Compiling Control.Monad.Codensity ( Control/Monad/Codensity.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/Codensity.o )

Control/Monad/Codensity.hs:39:10: Warning:
    ‘Codensity’ is an instance of Monad but not Applicative - this will become an error in GHC 7.10, under the Applicative-Monad Proposal.
[18 of 18] Compiling Control.Monad.Error ( Control/Monad/Error.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/Error.o )

Control/Monad/Error.hs:62:21: Not in scope: ‘catch’

Control/Monad/Error.hs:66:18: Not in scope: ‘catch’
Failed to install mmtl-0.1
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
mmtl-0.1 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
mmtl-base-15321.1 depends on mmtl-0.1 which failed to install.

Test log

No test log was submitted for this report.