-- |
-- Module      :  Text.URI.Render
-- Copyright   :  © 2017 Mark Karpov
-- License     :  BSD 3 clause
-- Maintainer  :  Mark Karpov <markkarpov92@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- URI renders, an internal module.

{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards   #-}

module Text.URI.Render
  ( render
  , render'
  , renderBs
  , renderBs'
  , renderStr
  , renderStr' )

import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Char (chr, intToDigit)
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Monoid
import Data.String (IsString (..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Numeric (showInt)
import Text.URI.Types
import qualified Data.ByteString              as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy         as BL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Builder as BLB
import qualified Data.Semigroup               as S
import qualified Data.Text                    as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding           as TE
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy               as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder       as TLB
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Int   as TLB

-- High-level wrappers

-- | Render a given 'URI' value as strict 'Text'.

render :: URI -> Text
render = TL.toStrict . TLB.toLazyText . render'

-- | Render a given 'URI' value as a 'TLB.Builder'.

render' :: URI -> TLB.Builder
render' = genericRender TLB.decimal $ \e ->
  TLB.fromText . percentEncode e . unRText

-- | Render a given 'URI' value as a strict 'ByteString'.

renderBs :: URI -> ByteString
renderBs = BL.toStrict . BLB.toLazyByteString . renderBs'

-- | Render a given 'URI' value as a 'BLB.Builder'.

renderBs' :: URI -> BLB.Builder
renderBs' = genericRender BLB.wordDec $ \e ->
  BLB.byteString . TE.encodeUtf8 . percentEncode e . unRText

-- | Render a given 'URI' value as a 'String'.
-- @since

renderStr :: URI -> String
renderStr = ($ []) . renderStr'

-- | Render a given 'URI' value as 'ShowS'.
-- @since

renderStr' :: URI -> ShowS
renderStr' = toShowS . genericRender (DString . showInt) (\e ->
  fromString . T.unpack . percentEncode e . unRText)

-- Generic render

data Escaping = N | P | Q deriving (Eq)

type Render a b = (forall l. Escaping -> RText l -> b) -> a -> b
type R        b = (Monoid b, IsString b)

genericRender :: R b => (Word -> b) -> Render URI b
genericRender d r URI {..} = mconcat
  [ rJust (rScheme r) uriScheme
  , rJust (rAuthority d r) uriAuthority
  , rPath r uriPath
  , rQuery r uriQuery
  , rJust (rFragment r) uriFragment ]
{-# INLINE genericRender #-}

rJust :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Maybe a -> m
rJust = maybe mempty

rScheme :: R b => Render (RText 'Scheme) b
rScheme r = (<> ":") . r Q
{-# INLINE rScheme #-}

rAuthority :: R b => (Word -> b) -> Render Authority b
rAuthority d r Authority {..} = mconcat
  [ "//"
  , rJust (rUserInfo r) authUserInfo
  , if T.head (unRText authHost) == '['
      then r N authHost
      else r Q authHost
  , rJust ((":" <>) . d) authPort ]
{-# INLINE rAuthority #-}

rUserInfo :: R b => Render UserInfo b
rUserInfo r UserInfo {..} = mconcat
  [ r Q uiUsername
  , rJust ((":" <>) . r Q) uiPassword
  , "@" ]
{-# INLINE rUserInfo #-}

rPath :: R b => Render [RText 'PathPiece] b
rPath r ps = "/" <> mconcat (intersperse "/" (r P <$> ps))
{-# INLINE rPath #-}

rQuery :: R b => Render [QueryParam] b
rQuery r = \case
  [] -> mempty
  qs -> "?" <> mconcat (intersperse "&" (rQueryParam r <$> qs))
{-# INLINE rQuery #-}

rQueryParam :: R b => Render QueryParam b
rQueryParam r = \case
  QueryFlag flag -> r P flag
  QueryParam k v -> r P k <> "=" <> r P v
{-# INLINE rQueryParam #-}

rFragment :: R b => Render (RText 'Fragment) b
rFragment r = ("#" <>) . r P
{-# INLINE rFragment #-}

-- DString

newtype DString = DString { toShowS :: ShowS }

instance S.Semigroup DString where
  DString a <> DString b = DString (a . b)

instance Monoid DString where
  mempty = DString id
  mappend = (S.<>)

instance IsString DString where
  fromString str = DString (str ++)

-- Percent-encoding

-- | Percent-encode a 'Text' value.

  :: Escaping          -- ^ Whether to leave @':'@ and @'@'@ unescaped
  -> Text              -- ^ Input text to encode
  -> Text              -- ^ Percent-encoded text
percentEncode N txt = txt
percentEncode e txt = T.unfoldrN n f (bs, [])
    f (bs', []) =
      case B.uncons bs' of
        Nothing -> Nothing
        Just (w, bs'') -> Just $
          if isUnreserved (e == P) w
            then (chr (fromIntegral w), (bs'', []))
            else let c:|cs = encodeByte w
                 in (c, (bs'', cs))
    f (bs', x:xs) = Just (x, (bs', xs))
    bs = TE.encodeUtf8 txt
    n  = B.foldl' (\n' w -> g w + n') 0 bs
    g x = if isUnreserved (e == P) x then 1 else 3
    encodeByte x = '%' :| [intToDigit h, intToDigit l]
        (h, l) = fromIntegral x `quotRem` 16

-- | The predicate selects unreserved bytes.

isUnreserved :: Bool -> Word8 -> Bool
isUnreserved t x
  | x >= 65 && x <= 90  = True -- 'A'..'Z'
  | x >= 97 && x <= 122 = True -- 'a'..'z'
  | x >= 48 && x <= 57  = True -- '0'..'9'
  | x == 45             = True -- '-'
  | x == 95             = True -- '_'
  | x == 46             = True -- '.'
  | x == 126            = True -- '~'
  | t && x == 58        = True -- ':'
  | t && x == 64        = True -- '@'
  | otherwise           = False