{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} -- | Here you will find the polymorphic values -- which represent all of the interfaces -- that a given module can fulfill. -- You can tell which module a given polymorphic value represents -- by removing the first and last underscores, -- and replacing all other underscores with dots. -- For example, @_Data_ByteString_@ represents the @Data.ByteString@ module. -- -- If you'd like to add a new instance for a given interface, -- then you must import that module's corresponding typeclass -- (those are not exported here). module ModularPrelude.From ( X._Data_ByteString_ , X._Data_ByteString_Lazy_ , X._Data_Text_ , X._Data_Text_Lazy_ , X._Data_Vector_ , X._Data_Vector_Unboxed_ , X._Data_Map_ , X._Data_HashMap_Strict_ , X._Data_HashMap_Lazy_ , X._Data_List_ , X._Data_Set_ , X._Data_HashSet_ , X._Filesystem_Path_CurrentOS_ ) where import ModularPrelude.Module.ByteString as X (_Data_ByteString_) import ModularPrelude.Module.LByteString as X (_Data_ByteString_Lazy_) import ModularPrelude.Module.Text as X (_Data_Text_) import ModularPrelude.Module.LText as X (_Data_Text_Lazy_) import ModularPrelude.Module.Vector as X (_Data_Vector_) import ModularPrelude.Module.UVector as X (_Data_Vector_Unboxed_) import ModularPrelude.Module.Map as X (_Data_Map_) import ModularPrelude.Module.HashMap as X (_Data_HashMap_Strict_) import ModularPrelude.Module.LHashMap as X (_Data_HashMap_Lazy_) import ModularPrelude.Module.List as X (_Data_List_) import ModularPrelude.Module.Set as X (_Data_Set_) import ModularPrelude.Module.HashSet as X (_Data_HashSet_) import ModularPrelude.Module.FilePath as X (_Filesystem_Path_CurrentOS_)