{-# LANGUAGE CPP, PackageImports #-} module Imports where import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts.Syntax as S (ModuleName(ModuleName)) import Language.Haskell.Modules (cleanImports, modifyExtensions, modifyTestMode, modulePathBase, putDirs, runCleanT, withCurrentDirectory) import Language.Haskell.Modules.Params (modifyParams, Params(hsFlags)) import Language.Haskell.Modules.SourceDirs (RelPath(unRelPath)) import Language.Haskell.Modules.Util.Test (diff, rsync) import System.Exit (ExitCode(..)) import System.FilePath (()) import System.Process (readProcessWithExitCode) import Test.HUnit (assertEqual, Test(..)) #if MIN_VERSION_haskell_src_exts(1,14,0) import Language.Haskell.Exts.Extension (KnownExtension(FlexibleInstances, StandaloneDeriving, TypeSynonymInstances),Extension(EnableExtension)) nameToExtension x = EnableExtension x #else import Language.Haskell.Exts.Extension (Extension(FlexibleInstances, StandaloneDeriving, TypeSynonymInstances)) nameToExtension x = x #endif tests :: Test tests = TestLabel "Clean" (TestList [test1, {-test2,-} test3, test4, test5, test6 {-, test7-}]) test1 :: Test test1 = TestLabel "imports1" $ TestCase (do rsync "testdata/debian" "tmp" let name = S.ModuleName "Debian.Repo.PackageIndex" let base = modulePathBase "hs" name _ <- withCurrentDirectory "tmp" $ (runCleanT (cleanImports [unRelPath base])) (code, out, err) <- readProcessWithExitCode "diff" ["-ru", "testdata/debian" unRelPath base, "tmp" unRelPath base] "" assertEqual "cleanImports" (ExitFailure 1, ["@@ -28,15 +28,15 @@", " , sortBinaryPackages", " ) where", " ", "-import Data.List as List (sortBy, map, filter)", "+import Data.List as List (filter, map, sortBy)", " import Data.Monoid ((<>))", "-import Data.Set as Set (map, filter, toList, unions)", "+import Data.Set as Set (filter, map, toList, unions)", " import Data.Text (Text)", "-import Debian.Arch (Arch(..), ArchOS(..), ArchCPU(..), prettyArch)", "-import qualified Debian.Control.Text as T", "+import Debian.Arch (Arch(..), ArchCPU(..), ArchOS(..), prettyArch)", "+import qualified Debian.Control.Text as T (Paragraph)", "+import Debian.Pretty (PP(..), ppPrint)", " import Debian.Relation (BinPkgName(..), SrcPkgName(..))", " import qualified Debian.Relation as B (Relations)", "-import Debian.Pretty (PP(..), ppPrint)", " import Debian.Release (releaseName', Section(..), sectionName')", " import Debian.Repo.PackageID (PackageID(packageName, packageVersion), prettyPackageID)", " import Debian.Repo.Release (Release(..))"], "") (code, drop 2 (lines out), err)) test2 :: Test test2 = TestLabel "Imports.test2" $ TestCase (do rsync "testdata/debian" "tmp" let name = S.ModuleName "Debian.Repo.PackageIndex" base = modulePathBase "hs" name _ <- withCurrentDirectory "tmp" (runCleanT (cleanImports [unRelPath base])) (code, out, err) <- readProcessWithExitCode "diff" ["-ru", "testdata/debian" unRelPath base, "tmp" unRelPath base] "" assertEqual "cleanImports" (ExitSuccess, "", "") (code, out, err)) -- | Can we handle a Main module in a file named something other than Main.hs? test3 :: Test test3 = TestLabel "imports3" $ TestCase (rsync "testdata/imports3" "tmp" >> runCleanT (putDirs ["tmp"] >> cleanImports ["tmp/NotMain.hs"]) >> assertEqual "module name" () ()) -- | Preserve imports with a "hiding" clause test4 :: Test test4 = TestLabel "imports4" $ TestCase (rsync "testdata/imports4" "tmp" >> runCleanT (putDirs ["tmp"] >> cleanImports ["tmp/Hiding.hs"]) >> -- Need to check the text of Hiding.hs, but at least this verifies that there was no crash assertEqual "module name" () ()) -- | Preserve imports used by a standalone deriving declaration test5 :: Test test5 = TestLabel "imports5" $ TestCase (do _ <- rsync "testdata/imports5" "tmp" _ <- runCleanT (putDirs ["tmp"] >> modifyExtensions (++ map nameToExtension [StandaloneDeriving, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances]) >> cleanImports ["tmp/Deriving.hs"]) (code, out, err) <- diff "testdata/imports5" "tmp" assertEqual "standalone deriving" (ExitFailure 1, (unlines ["@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@", " module Deriving where", " ", "-import Data.Text (Text)", "-import Debian.Control (Paragraph(..), Paragraph'(..), Field'(..))", "+", " ", " {-", " deriving instance Show (Field' String)"]), "") (code, unlines (drop 3 (lines out)), err)) -- | Comment at EOF test6 :: Test test6 = TestLabel "imports6" $ TestCase (do _ <- rsync "testdata/imports6" "tmp" _ <- withCurrentDirectory "tmp" (runCleanT (modifyTestMode (const True) >> cleanImports ["EndComment.hs"])) (_, out, _) <- readProcessWithExitCode "diff" ["-ru", "imports6-expected", "tmp"] "" assertEqual "comment at end" "" out) -- Clean a file with tabs test7 :: Test test7 = TestLabel "imports7" $ TestCase (do _ <- rsync "testdata/imports7" "tmp" _ <- withCurrentDirectory "tmp" (runCleanT (putDirs [".", ".."] >> modifyParams (\ m -> m {hsFlags = "-DMIN_VERSION_haskell_src_exts(a,b,c)=1" : hsFlags m}) >> modifyTestMode (const True) >> cleanImports ["CLI.hs"])) out <- diff "testdata/imports7-expected" "tmp" assertEqual "CLI" (ExitSuccess, "", "") out)