{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields, TypeFamilies,
    StandaloneDeriving, DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

-- |
-- Copyright   : (c) Hans Hoglund 2012
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : hans@hanshoglund.se
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : GHC
-- Renders module descriptions as C header files.

module Language.Modulo.C (
        -- ** Styles
        -- appleStyle,
        -- haskellStyle,
        -- ** Conversion
        -- ** Rendering
  ) where

import Data.Default
import Data.Semigroup

import Language.Modulo
import Language.Modulo.Util
import Language.Modulo.Util.Mangle
import Language.Modulo.Util.Unmangle

import Language.C.Syntax.AST
import Language.C.Syntax.Constants
import Language.C.Parser
import Language.C.Pretty
import Language.C.Data.Node
import Language.C.Data.Ident
import Language.C.Data.Position
import Language.C.Data.InputStream

import qualified Data.List          as List
import qualified Data.Char          as Char
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty

-- Styles

data GuardStyle
    = Pragma -- ^ Write pragma guards
    | Ifndef -- ^ Write conditional guards

data ImportStyle
    = SystemPath -- ^ Import external modules using system paths
    | LocalPath  -- ^ Import external modules using local paths

data CStyle =
    CStyle {
        -- Guards
        guardStyle          :: GuardStyle,           -- ^ How to write guards
        includeStyle         :: ImportStyle,          -- ^ How to write import declarations
        includeDirective     :: String,               -- ^ Import directive, usually @include@.
        guardMangler        :: [String] -> String,   -- ^ Mangler for names of header guards
        innerHeader         :: [String] -> String -> String,   -- ^ Inner header mangler (components moduleDoc)
        innerFooter         :: [String] -> String,   -- ^ Inner footer mangler

        -- Prefix
        typePrefixMangler   :: [String] -> String,   -- ^ Prefix for types
        valuePrefixMangler  :: [String] -> String,   -- ^ Prefix for values

        -- Types
        typeMangler :: [String] -> String, -- ^ Mangler for implementation struct names

        -- Fields
        structFieldMangler  :: [String] -> String,   -- ^ Mangler for struct fields
        unionFieldMangler   :: [String] -> String,   -- ^ Mangler for union fields
        enumFieldMangler    :: [String] -> String,   -- ^ Mangler for enum fields

        -- Functions and values
        constMangler    :: [String] -> String,   -- ^ Mangler for constant values
        globalMangler   :: [String] -> String,   -- ^ Mangler for global variables
        funcMangler :: [String] -> String    -- ^ Mangler for global functions

        -- Options
        --  Wrap in extern C block
        --  Add Doxygen stubs (which?)
        --  Add <PREFIX>_API declaration

-- | Default instance using 'stdStyle'.
instance Default CStyle where
    def = stdStyle
-- | Left-biased Semigroup instance.
instance Semigroup CStyle where
    a <> b = a
-- | Left-biased Monoid instance.
instance Monoid CStyle where
    mempty  = def
    mappend = (<>)

stdInnerHeader :: CStyle -> [String] -> String -> String
stdInnerHeader _ ns doc = begin ++ concat (post "    @{\n" cs) ++ end
        begin = "/** @addtogroup " ++ concat ns ++ "\n" ++ doc ++ "\n"
        c1 = repeat "    "
        c2 = repeat "@defgroup "
        c3 = map concat . drop 1 . List.inits $ ns
        c4 = repeat " "
        c5 = ns
        c6 = repeat "\n"
        cs = List.zipWith6 (\a b c d e f -> a ++ b ++ c ++ d ++ e ++ f) c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6
        end = "    */"

stdInnerFooter :: CStyle -> [String] -> String
stdInnerFooter _ ns = (concat $ List.zipWith (++) c1 c2) ++ end
        c1 = ["/** "] ++ repeat "    "
        c2 = replicate (length ns) "@}\n"
        end = "    */"

-- |
-- Style used in the C standard library.
-- * Types:     @ foo_bar_type_t @
-- * Functions: @ foo_bar_func @
-- * Constants: @ FOO_BAR_VAL @
-- * Fields:    @ foo_bar @
stdStyle :: CStyle
stdStyle = CStyle
    guardStyle          = Ifndef,
    includeStyle        = SystemPath, 
    includeDirective    = "include",
    guardMangler        = (withPrefix "_" . concatSep "_" . fmap toUpperString),
    innerHeader         = (stdInnerHeader stdStyle),
    innerFooter         = (stdInnerFooter stdStyle),
    typePrefixMangler   = (withSuffix "_" . concatSep "_" . fmap toLowerString),
    valuePrefixMangler  = (withSuffix "_" . concatSep "_" . fmap toLowerString),
    typeMangler         = (concatSep "_" . withSuffix ["t"] . fmap toLowerString),
    structFieldMangler  = (concatSep "_" . fmap toLowerString),
    unionFieldMangler   = (concatSep "_" . fmap toLowerString),
    enumFieldMangler    = (concatSep "_" . fmap toLowerString),
    constMangler        = (concatSep "_" . fmap toLowerString),
    globalMangler       = (concatSep "_" . fmap toLowerString),
    funcMangler         = (concatSep "_" . fmap toLowerString)

-- |
-- Style used in Cairo.
-- * Types:     @ p_foo_bar_t @
-- * Opaques:   @ _p_foo_bar_t @
-- * Functions: @ p_foo_bar @
-- * Constants: @ P_FOO_BAR @
-- * Fields:    @ foo_bar @
cairoStyle :: CStyle
cairoStyle = CStyle
    Ifndef SystemPath "include"
    (withPrefix "_" . concatSep "_" . fmap toUpperString)
    (stdInnerHeader cairoStyle)
    (stdInnerFooter cairoStyle)
    (concatSep "_")
    (concatSep "_")

    (concatSep "_" . withSuffix ["t"] . fmap toLowerString)
    (concatSep "_")
    (concatSep "_")
    (concatSep "_")

    (concatSep "_")
    (concatSep "_")
    (concatSep "_")

-- |
-- Style used in GTK.
-- * Types:     @ PFooBar @
-- * Opaques:   @ _PFooBar @
-- * Functions: @ p_foo_bar @
-- * Constants: @ P_FOO_BAR @
-- * Fields:    @ foo_bar @
gtkStyle :: CStyle
gtkStyle = CStyle
    Ifndef SystemPath "include"
    (withPrefix "_" . concatSep "_" . fmap toUpperString)
    (stdInnerHeader gtkStyle)
    (stdInnerFooter gtkStyle)
    (concatSep "_")
    (concatSep "_")

    (concatSep "_")
    (concatSep "_")
    (concatSep "_")

    (concatSep "_")
    (concatSep "_")
    (concatSep "_")

-- |
-- Style used in Apple Frameworks.
-- * Types:     @ PFooBar @
-- * Opaques:   @ PFooBarOpaque @
-- * Functions: @ PFooBar @
-- * Constants: @ kPFooBar @
-- * Fields:    @ mFooBar @
appleStyle :: CStyle
appleStyle = CStyle
    Ifndef SystemPath "include"
    (withPrefix "_" . concatSep "_" . fmap toUpperString)
    (stdInnerHeader stdStyle)
    (stdInnerFooter stdStyle)


    (withPrefix "m" . capitalCase)
    (withPrefix "m" . capitalCase)
    (withPrefix "m" . capitalCase)

    (withPrefix "k" . capitalCase)
    (withPrefix "g" . capitalCase)
-- |
-- Style similar to Haskell conventions.
-- * Types:     @ PFooBar @
-- * Opaques:   @ PFooBarOpaque @
-- * Functions: @ pfooBar @
-- * Constants: @ pfooBar @
-- * Fields:    @ pfooBar @
haskellStyle :: CStyle
haskellStyle = CStyle
    Ifndef SystemPath "include"
    (withPrefix "_" . concatSep "_" . fmap toUpperString)
    (stdInnerHeader stdStyle)
    (stdInnerFooter stdStyle)




-- Codegen

-- |
-- Print a module using the default style.
printModule :: Module -> String
printModule = printModuleStyle def

-- |
-- Print a module using the specified style.
printModuleStyle :: CStyle -> Module -> String
printModuleStyle style = (\(x,y,z) -> x ++ (show . pretty $ y) ++ z) . renderModuleStyle style

-- |
-- Render a module using the default style.
-- Returns a C header file, represented as a 'CTranslUnit' with enclosing header and footer strings.
renderModule :: Module -> (String, CTranslUnit, String)
renderModule = renderModuleStyle def

-- |
-- Render a module using the specified style.
-- Returns a C header file, represented as a 'CTranslUnit' with enclosing header and footer strings.
renderModuleStyle :: CStyle -> Module -> (String, CTranslUnit, String)
renderModuleStyle style mod = (header, decls, footer)
        header = convertHeader style False mod'
        decls  = convertTopLevel style mod'
        footer = convertFooter style mod'
        mod' = flattenModule style mod

-- |
-- Print a module using the default style.
printModuleComm :: Module -> String
printModuleComm = printModuleStyleComm def

-- |
-- Print a module using the specified style.
printModuleStyleComm :: CStyle -> Module -> String
printModuleStyleComm style = (\(x,y,z) -> x ++ concatSep "\n\n" (map sdd y) ++ z) . renderModuleStyleComm style
        sdd (doc, decl) = sd doc ++ "\n" ++ (show . pretty) decl ++ ";"
        sd ""  = ""
        sd str = "/**" ++ (removeEmptyLast . deindent) str ++ "*/"

-- Hacky functions to remove strange indentation
deindent :: String -> String
deindent = unlines . fmap f . lines
        f (' ':' ':' ':' ':' ':' ':' ':' ':xs) = "    "++xs
        f xs = xs

removeEmptyLast :: String -> String
removeEmptyLast = reverse . f . reverse
        f ('\n':'\n':xs)                 = "\n"++xs
        f ('\n':' ':' ':' ':' ':' ':'\n':xs) = "\n"++xs
        f xs             = xs

-- |
-- Render a module using the specified style, preserving comments.
-- Returns a C header file, represented as a 'CTranslUnit' with enclosing header and footer strings.
renderModuleStyleComm :: CStyle -> Module -> (String, [(String, CDecl)], String)
renderModuleStyleComm style mod = (header, decls, footer)
        -- TODO module docs in header
        header = convertHeader style True mod'
        decls  = convertTopLevelComm style mod'
        footer = convertFooter style mod'
        mod' = flattenModule style mod

-- Header and footer

-- Args: style withDocs module
convertHeader :: CStyle -> Bool -> Module -> String
convertHeader st withDocs mod = mempty
    ++ "\n"
    ++ guardBegin (guardStyle st) guard
    ++ "\n"
    ++ imports
    ++ "\n\n"
    ++ innerHeader st name (if withDocs then getDoc (modDoc mod) else "")
    ++ "\n\n"
        name = getModuleNameList . modName $ mod
        guard = guardMangler st name
        mangleImport = concatSep "/" . map toLowerString . map (concatSep "_") . map unmangle
        imports = concatSep "\n"
            . map (withPrefix ("#" ++ includeDirective st ++ " <") 
                . withSuffix ".h>" 
                . mangleImport 
                . getModuleNameList)
            . map fst
            . modImports
            $ mod

guardBegin :: GuardStyle -> String -> String
guardBegin Pragma name = mempty
    ++ "#pragma once\n"
guardBegin Ifndef name = mempty
    ++ "#ifndef " ++ name ++ "\n"
    ++ "#define " ++ name ++ "\n"

guardEnd :: GuardStyle -> String -> String
guardEnd Pragma name = mempty
    ++ "// " ++ name
guardEnd Ifndef name = mempty
    ++ "#endif // " ++ name

convertFooter :: CStyle -> Module -> String
convertFooter st mod = mempty
    ++ "\n\n"
    ++ innerFooter st name
    ++ "\n\n"
    ++ guardEnd (guardStyle st) guard
    ++ "\n\n"
        name = getModuleNameList . modName $ mod
        guard = guardMangler st name

-- Flattening

-- |
-- Rewrite a module to use C-style (flat) names.
-- (This used to be called rename, until the addition of the eponymous module that does name 
-- resolution. This function assumes names have already been resolved.)
-- The module returned from this function will have no QName constructors.
flattenModule :: CStyle -> Module -> Module
flattenModule st (Module doc n is ds) = Module doc n is (map (fmap $flattenDecl st) ds)

flattenDecl st (TypeDecl n t)      = TypeDecl (translType st n) (fmap (flattenType st) t)
flattenDecl st (FunctionDecl n t)  = FunctionDecl (translFun st n) (flattenFunType st t)
flattenDecl st (TagDecl t)         = TagDecl (flattenType st t)
flattenDecl st (ConstDecl n v t)   = ConstDecl (translConst st n) v (flattenType st t)
flattenDecl st (GlobalDecl n v t)  = GlobalDecl (translGlobal st n) v (flattenType st t)

flattenType st (PrimType t)  = PrimType t
flattenType st (AliasType n) = AliasType $ flattenAlias st n
flattenType st (RefType t)   = RefType   $ flattenRefType st t
flattenType st (FunType t)   = FunType   $ flattenFunType st t
flattenType st (CompType t)  = CompType  $ flattenCompType st t

flattenAlias :: CStyle -> Name -> Name
flattenAlias st n = translType st n

flattenRefType :: CStyle -> RefType -> RefType
flattenRefType st (Pointer t) = Pointer (flattenType st t)
flattenRefType st (Array t n) = Array (flattenType st t) n

flattenFunType :: CStyle -> FunType -> FunType
flattenFunType st (Function as r) = Function (fmap (flattenType st) as) (flattenType st r)

flattenCompType :: CStyle -> CompType -> CompType
flattenCompType st (Enum ns)     = Enum   $ fmap (translEnumField st) ns
flattenCompType st (Struct ns)   = Struct $ fmap (\(n,t) -> (translStructField st n, flattenType st t)) ns
flattenCompType st (Union ns)    = Union  $ fmap (\(n,t) -> (translUnionField st n, flattenType st t)) ns
flattenCompType st (BitField ns) = notSupported "Bit-fields"

translType :: CStyle -> Name -> Name
translType st = mangleName (typePrefixMangler st) (typeMangler st)

translFun     :: CStyle -> Name -> Name
translConst   :: CStyle -> Name -> Name
translGlobal  :: CStyle -> Name -> Name
translFun     st = mangleName (valuePrefixMangler st) (funcMangler st)
translConst   st = mangleName (valuePrefixMangler st) (constMangler st)
translGlobal  st = mangleName (valuePrefixMangler st) (globalMangler st)

translStructField  :: CStyle -> Name -> Name
translUnionField  :: CStyle -> Name -> Name
translEnumField  :: CStyle -> Name -> Name
translStructField st = mangleName (valuePrefixMangler st) (structFieldMangler st)
translUnionField  st = mangleName (valuePrefixMangler st) (unionFieldMangler st)
translEnumField   st = mangleName (valuePrefixMangler st) (enumFieldMangler st)
mangleName :: ([String] -> String) -> ([String] -> String) -> Name -> Name
mangleName p q (Name n)    = Name $q (unmangle n)
mangleName p q (QName m n) = Name $ (p . concatMap unmangle . getModuleNameList $ m) ++ q (unmangle n)

-- Top-level declarations

-- TODO use doc
convertTopLevel :: CStyle -> Module -> CTranslUnit
convertTopLevel st (Module doc n is ds) = CTranslUnit cds defInfo
        cds = map (CDeclExt . convertDecl st . snd) ds

convertTopLevelComm :: CStyle -> Module -> [(String, CDecl)]
convertTopLevelComm st (Module doc n is ds) = fmap (first getDoc . second (convertDecl st)) ds
        first f = swap . fmap f . swap
        second = fmap
        swap (a,b) = (b,a)

convertDecl :: CStyle -> Decl -> CDecl
convertDecl st (TypeDecl n Nothing)  = declOpaque st n
convertDecl st (TypeDecl n (Just t)) = declType st n t                -- typedef T N;
convertDecl st (FunctionDecl n t)    = declFun st n t                 -- T n (as);
convertDecl st (TagDecl t)           = notSupported "Tag decls"       -- T;
convertDecl st (ConstDecl n v t)     = notSupported "Constants"       -- T n; or T n = v;
convertDecl st (GlobalDecl n v t)    = notSupported "Globals"         -- T n; or T n = v;

-- TODO for now opaques are always structs
-- TODO use separate mangler for struct name
declOpaque :: CStyle -> Name -> CDecl
declOpaque st n = CDecl spec decList defInfo
        typ     = CSUType (CStruct CStructTag (Just $ ident ("_" ++ getName n)) Nothing [] defInfo) defInfo
        spec    = [CStorageSpec (CTypedef defInfo)] ++ [CTypeSpec typ]
        declr   = CDeclr (Just $ identName n) [CPtrDeclr [] defInfo] Nothing [] defInfo
        decList = [topLevelDeclr declr]

declType :: CStyle -> Name -> Type -> CDecl
declType st n t = CDecl spec decList defInfo
        (typ, decl) = convertType st t
        spec    = [CStorageSpec (CTypedef defInfo)] ++ map CTypeSpec typ
        declr   = CDeclr (Just $ identName n) decl Nothing [] defInfo
        decList = [topLevelDeclr declr]

declVar :: CStyle -> Name -> Type -> CDecl
declVar st n t = CDecl spec decList defInfo
        (typ, decl) = convertType st t
        spec    = [] ++ map CTypeSpec typ
        declr   = CDeclr (Just $ identName n) decl Nothing [] defInfo
        decList = [topLevelDeclr declr]

declFun :: CStyle -> Name -> FunType -> CDecl
declFun st n t = CDecl spec decList defInfo
        (typ, decl) = convertFunType st t
        spec    = [] ++ map CTypeSpec typ
        declr   = CDeclr (Just $ identName n) decl Nothing [] defInfo
        decList = [topLevelDeclr declr]

-- These are used recursively from below

declParam :: CStyle -> Maybe Name -> Type -> CDecl
declParam st n t = CDecl spec decList defInfo
        (typ, decl) = convertType st t
        spec    = map CTypeSpec typ
        declr   = CDeclr (fmap identName n) decl Nothing [] defInfo
        decList = [memberDeclr declr]

-- struct or union member
declStructMember :: CStyle -> Name -> Type -> CDecl
declStructMember st n t = CDecl spec decList defInfo
        (typ, decl) = convertType st t
        spec    = map CTypeSpec typ
        declr   = CDeclr (Just $ identName n) decl Nothing [] defInfo
        decList = [memberDeclr declr]

declBitfieldMember :: CStyle -> Maybe Name -> Type -> Int -> CDecl
declBitfieldMember = notSupported "Bit-fields"

-- |
-- C types are represented by
--     1) A sequence of (declaration-specific) type specifiers such as 'unsigned', 'long', 'int' etc
--     2) A sequence of (variable-specific) qualifiers such as '*', '[]' or function arguments
convertType :: CStyle -> Type -> ([CTypeSpec], [CDerivedDeclr])
convertType st (AliasType n) = convertAlias st n
convertType st (PrimType t)  = convertPrimType st t
convertType st (RefType t)   = convertRefType st t
convertType st (FunType t)   = convertFunType st t
convertType st (CompType t)  = convertCompType st t

convertAlias :: CStyle -> Name -> ([CTypeSpec], [CDerivedDeclr])
convertAlias st n = (alias, [])
        alias = [CTypeDef (identName n) defInfo]

convertPrimType :: CStyle -> PrimType -> ([CTypeSpec], [CDerivedDeclr])
convertPrimType st t = (prim t, [])
        -- prim Bool       = [CBoolType defInfo]
        prim Bool       = return $ CTypeDef (ident "bool") defInfo
        prim Void       = [CVoidType defInfo]
        prim Char       = [CCharType defInfo]
        prim Short      = [CShortType defInfo]
        prim Int        = [CIntType defInfo]
        prim Long       = [CLongType defInfo]
        prim LongLong   = [CLongType defInfo, CLongType defInfo]
        prim SChar      = [CSignedType defInfo, CCharType defInfo]
        prim UChar      = [CUnsigType defInfo, CCharType defInfo]
        prim UShort     = [CUnsigType defInfo, CShortType defInfo]
        prim UInt       = [CUnsigType defInfo, CIntType defInfo]
        prim ULong      = [CUnsigType defInfo, CLongType defInfo]
        prim ULongLong  = [CUnsigType defInfo, CLongType defInfo, CLongType defInfo]
        prim Float      = [CFloatType defInfo]
        prim Double     = [CDoubleType defInfo]
        prim LongDouble = [CLongType defInfo, CDoubleType defInfo]
        prim Size       = return $ CTypeDef (ident "size_t") defInfo
        prim Ptrdiff    = return $ CTypeDef (ident "ptrdiff_t") defInfo
        prim Intptr     = return $ CTypeDef (ident "intptr_t") defInfo
        prim UIntptr    = return $ CTypeDef (ident "uintptr_t") defInfo
        prim Int8       = return $ CTypeDef (ident "int8_t") defInfo
        prim Int16      = return $ CTypeDef (ident "int16_t") defInfo
        prim Int32      = return $ CTypeDef (ident "int32_t") defInfo
        prim Int64      = return $ CTypeDef (ident "int64_t") defInfo
        prim UInt8      = return $ CTypeDef (ident "uint8_t") defInfo
        prim UInt16     = return $ CTypeDef (ident "uint16_t") defInfo
        prim UInt32     = return $ CTypeDef (ident "uint32_t") defInfo
        prim UInt64     = return $ CTypeDef (ident "uint64_t") defInfo

convertRefType :: CStyle -> RefType -> ([CTypeSpec], [CDerivedDeclr])
convertRefType st (Pointer t) = (typ, [CPtrDeclr [] defInfo] ++ decls)
        (typ, decls) = convertType st t
convertRefType st (Array t n) = (typ, [CArrDeclr [] size defInfo] ++ decls)
        size = (CArrSize isStatic (CConst (CIntConst (fromIntegral n) defInfo)))
        isStatic = False
        (typ, decls) = convertType st t

convertFunType :: CStyle -> FunType -> ([CTypeSpec], [CDerivedDeclr])
convertFunType st (Function as r) = (typ, [CFunDeclr (Right (args, False)) [] defInfo ] ++ decls)
        (typ, decls) = convertType st r
        args :: [CDecl]
        args    = map (\t -> declParam st Nothing t) as

convertCompType :: CStyle -> CompType -> ([CTypeSpec], [CDerivedDeclr])
convertCompType st (Enum as) = ([typ], [])
        typ     = CEnumType enum defInfo
        enum    = CEnum tag (Just names) [] defInfo
        tag     = Nothing
        names   = map (\n -> (identName n, Nothing)) $ NonEmpty.toList as

convertCompType st (Struct as) = ([typ], [])
        typ     = cStruct tag (Just decls)
        tag     = Nothing
        decls   = map (\(n,t) -> declStructMember st n t) $ NonEmpty.toList as

convertCompType st (Union as) = ([typ], [])
        typ     = cUnion tag (Just decls)
        tag     = Nothing
        decls   = map (\(n,t) -> declStructMember st n t) $ NonEmpty.toList as

convertCompType st (BitField as) = notSupported "Bitfields"

-- Util

-- | An identifier
ident :: String -> Ident
ident name = Ident name 0 defInfo

identName :: Name -> Ident
identName = ident . getName

-- | Top-level declaration.
topLevelDeclr :: CDeclr -> (Maybe CDeclr, Maybe CInit, Maybe CExpr)
topLevelDeclr declr = (Just declr, Nothing, Nothing)

-- | Top-level declaration with initial value.
topLevelDeclrInit :: CDeclr -> CInit -> (Maybe CDeclr, Maybe CInit, Maybe CExpr)
topLevelDeclrInit declr init = (Just declr, Just init, Nothing)

-- | Member declaration.
memberDeclr :: CDeclr -> (Maybe CDeclr, Maybe CInit, Maybe CExpr)
memberDeclr declr = (Just declr, Nothing, Nothing)

-- | Member declaration with size.
memberDeclrSize :: CDeclr -> CExpr -> (Maybe CDeclr, Maybe CInit, Maybe CExpr)
memberDeclrSize declr size = (Just declr, Nothing, Just size)

-- | Parameter declaration.
paramDeclr :: CDeclr -> (Maybe CDeclr, Maybe CInit, Maybe CExpr)
paramDeclr declr = (Just declr, Nothing, Nothing)

-- | Used for all NodeInfo values in generated code
defInfo :: NodeInfo
defInfo = error "Can not read nodeInfo"
-- defInfo = OnlyPos $ Position undefined 0 0

notSupported x = error $ "Not supported yet: " ++ x

cStruct t ds = CSUType r defInfo where r = CStruct CStructTag t ds [] defInfo
cUnion  t ds = CSUType r defInfo where r = CStruct CUnionTag  t ds [] defInfo

instance Num CInteger where
    (CInteger a r f) + (CInteger b _ _) = CInteger (a+b) r f
    (CInteger a r f) * (CInteger b _ _) = CInteger (a*b) r f
    abs (CInteger a r f)                = CInteger (abs a) r f
    signum (CInteger a r f)             = CInteger (signum a) r f
    fromInteger a                       = CInteger a DecRepr noFlags


Extra instances for debug purposes

deriving instance Show CTranslUnit
deriving instance Show CExtDecl
deriving instance Show CStrLit
deriving instance Show CFunDef
deriving instance Show CDecl
deriving instance Show CStat
deriving instance Show CDeclr
deriving instance Show CInit
deriving instance Show CDeclSpec
deriving instance Show CAsmStmt
deriving instance Show CBlockItem
deriving instance Show CAttr
deriving instance Show CDerivedDeclr
deriving instance Show CDesignator
deriving instance Show CExpr
deriving instance Show CTypeQual
deriving instance Show CTypeSpec
deriving instance Show CAsmOperand
deriving instance Show CArrSize
deriving instance Show CBuiltin
deriving instance Show CConst
deriving instance Show CEnum
deriving instance Show CStructUnion
deriving instance Show CStructTag