Module      : Control.Monad.Metrics.Internal
Description : An easy interface to recording metrics.
Copyright   : (c) Matt Parsons, 2017
                  Taylor Fausak, 2016
License     : MIT
Maintainer  : parsonsmatt@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX

This is an internal module. Depend upon it at your own risk -- breaking
changes in here will /not/ be reflected in the major API version.

module Control.Monad.Metrics.Internal where

import           Data.IORef
import           Data.HashMap.Strict         (HashMap)
import           Data.Text                   (Text)
import           Lens.Micro
import           System.Clock                (TimeSpec (..))
import           System.Metrics              (Store)
import           System.Metrics.Counter      (Counter)
import           System.Metrics.Distribution (Distribution)
import           System.Metrics.Gauge        (Gauge)
import           System.Metrics.Label        (Label)

-- | A container for metrics used by the 'MonadMetrics' class.
-- * /Since v0.1.0.0/
data Metrics = Metrics
    { _metricsCounters      :: IORef (HashMap Text Counter)
    , _metricsGauges        :: IORef (HashMap Text Gauge)
    , _metricsDistributions :: IORef (HashMap Text Distribution)
    , _metricsLabels        :: IORef (HashMap Text Label)
    , _metricsStore         :: Store

-- | A lens into the 'Counter's provided by the 'Metrics'.
-- * /Since v0.1.0.0/
metricsCounters :: Lens' Metrics (IORef (HashMap Text Counter))
metricsCounters f (Metrics c g d l s) = fmap (\c' -> Metrics c' g d l s) (f c)

-- | A lens into the 'Gauge's provided by the 'Metrics'.
-- * /Since v0.1.0.0/
metricsGauges :: Lens' Metrics (IORef (HashMap Text Gauge))
metricsGauges f (Metrics c g d l s) = fmap (\g' -> Metrics c g' d l s) (f g)

-- | A lens into the 'Distribution's provided by the 'Metrics'.
-- * /Since v0.1.0.0/
metricsDistributions :: Lens' Metrics (IORef (HashMap Text Distribution))
metricsDistributions f (Metrics c g d l s) = fmap (\d' -> Metrics c g d' l s) (f d)

-- | A lens into the 'Label's provided by the 'Metrics'.
-- * /Since v0.1.0.0/
metricsLabels :: Lens' Metrics (IORef (HashMap Text Label))
metricsLabels f (Metrics c g d l s) = fmap (\l' -> Metrics c g d l' s) (f l)

-- | A lens into the 'Store' provided by the 'Metrics'.
-- * /Since v0.1.0.0/
metricsStore :: Lens' Metrics Store
metricsStore f (Metrics c g d l s) = fmap (Metrics c g d l) (f s)

-- | A type representing the resolution of time to use for the 'timed'
-- metric.
-- * /Since v0.1.0.0/
data Resolution
    = Nanoseconds
    | Microseconds
    | Milliseconds
    | Seconds
    | Minutes
    | Hours
    | Days
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Enum)

diffTime :: Resolution -> TimeSpec -> TimeSpec -> Double
diffTime res (TimeSpec seca nseca) (TimeSpec secb nsecb) =
    let secs = seca - secb
        nsecs = nseca - nsecb
     in convertTimeSpecTo res (TimeSpec secs nsecs)

convertTimeSpecTo :: Resolution -> TimeSpec -> Double
convertTimeSpecTo res (TimeSpec secs' nsecs') =
    case res of
        Nanoseconds  -> nsecs + sToNs secs
        Microseconds -> nsToUs nsecs + sToUs secs
        Milliseconds -> nsToMs nsecs + sToMs secs
        Seconds      -> nsToS nsecs + secs
        Minutes      -> sToMin (nsToS nsecs + secs)
        Hours        -> sToHour (nsToS nsecs + secs)
        Days         -> sToDay (nsToS nsecs + secs)
    nsecs = fromIntegral nsecs'
    secs = fromIntegral secs'

nsToUs, nsToMs, nsToS, sToMin, sToHour, sToDay, sToNs, sToUs, sToMs :: Double -> Double
nsToUs = (/ 10^(3 :: Int))
nsToMs = (/ 10^(6 :: Int))
nsToS = (/ 10^(9 :: Int))
sToMin = (/ 60)
sToHour = sToMin . sToMin
sToDay = (/ 24) . sToHour
sToNs = (* 10^(9 :: Int))
sToUs = (* 10^(6 :: Int))
sToMs = (* 10^(3 :: Int))