name: monad-mock version: category: Testing synopsis: A monad transformer for mocking mtl-style typeclasses description: | This package provides a monad transformer that helps create “mocks” of @mtl@-style typeclasses, intended for use in unit tests. A mock can be executed by providing a sequence of expected monadic calls and their results, and the mock will verify that the computation conforms to the expectation. For more information, see the module documentation for "Control.Monad.Mock". copyright: 2017 CJ Affiliate by Conversant license: ISC author: Alexis King maintainer: Alexis King github: cjdev/monad-mock extra-source-files: - - LICENSE - package.yaml - - stack.yaml ghc-options: -Wall default-extensions: - DefaultSignatures - FlexibleContexts - FlexibleInstances - GADTs - GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving - LambdaCase - MultiParamTypeClasses - ScopedTypeVariables - StandaloneDeriving - TupleSections - TypeFamilies - TypeOperators library: dependencies: - base >= && < 5 - constraints >= 0.3.1 - exceptions >= 0.6 - haskell-src-exts - haskell-src-meta - th-orphans - monad-control >= && < 2 - mtl - template-haskell >= && < 2.12 - transformers-base source-dirs: library tests: monad-stub-test-suite: dependencies: - base - monad-mock - hspec ghc-options: - -rtsopts - -threaded - -with-rtsopts=-N main: Main.hs source-dirs: test-suite