# NOTE!! THIS IS REDUNDANT WITH THE CABAL TEST-SUITE IN monad-par.cabal # # This is simply an alternative way to run the tests. # These are HUnit/QuickCheck tests, factored out of their respective files: SRC = ParTests.hs AListTest.hs AsyncTests.hs TestHelpers.hs Makefile TESTS= AllTests.hs EXES= $(TESTS:.hs=.exe) all: $(EXES) test .SUFFIXES: .hs .exe .hs.exe: $< $(SRC) ghc -i.. --make $< -o $@ -rtsopts -threaded deps: cabal install QuickCheck HUnit test-framework test-framework-hunit test-framework-quickcheck2 test-framework-th test: @echo @echo "Running tests:" @echo "==================================" ./AllTests.exe +RTS -N2 # "for t in $(EXES); do $t; done" # ./ParTests.exe # ./AListTest.exe clean: rm -f *.hi *.exe *.o