# [2022-07-05] - Added support for GHC 9.0 and 9.2. # [2019-08-09] - Added the `exceptToValidate`, `exceptToValidateWith`, `validateToError`, and `validateToErrorWith` functions for converting between different error-raising monads. - Removed the `DefaultSignatures`-based default methods for `MonadValidate` in favor of a `WrappedMonadTrans` newtype available from `Control.Monad.Validate.Class` that can be used to derive instances using `DerivingVia`. - Added a default implementation of `dispute` in terms of `refute` and `tolerate` and added their equivalence as a law for `MonadValidate`. # [2019-08-05] - Added the `tolerate` method to `MonadValidate`, which allows relaxing validation errors from fatal to nonfatal. - Added the `embedValidateT` and `mapErrors` functions, which can be used together to locally alter the type of validation errors in `ValidateT` computations. - Removed the `MonadValidate` instance for `ContT`, which is no longer possible to implement due to the addition of `tolerate`. # [2019-08-04] - Initial release.