{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
{-| This library provides a collection of monad transformers that
    can be combined to produce various monads.
module MonadLib (
  -- * Types
  -- $Types
  Id, Lift, IdT, ReaderT, WriterT, StateT, ExceptionT, ContT,

  -- * Lifting
  -- $Lifting
  MonadT(..), BaseM(..),

  -- * Effect Classes
  -- $Effects
  ReaderM(..), WriterM(..), StateM(..), ExceptionM(..), ContM(..),
  Label, labelCC, jump,

  -- * Execution

  -- ** Eliminating Effects
  -- $Execution
  runId, runLift,
  runIdT, runReaderT, runWriterT, runStateT, runExceptionT, runContT,

  -- ** Nested Execution
  -- $Nested_Exec
  RunReaderM(..), RunWriterM(..), RunExceptionM(..),

  -- * Deriving functions
  Iso(..), derive_fmap, derive_return, derive_bind, derive_fail, derive_mfix,
  derive_ask, derive_put, derive_get, derive_set, derive_raise, derive_callCC,
  derive_local, derive_collect, derive_try,
  derive_lift, derive_inBase,

  -- * Miscellaneous
  module Control.Monad
) where

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Data.Monoid
import Prelude hiding (Ordering(..))

-- | The current version of the library.
version :: (Int,Int,Int)
version = (3,3,0)

-- $Types
-- The following types define the representations of the
-- computation types supported by the library.
-- Each type adds support for a different effect.

-- | Computations with no effects.
newtype Id a              = I a

-- | Computation with no effects (strict).
data Lift a               = L a

-- | Add nothing.  Useful as a placeholder.
newtype IdT m a           = IT (m a)

-- | Add support for propagating a context.
newtype ReaderT    i m a  = R (i -> m a)

-- | Add support for collecting values.
newtype WriterT    i m a  = W (m (a,i))

-- | Add support for threading state.
newtype StateT     i m a  = S (i -> m (a,i))

-- | Add support for exceptions.
newtype ExceptionT i m a  = X (m (Either i a))

-- | Add support for jumps.
newtype ContT      i m a  = C ((a -> m i) -> m i)

-- $Execution
-- The following functions eliminate the outermost effect
-- of a computation by translating a computation into an
-- equivalent computation in the underlying monad.
-- (The exceptions are 'Id' and 'Lift' which are not transformers
-- but ordinary monas and so, their run operations simply
-- eliminate the monad.)

-- | Get the result of a pure computation.
runId         :: Id a -> a
runId (I a) = a

-- | Get the result of a pure strict computation.
runLift       :: Lift a -> a
runLift (L a) = a

-- | Remove an identity layer.
runIdT        :: IdT m a -> m a
runIdT (IT a)  = a

-- | Execute a reader computation in the given context.
runReaderT    :: i -> ReaderT i m a -> m a
runReaderT i (R m) = m i

-- | Execute a writer computation.
-- Returns the result and the collected output.
runWriterT    :: WriterT i m a -> m (a,i)
runWriterT (W m) = m

-- | Execute a stateful computation in the given initial state.
-- The second component of the result is the final state.
runStateT     :: i -> StateT i m a -> m (a,i)
runStateT i (S m) = m i

-- | Execute a computation with exceptions.
-- Successful results are tagged with 'Right',
-- exceptional results are tagged with 'Left'.
runExceptionT :: ExceptionT i m a -> m (Either i a)
runExceptionT (X m) = m

-- | Execute a computation with the given continuation.
runContT      :: (a -> m i) -> ContT i m a -> m i
runContT i (C m) = m i

-- $Lifting
-- The following operations allow us to promote computations
-- in the underlying monad to computations that support an extra
-- effect.  Computations defined in this way do not make use of
-- the new effect but can be combined with other operations that
-- utilize the effect.

class MonadT t where
  -- | Promote a computation from the underlying monad.
  lift :: (Monad m) => m a -> t m a

-- It is interesting to note that these use something the resembles
-- the non-transformer 'return's.

instance MonadT IdT            where lift m = IT m
instance MonadT (ReaderT    i) where lift m = R (\_ -> m)
instance MonadT (StateT     i) where lift m = S (\s -> liftM (\a -> (a,s)) m)
instance (Monoid i) =>
         MonadT (WriterT    i) where lift m = W (liftM (\a -> (a,mempty)) m)
instance MonadT (ExceptionT i) where lift m = X (liftM Right m)
instance MonadT (ContT      i) where lift m = C (m >>=)

class (Monad m, Monad n) => BaseM m n | m -> n where
  -- | Promote a computation from the base monad.
  inBase :: n a -> m a

instance BaseM IO IO        where inBase = id
instance BaseM Maybe Maybe  where inBase = id
instance BaseM [] []        where inBase = id
instance BaseM Id Id        where inBase = id
instance BaseM Lift Lift    where inBase = id

instance (BaseM m n) => BaseM (IdT          m) n where inBase = lift . inBase
instance (BaseM m n) => BaseM (ReaderT    i m) n where inBase = lift . inBase
instance (BaseM m n) => BaseM (StateT     i m) n where inBase = lift . inBase
instance (BaseM m n,Monoid i) =>
                        BaseM (WriterT    i m) n where inBase = lift . inBase
instance (BaseM m n) => BaseM (ExceptionT i m) n where inBase = lift . inBase
instance (BaseM m n) => BaseM (ContT      i m) n where inBase = lift . inBase

instance Monad Id where
  return x = I x
  fail x   = error x
  m >>= k  = k (runId m)

instance Monad Lift where
  return x  = L x
  fail x    = error x
  L x >>= k = k x

-- For the monad transformers, the definition of 'return'
-- is completely determined by the 'lift' operations.

-- None of the transformers make essential use of the 'fail' method.
-- Instead they delegate its behavior to the underlying monad.

instance (Monad m) => Monad (IdT m) where
  return x    = lift (return x)
  fail x      = lift (fail x)
  m >>= k     = IT (runIdT m >>= (runIdT . k))

instance (Monad m) => Monad (ReaderT i m) where
  return x = lift (return x)
  fail x   = lift (fail x)
  m >>= k  = R (\r -> runReaderT r m >>= \a -> runReaderT r (k a))

instance (Monad m) => Monad (StateT i m) where
  return x = lift (return x)
  fail x   = lift (fail x)
  m >>= k  = S (\s -> runStateT s m >>= \ ~(a,s') -> runStateT s' (k a))

instance (Monad m,Monoid i) => Monad (WriterT i m) where
  return x = lift (return x)
  fail x   = lift (fail x)
  m >>= k  = W $ runWriterT m     >>= \ ~(a,w1) ->
                 runWriterT (k a) >>= \ ~(b,w2) ->
                 return (b,mappend w1 w2)

instance (Monad m) => Monad (ExceptionT i m) where
  return x = lift (return x)
  fail x   = lift (fail x)
  m >>= k  = X $ runExceptionT m >>= \a ->
                 case a of
                   Left x  -> return (Left x)
                   Right a -> runExceptionT (k a)

instance (Monad m) => Monad (ContT i m) where
  return x = lift (return x)
  fail x   = lift (fail x)
  m >>= k  = C $ \c -> runContT (\a -> runContT c (k a)) m

instance                       Functor Id               where fmap = liftM
instance                       Functor Lift             where fmap = liftM
instance (Monad m)          => Functor (IdT          m) where fmap = liftM
instance (Monad m)          => Functor (ReaderT    i m) where fmap = liftM
instance (Monad m)          => Functor (StateT     i m) where fmap = liftM
instance (Monad m,Monoid i) => Functor (WriterT    i m) where fmap = liftM
instance (Monad m)          => Functor (ExceptionT i m) where fmap = liftM
instance (Monad m)          => Functor (ContT      i m) where fmap = liftM

-- $Monadic_Value_Recursion
-- Recursion that does not duplicate side-effects.
-- For details see Levent Erkok's dissertation.
-- Monadic types built with 'ContT' do not support
-- monadic value recursion.

instance MonadFix Id where
  mfix f  = let m = f (runId m) in m

instance MonadFix Lift where
  mfix f  = let m = f (runLift m) in m

instance (MonadFix m) => MonadFix (IdT m) where
  mfix f  = IT (mfix (runIdT . f))

instance (MonadFix m) => MonadFix (ReaderT i m) where
  mfix f  = R $ \r -> mfix (runReaderT r . f)

instance (MonadFix m) => MonadFix (StateT i m) where
  mfix f  = S $ \s -> mfix (runStateT s . f . fst)

instance (MonadFix m,Monoid i) => MonadFix (WriterT i m) where
  mfix f  = W $ mfix (runWriterT . f . fst)

instance (MonadFix m) => MonadFix (ExceptionT i m) where
  mfix f  = X $ mfix (runExceptionT . f . fromRight)
    where fromRight (Right a) = a
          fromRight _         = error "ExceptionT: mfix looped."

instance (MonadPlus m) => MonadPlus (IdT m) where
  mzero               = lift mzero
  mplus (IT m) (IT n) = IT (mplus m n)

instance (MonadPlus m) => MonadPlus (ReaderT i m) where
  mzero             = lift mzero
  mplus (R m) (R n) = R (\r -> mplus (m r) (n r))

instance (MonadPlus m) => MonadPlus (StateT i m) where
  mzero             = lift mzero
  mplus (S m) (S n) = S (\s -> mplus (m s) (n s))

instance (MonadPlus m,Monoid i) => MonadPlus (WriterT i m) where
  mzero             = lift mzero
  mplus (W m) (W n) = W (mplus m n)

instance (MonadPlus m) => MonadPlus (ExceptionT i m) where
  mzero             = lift mzero
  mplus (X m) (X n) = X (mplus m n)

-- $Effects
-- The following classes define overloaded operations
-- that can be used to define effectful computations.

-- | Classifies monads that provide access to a context of type @i@.
class (Monad m) => ReaderM m i | m -> i where
  -- | Get the context.
  ask :: m i

instance (Monad m) => ReaderM (ReaderT i m) i where
  ask = R return

instance (ReaderM m j) => ReaderM (IdT          m) j where ask = lift ask
instance (ReaderM m j,Monoid i)
                       => ReaderM (WriterT    i m) j where ask = lift ask
instance (ReaderM m j) => ReaderM (StateT     i m) j where ask = lift ask
instance (ReaderM m j) => ReaderM (ExceptionT i m) j where ask = lift ask
instance (ReaderM m j) => ReaderM (ContT      i m) j where ask = lift ask

-- | Classifies monads that can collect values of type @i@.
class (Monad m) => WriterM m i | m -> i where
  -- | Add a value to the collection.
  put  :: i -> m ()

instance (Monad m,Monoid i) => WriterM (WriterT i m) i where
  put x = W (return ((),x))

instance (WriterM m j) => WriterM (IdT          m) j where put = lift . put
instance (WriterM m j) => WriterM (ReaderT    i m) j where put = lift . put
instance (WriterM m j) => WriterM (StateT     i m) j where put = lift . put
instance (WriterM m j) => WriterM (ExceptionT i m) j where put = lift . put
instance (WriterM m j) => WriterM (ContT      i m) j where put = lift . put

-- | Classifies monads that propagate a state component of type @i@.
class (Monad m) => StateM m i | m -> i where
  -- | Get the state.
  get :: m i
  -- | Set the state.
  set :: i -> m ()

instance (Monad m) => StateM (StateT i m) i where
  get   = S (\s -> return (s,s))
  set s = S (\_ -> return ((),s))

instance (StateM m j) => StateM (IdT m) j where
  get = lift get
  set = lift . set
instance (StateM m j) => StateM (ReaderT i m) j where
  get = lift get
  set = lift . set
instance (StateM m j,Monoid i) => StateM (WriterT i m) j where
  get = lift get
  set = lift . set
instance (StateM m j) => StateM (ExceptionT i m) j where
  get = lift get
  set = lift . set
instance (StateM m j) => StateM (ContT i m) j where
  get = lift get
  set = lift . set

-- | Classifies monads that support raising exceptions of type @i@.
class (Monad m) => ExceptionM m i | m -> i where
  -- | Raise an exception.
  raise :: i -> m a

instance (Monad m) => ExceptionM (ExceptionT i m) i where
  raise x = X (return (Left x))

instance (ExceptionM m j) => ExceptionM (IdT m) j where
  raise = lift . raise
instance (ExceptionM m j) => ExceptionM (ReaderT i m) j where
  raise = lift . raise
instance (ExceptionM m j,Monoid i) => ExceptionM (WriterT i m) j where
  raise = lift . raise
instance (ExceptionM m j) => ExceptionM (StateT  i m) j where
  raise = lift . raise
instance (ExceptionM m j) => ExceptionM (ContT   i m) j where
  raise = lift . raise

-- The following instances differ from the others because the
-- liftings are not as uniform (although they certainly follow a pattern).

-- | Classifies monads that provide access to a computation's continuation.
class Monad m => ContM m where
  -- | Capture the current continuation.
  callCC :: ((a -> m b) -> m a) -> m a

instance (ContM m) => ContM (IdT m) where
  callCC f = IT $ callCC $ \k -> runIdT $ f $ \a -> lift $ k a

instance (ContM m) => ContM (ReaderT i m) where
  callCC f = R $ \r -> callCC $ \k -> runReaderT r $ f $ \a -> lift $ k a

instance (ContM m) => ContM (StateT i m) where
  callCC f = S $ \s -> callCC $ \k -> runStateT s $ f $ \a -> lift $ k (a,s)

instance (ContM m,Monoid i) => ContM (WriterT i m) where
  callCC f = W $ callCC $ \k -> runWriterT $ f $ \a -> lift $ k (a,mempty)

instance (ContM m) => ContM (ExceptionT i m) where
  callCC f = X $ callCC $ \k -> runExceptionT $ f $ \a -> lift $ k $ Right a

instance (Monad m) => ContM (ContT i m) where
  callCC f = C $ \k -> runContT k $ f $ \a -> C $ \_ -> k a

-- $Nested_Exec
-- The following classes define operations that are overloaded
-- versions of the @run@ operations.   Unlike the @run@ operations,
-- these functions do not change the type of the computation (i.e, they
-- do not remove a layer).  Instead, they perform the effects in
-- a ``separate effect thread''.

-- | Classifies monads that support changing the context for a
-- sub-computation.
class (ReaderM m i) => RunReaderM m i | m -> i where
  -- | Change the context for the duration of a computation.
  local        :: i -> m a -> m a

instance (Monad m)        => RunReaderM (ReaderT    i m) i where
  local i m     = lift (runReaderT i m)

instance (RunReaderM m j) => RunReaderM (IdT m) j where
  local i (IT m) = IT (local i m)
instance (RunReaderM m j,Monoid i) => RunReaderM (WriterT i m) j where
  local i (W m) = W (local i m)
instance (RunReaderM m j) => RunReaderM (StateT     i m) j where
  local i (S m) = S (local i . m)
instance (RunReaderM m j) => RunReaderM (ExceptionT i m) j where
  local i (X m) = X (local i m)

-- | Classifies monads that support collecting the output of
-- a sub-computation.
class WriterM m i => RunWriterM m i | m -> i where
  -- | Collect the output from a computation.
  collect :: m a -> m (a,i)

instance (RunWriterM m j) => RunWriterM (IdT m) j where
  collect (IT m) = IT (collect m)

instance (RunWriterM m j) => RunWriterM (ReaderT i m) j where
  collect (R m) = R (collect . m)

instance (Monad m,Monoid i) => RunWriterM (WriterT i m) i where
  collect (W m) = lift m

instance (RunWriterM m j) => RunWriterM (StateT i m) j where
  collect (S m) = S (liftM swap . collect . m)
    where swap (~(a,s),w) = ((a,w),s)

instance (RunWriterM m j) => RunWriterM (ExceptionT i m) j where
  collect (X m) = X (liftM swap (collect m))
    where swap (Right a,w)  = Right (a,w)
          swap (Left x,_)   = Left x
    -- NOTE: If the local computation fails, then the output
    -- is discarded because the result type cannot accommodate it.

-- | Classifies monads that support handling of exceptions.
class ExceptionM m i => RunExceptionM m i | m -> i where
  -- | Exceptions are explicit in the result.
  try :: m a -> m (Either i a)

instance (RunExceptionM m i) => RunExceptionM (IdT m) i where
  try (IT m) = IT (try m)

instance (RunExceptionM m i) => RunExceptionM (ReaderT j m) i where
  try (R m) = R (try . m)

instance (RunExceptionM m i,Monoid j) => RunExceptionM (WriterT j m) i where
  try (W m) = W (liftM swap (try m))
    where swap (Right ~(a,w)) = (Right a,w)
          swap (Left e)       = (Left e, mempty)

instance (RunExceptionM m i) => RunExceptionM (StateT j m) i where
  try (S m) = S (\s -> liftM (swap s) (try (m s)))
    where swap _ (Right ~(a,s)) = (Right a,s)
          swap s (Left e)       = (Left e, s)

instance (Monad m) => RunExceptionM (ExceptionT i m) i where
  try m = lift (runExceptionT m)

-- Some convenient functions for working with continuations.

-- | An explicit representation for continuations that store a value.
newtype Label m a    = Lab ((a, Label m a) -> m ())

-- | Capture the current continuation
-- This function is like 'return', except that it also captures
-- the current continuation.  Later we can use 'jump' to go back to
-- the continuation with a possibly different value.
labelCC            :: (ContM m) => a -> m (a, Label m a)
labelCC x           = callCC (\k -> return (x, Lab k))

-- | Change the value passed to a previously captured continuation.
jump               :: (ContM m) => a -> Label m a -> m b
jump x (Lab k)      = k (x, Lab k) >> return unreachable
  where unreachable = error "(bug) jump: unreachable"

-- | A isomorphism between (usually) monads.
-- Typically the constructor and selector of a newtype delcaration.
data Iso m n = Iso { close :: forall a. m a -> n a,
                     open  :: forall a. n a -> m a }

-- | Derive the implementation of 'fmap' from 'Functor'.
derive_fmap :: (Functor m) => Iso m n -> (a -> b) -> n a -> n b
derive_fmap iso f m = close iso (fmap f (open iso m))

-- | Derive the implementation of 'return' from 'Monad'.
derive_return :: (Monad m) => Iso m n -> (a -> n a)
derive_return iso a = close iso (return a)

-- | Derive the implementation of '>>=' from 'Monad'.
derive_bind :: (Monad m) => Iso m n -> n a -> (a -> n b) -> n b
derive_bind iso m k = close iso ((open iso m) >>= \x -> open iso (k x))

derive_fail :: (Monad m) => Iso m n -> String -> n a
derive_fail iso a = close iso (fail a)

-- | Derive the implementation of 'mfix' from 'MonadFix'.
derive_mfix :: (MonadFix m) => Iso m n -> (a -> n a) -> n a
derive_mfix iso f = close iso (mfix (open iso . f))

-- | Derive the implementation of 'ask' from 'ReaderM'.
derive_ask :: (ReaderM m i) => Iso m n -> n i
derive_ask iso = close iso ask

-- | Derive the implementation of 'put' from 'WriterM'.
derive_put :: (WriterM m i) => Iso m n -> i -> n ()
derive_put iso x = close iso (put x)

-- | Derive the implementation of 'get' from 'StateM'.
derive_get :: (StateM m i) => Iso m n -> n i
derive_get iso = close iso get

-- | Derive the implementation of 'set' from 'StateM'.
derive_set :: (StateM m i) => Iso m n -> i -> n ()
derive_set iso x = close iso (set x)

-- | Derive the implementation of 'raise' from 'ExceptionM'.
derive_raise :: (ExceptionM m i) => Iso m n -> i -> n a
derive_raise iso x = close iso (raise x)

-- | Derive the implementation of 'callCC' from 'ContM'.
derive_callCC :: (ContM m) => Iso m n -> ((a -> n b) -> n a) -> n a
derive_callCC iso f = close iso (callCC (open iso . f . (close iso .)))

-- | Derive the implementation of 'local' from 'RunReaderM'.
derive_local :: (RunReaderM m i) => Iso m n -> i -> n a -> n a
derive_local iso i = close iso . local i . open iso

-- | Derive the implementation of 'collect' from 'RunWriterM'.
derive_collect :: (RunWriterM m i) => Iso m n -> n a -> n (a,i)
derive_collect iso = close iso . collect . open iso

-- | Derive the implementation of 'try' from 'RunExceptionM'.
derive_try :: (RunExceptionM m i) => Iso m n -> n a -> n (Either i a)
derive_try iso = close iso . try . open iso

derive_lift :: (MonadT t, Monad m) => Iso (t m) n -> m a -> n a
derive_lift iso m = close iso (lift m)

derive_inBase :: (BaseM m x) => Iso m n -> x a -> n a
derive_inBase iso m = close iso (inBase m)