-- A kid goes into a grocery store and buys four items. The cashier charges $7.11. -- The kid pays and is about to leave when the cashier calls the kid back, and says -- "Hold on, I multiplied the four items instead of adding them; I'll try again... -- Gosh, with adding them the price still comes to $7.11"! What were the prices of -- the four items? import Control.CP.FD.Example.Example import Control.CP.FD.FD import Control.CP.FD.Expr import Control.CP.SearchTree main = example_main_void model model :: FDModel model = exist 4 $ \list@[a,b,c,d] -> list `allin` (0,711) /\ a + b + c + d @= 711 /\ (a * b) * (c * d) @= 711*100*100*100 /\ sorted list /\ return list