import Data.Generics import Language.Haskell.Exts.Annotated import System.Environment import System.FilePath import Text.PrettyPrint main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs case args of (fn:inp:outp:_) -> do contents <- readFile inp let res = work fn contents writeFile outp res [] -> do contents <- getContents putStrLn $ work "INPUT" contents _ -> error "USAGE: MonadLoc expects the input from stdin and writes to stdout" work :: FilePath -> String -> String work fn contents = -- Invent a fake name for lhs files to avoid confusing haskell-src-exts let fn' = if takeExtension fn == ".lhs" then dropExtension fn <.> "hs" else fn Module l mhead opt imports decls = fromParseResult $ parseFileContentsWithMode ourParseMode{parseFilename = fn'} contents mod' = Module l mhead opt imports decls' mname = case mhead of Nothing -> "" Just (ModuleHead _ mn _ _) -> prettyPrint mn decls' = map (annotateDecl mname) decls in prettyPrintStyleMode style{lineLength=100000} ourPrintMode mod' ourParseMode :: ParseMode ourParseMode = defaultParseMode { ignoreLinePragmas = False, extensions = map EnableExtension [CPP ,MultiParamTypeClasses ,FunctionalDependencies ,FlexibleContexts ,FlexibleInstances ,ExplicitForAll ,ExistentialQuantification ,PatternGuards ,ViewPatterns ,Arrows ,NamedFieldPuns ,DisambiguateRecordFields ,RecordWildCards ,StandaloneDeriving ,GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving ,ScopedTypeVariables ,PatternSignatures ,PackageImports ,QuasiQuotes ,PostfixOperators] } ourPrintMode :: PPHsMode ourPrintMode = defaultMode { linePragmas = True } annotateDecl :: String -> Decl SrcSpanInfo -> Decl SrcSpanInfo annotateDecl mname e@(FunBind _ (m:_)) = everywhere (mkT (annotateStatements (Just funName) mname)) e where funName = case m of Match _ name _ _ _ -> prettyPrint name InfixMatch _ _ name _ _ _ -> prettyPrint name annotateDecl mname e@(PatBind _ (PVar _ fn) _ _ _) = everywhere (mkT (annotateStatements (Just $ prettyPrint fn) mname)) e annotateDecl mname e = everywhere (mkT (annotateStatements Nothing mname)) e annotateStatements :: Maybe String -> String -> Exp SrcSpanInfo -> Exp SrcSpanInfo annotateStatements fun m (Do loc stmts) = App loc (withLocCall fun m loc) (Paren loc $ Do loc $ map (annotateStmt fun m) stmts) annotateStatements fun m (MDo loc stmts) = App loc (withLocCall fun m loc) (Paren loc $ MDo loc $ map (annotateStmt fun m) stmts) annotateStatements _ _ e = e annotateStmt :: Maybe String -> String -> Stmt SrcSpanInfo -> Stmt SrcSpanInfo annotateStmt fun m (Generator loc pat exp) = Generator loc pat $ App loc (withLocCall fun m loc) (Paren loc exp) annotateStmt fun m (Qualifier loc exp) = Qualifier loc $ App loc (withLocCall fun m loc) (Paren loc exp) annotateStmt fun m (RecStmt loc stmts) = RecStmt loc $ map (annotateStmt fun m) stmts annotateStmt _ _ stmt = stmt withLocCall :: Maybe String -> String -> SrcSpanInfo -> Exp SrcSpanInfo withLocCall fun m loc = App loc (Var loc withLoc) (Lit loc srclocLit) where withLoc = Qual loc (ModuleName loc "Control.Monad.Loc") (Ident loc "withLoc") srclocLit = String loc (render locString) "" locStringTail = text m <> parens(text (fileName loc)) <> colon <+> parens (int (startLine loc) <> comma <+> int(startColumn loc)) locString = case fun of Nothing -> locStringTail Just fun -> text fun <> comma <+> locStringTail