{- | Module : Control.Monad.Cont.Class Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2001, (c) Jeff Newbern 2003-2007, (c) Andriy Palamarchuk 2007 License : BSD-style (see the file LICENSE) Maintainer : ross@soi.city.ac.uk Stability : experimental Portability : portable [Computation type:] Computations which can be interrupted and resumed. [Binding strategy:] Binding a function to a monadic value creates a new continuation which uses the function as the continuation of the monadic computation. [Useful for:] Complex control structures, error handling, and creating co-routines. [Zero and plus:] None. [Example type:] @'Cont' r a@ The Continuation monad represents computations in continuation-passing style (CPS). In continuation-passing style function result is not returned, but instead is passed to another function, received as a parameter (continuation). Computations are built up from sequences of nested continuations, terminated by a final continuation (often @id@) which produces the final result. Since continuations are functions which represent the future of a computation, manipulation of the continuation functions can achieve complex manipulations of the future of the computation, such as interrupting a computation in the middle, aborting a portion of a computation, restarting a computation, and interleaving execution of computations. The Continuation monad adapts CPS to the structure of a monad. Before using the Continuation monad, be sure that you have a firm understanding of continuation-passing style and that continuations represent the best solution to your particular design problem. Many algorithms which require continuations in other languages do not require them in Haskell, due to Haskell's lazy semantics. Abuse of the Continuation monad can produce code that is impossible to understand and maintain. -} module Control.Monad.Cont.Class ( MonadCont(..), ) where import "mtl" Control.Monad.Cont.Class