{- | A pool of TCP connections to a single server or a replica set of servers. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables, RecordWildCards, NamedFieldPuns, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies, DoRec, RankNTypes, FlexibleInstances #-} module Database.MongoDB.Connection ( -- * Host Host(..), PortID(..), host, showHostPort, readHostPort, readHostPortM, -- * ReplicaSet ReplicaSet(..), Name, -- * MasterOrSlaveOk MasterOrSlaveOk(..), -- * Connection Pool Server(..), connHost, replicaSet ) where import Database.MongoDB.Internal.Protocol import Data.Bson ((=:), at, UString) import Control.Pipeline (Resource(..)) import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Control.Exception (assert) import System.IO.Error as E (try) import Control.Monad.Error import Control.Monad.MVar import Network (HostName, PortID(..), connectTo) import Data.Bson (Document, look) import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as T (parse, many1, letter, digit, char, eof, spaces, try, (<|>)) import Control.Monad.Identity import Control.Monad.Util (MonadIO', untilSuccess) import Database.MongoDB.Internal.Util () -- PortID instances import Var.Pool import System.Random (newStdGen, randomRs) import Data.List (delete, find, nub) import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) type Name = UString adminCommand :: Document -> Request -- ^ Convert command to request adminCommand cmd = Query{..} where qOptions = [SlaveOK] qFullCollection = "admin.$cmd" qSkip = 0 qBatchSize = 0 qSelector = cmd qProjector = [] commandReply :: String -> Reply -> Document -- ^ Extract first document from reply. Error if query error, using given string as prefix error message. commandReply title Reply{..} = if elem QueryError rResponseFlags then error $ title ++ ": " ++ at "$err" (head rDocuments) else head rDocuments -- * Host data Host = Host HostName PortID deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) defaultPort :: PortID defaultPort = PortNumber 27017 host :: HostName -> Host -- ^ Host on default MongoDB port host hostname = Host hostname defaultPort showHostPort :: Host -> String -- ^ Display host as \"host:port\" showHostPort (Host hostname port) = hostname ++ ":" ++ (case port of Service s -> s PortNumber p -> show p UnixSocket s -> s) readHostPortM :: (Monad m) => String -> m Host -- ^ Read string \"hostname:port\" as @Host hosthame port@ or \"hostname\" as @host hostname@ (default port). Fail if string does not match either syntax. readHostPortM = either (fail . show) return . parse parser "readHostPort" where hostname = many1 (letter <|> digit <|> char '-' <|> char '.') parser = do spaces h <- hostname T.try (spaces >> eof >> return (host h)) <|> do _ <- char ':' port :: Int <- read <$> many1 digit spaces >> eof return $ Host h (PortNumber $ fromIntegral port) readHostPort :: String -> Host -- ^ Read string \"hostname:port\" as @Host hostname port@ or \"hostname\" as @host hostname@ (default port). Error if string does not match either syntax. readHostPort = runIdentity . readHostPortM -- * Replica Set data ReplicaSet = ReplicaSet {setName :: Name, seedHosts :: [Host]} deriving (Show) -- ^ Replica set of hosts identified by set name. At least one of the seed hosts must be an active member of the set. However, this list is not used to identify the set, just the set name. instance Eq ReplicaSet where ReplicaSet x _ == ReplicaSet y _ = x == y -- ** Replica Info getReplicaInfo :: Pipe -> ErrorT IOError IO ReplicaInfo -- ^ Get replica info of the connected host. Throw IOError if connection fails or host is not part of a replica set (no /hosts/ and /primary/ field). getReplicaInfo pipe = do promise <- call pipe [] (adminCommand ["ismaster" =: (1 :: Int)]) info <- commandReply "ismaster" <$> promise _ <- look "hosts" info _ <- look "primary" info return info type ReplicaInfo = Document -- ^ Configuration info of a host in a replica set (result of /ismaster/ command). Contains all the hosts in the replica set plus its role in that set (master, slave, or arbiter) {- isPrimary :: ReplicaInfo -> Bool -- ^ Is the replica described by this info a master/primary (not slave or arbiter)? isPrimary = true1 "ismaster" isSecondary :: ReplicaInfo -> Bool -- ^ Is the replica described by this info a slave/secondary (not master or arbiter) isSecondary = true1 "secondary" -} replicas :: ReplicaInfo -> [Host] -- ^ All replicas in set according to this replica configuration info. replicas = map readHostPort . at "hosts" primary :: ReplicaInfo -> Host -- ^ Read primary from configuration info primary = readHostPort . at "primary" hosts :: ReplicaInfo -> [Host] -- ^ replicas with primary at head hosts info = master : delete master members where members = replicas info master = primary info -- * MasterOrSlaveOk data MasterOrSlaveOk = Master -- ^ connect to master only | SlaveOk -- ^ connect to a slave, or master if no slave available deriving (Show, Eq) {- isMS :: MasterOrSlaveOk -> ReplicaInfo -> Bool -- ^ Does the host (as described by its replica-info) match the master/slave type isMS Master i = isPrimary i isMS SlaveOk i = isSecondary i || isPrimary i -} -- * Connection Pool type Pool' = Pool IOError -- | A Server is a single server ('Host') or a replica set of servers ('ReplicaSet') class Server t where data ConnPool t -- ^ A pool of TCP connections ('Pipe's) to a host or a replica set of hosts newConnPool :: (MonadIO' m) => Int -> t -> m (ConnPool t) -- ^ Create a ConnectionPool to a host or a replica set of hosts. Actual TCP connection is not attempted until 'getPipe' request, so no IOError can be raised here. Up to N TCP connections will be established to each host. getPipe :: MasterOrSlaveOk -> ConnPool t -> ErrorT IOError IO Pipe -- ^ Return a TCP connection (Pipe) to the master or a slave in the server. Master must connect to the master, SlaveOk may connect to a slave or master. To spread the load, SlaveOk requests are distributed amongst all hosts in the server. Throw IOError if failed to connect to right type of host (Master/SlaveOk). killPipes :: ConnPool t -> IO () -- ^ Kill all open pipes (TCP Connections). Will cause any users of them to fail. Alternatively you can let them die on their own when they are garbage collected. -- ** ConnectionPool Host instance Server Host where data ConnPool Host = HostConnPool {connHost :: Host, connPool :: Pool' Pipe} -- ^ A pool of TCP connections ('Pipe's) to a server, handed out in round-robin style. newConnPool poolSize' host' = liftIO (newHostConnPool poolSize' host') -- ^ Create a connection pool to server (host or replica set) getPipe _ = getHostPipe -- ^ Return a TCP connection (Pipe). If SlaveOk, connect to a slave if available. Round-robin if multiple slaves are available. Throw IOError if failed to connect. killPipes (HostConnPool _ pool) = killAll pool instance Show (ConnPool Host) where show HostConnPool{connHost} = "ConnPool " ++ show connHost newHostConnPool :: Int -> Host -> IO (ConnPool Host) -- ^ Create a pool of N 'Pipe's (TCP connections) to server. 'getHostPipe' will return one of those pipes, round-robin style. newHostConnPool poolSize' host' = HostConnPool host' <$> newPool Factory{..} poolSize' where newResource = tcpConnect host' killResource = close isExpired = isClosed getHostPipe :: ConnPool Host -> ErrorT IOError IO Pipe -- ^ Return next pipe (TCP connection) in connection pool, round-robin style. Throw IOError if can't connect to host. getHostPipe (HostConnPool _ pool) = aResource pool tcpConnect :: Host -> ErrorT IOError IO Pipe -- ^ Create a TCP connection (Pipe) to the given host. Throw IOError if can't connect. tcpConnect (Host hostname port) = ErrorT . E.try $ mkPipe =<< connectTo hostname port -- ** Connection ReplicaSet instance Server ReplicaSet where data ConnPool ReplicaSet = ReplicaSetConnPool { repsetName :: Name, currentMembers :: MVar [ConnPool Host] } -- master at head after a refresh newConnPool poolSize' repset = liftIO (newSetConnPool poolSize' repset) getPipe = getSetPipe killPipes ReplicaSetConnPool{..} = withMVar currentMembers (mapM_ killPipes) instance Show (ConnPool ReplicaSet) where show r = "ConnPool " ++ show (unsafePerformIO $ replicaSet r) replicaSet :: (MonadIO' m) => ConnPool ReplicaSet -> m ReplicaSet -- ^ Return replicas set name with current members as seed list replicaSet ReplicaSetConnPool{..} = ReplicaSet repsetName . map connHost <$> readMVar currentMembers newSetConnPool :: Int -> ReplicaSet -> IO (ConnPool ReplicaSet) -- ^ Create a connection pool to each member of the replica set. newSetConnPool poolSize' repset = assert (not . null $ seedHosts repset) $ do currentMembers <- newMVar =<< mapM (newConnPool poolSize') (seedHosts repset) return $ ReplicaSetConnPool (setName repset) currentMembers getMembers :: Name -> [ConnPool Host] -> ErrorT IOError IO [Host] -- ^ Get members of replica set, master first. Query supplied connections until config found. -- TODO: Verify config for request replica set name and not some other replica set. ismaster config should include replica set name in result but currently does not. getMembers _repsetName connections = hosts <$> untilSuccess (getReplicaInfo <=< getHostPipe) connections refreshMembers :: Name -> [ConnPool Host] -> ErrorT IOError IO [ConnPool Host] -- ^ Update current members with master at head. Reuse unchanged members. Throw IOError if can't connect to any and fetch config. Dropped connections are not closed in case they still have users; they will be closed when garbage collected. refreshMembers repsetName connections = do n <- liftIO . poolSize . connPool $ head connections mapM (connection n) =<< getMembers repsetName connections where connection n host' = maybe (newConnPool n host') return $ find ((host' ==) . connHost) connections getSetPipe :: MasterOrSlaveOk -> ConnPool ReplicaSet -> ErrorT IOError IO Pipe -- ^ Return a pipe to primary or a random secondary in replica set. Use primary for SlaveOk if and only if no secondaries. Note, refreshes members each time (makes ismaster call to primary). getSetPipe mos ReplicaSetConnPool{..} = modifyMVar currentMembers $ \conns -> do connections <- refreshMembers repsetName conns -- master at head after refresh pipe <- case mos of Master -> getHostPipe (head connections) SlaveOk -> do let n = length connections - 1 is <- take (max 1 n) . nub . randomRs (min 1 n, n) <$> liftIO newStdGen untilSuccess (getHostPipe . (connections !!)) is return (connections, pipe) {- Authors: Tony Hannan Copyright 2010 10gen Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -}