{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Data.MinLen
    ( -- * Type level naturals
      -- ** Peano numbers
      -- $peanoNumbers
      Zero (..)
    , Succ (..)
    , TypeNat (..)
    , AddNat
    , MaxNat
      -- * Minimum length newtype wrapper
    , MinLen
    , unMinLen
    , toMinLenZero
    , toMinLen
    , unsafeToMinLen
    , mlcons
    , mlappend
    , mlunion
    , head
    , last
    , tailML
    , initML
    , GrowingAppend
    , ofoldMap1
    , ofold1
    , ofoldr1
    , ofoldl1'
    , maximum
    , minimum
    , maximumBy
    , minimumBy
    ) where

import Prelude (Num (..), Maybe (..), Int, Ordering (..), Eq, Ord (..), Read, Show, Functor (..), ($), flip, const, Bool (..), otherwise)
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Control.Category
import Data.MonoTraversable
import Data.Sequences
import Data.Monoid (Monoid (..))
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))
import Data.GrowingAppend
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (evalState, state)

-- $peanoNumbers
-- <https://wiki.haskell.org/Peano_numbers Peano numbers> are a simple way to
-- represent natural numbers (0, 1, 2...) using only a 'Zero' value and a
-- successor function ('Succ'). Each application of 'Succ' increases the number
-- by 1, so @Succ Zero@ is 1, @Succ (Succ Zero)@ is 2, etc.

-- | 'Zero' is the base value for the Peano numbers.
data Zero = Zero

-- | 'Succ' represents the next number in the sequence of natural numbers.
-- It takes a @nat@ (a natural number) as an argument.
-- 'Zero' is a @nat@, allowing @'Succ' 'Zero'@ to represent 1.
-- 'Succ' is also a @nat@, so it can be applied to itself, allowing
-- @'Succ' ('Succ' 'Zero')@ to represent 2,
-- @'Succ' ('Succ' ('Succ' 'Zero'))@ to represent 3, and so on.
data Succ nat = Succ nat

-- | Type-level natural number utility typeclass
class TypeNat nat where
    -- | Turn a type-level natural number into a number
    -- @
    -- > 'toValueNat' 'Zero'
    -- 0
    -- > 'toValueNat' ('Succ' ('Succ' ('Succ' 'Zero')))
    -- 3
    -- @
    toValueNat :: Num i => nat -> i

    -- | Get a data representation of a natural number type
    -- @
    -- > 'typeNat' :: 'Succ' ('Succ' 'Zero')
    -- Succ (Succ Zero) -- Errors because Succ and Zero have no Show typeclass,
    --                  -- But this is what it would look like if it did.
    -- @
    typeNat :: nat

instance TypeNat Zero where
    toValueNat Zero = 0
    typeNat = Zero
instance TypeNat nat => TypeNat (Succ nat) where
    toValueNat (Succ nat) = 1 + toValueNat nat
    typeNat = Succ typeNat

-- | Adds two type-level naturals.
-- See the 'mlappend' type signature for an example.
-- @
-- > :t 'typeNat' :: 'AddNat' ('Succ' ('Succ' 'Zero')) ('Succ' 'Zero')
-- 'typeNat' :: 'AddNat' ('Succ' ('Succ' 'Zero')) ('Succ' 'Zero')
--   :: 'Succ' ('Succ' ('Succ' 'Zero'))
-- @
type family AddNat x y
type instance AddNat Zero y = y
type instance AddNat (Succ x) y = AddNat x (Succ y)

-- | Calculates the maximum of two type-level naturals.
-- See the 'mlunion' type signature for an example.
-- @
-- > :t 'typeNat' :: 'MaxNat' ('Succ' ('Succ' 'Zero')) ('Succ' 'Zero')
-- 'typeNat' :: 'MaxNat' ('Succ' ('Succ' 'Zero')) ('Succ' 'Zero')
--   :: 'Succ' ('Succ' 'Zero')
-- @
type family MaxNat x y
type instance MaxNat Zero y = y
type instance MaxNat x Zero = x
type instance MaxNat (Succ x) (Succ y) = Succ (MaxNat x y)

-- | A wrapper around a container which encodes its minimum length in the type system.
-- This allows functions like 'head' and 'maximum' to be made safe without using 'Maybe'.
-- The length, @nat@, is encoded as a <https://wiki.haskell.org/Peano_numbers Peano number>,
-- which starts with the 'Zero' constructor and is made one larger with each application
-- of 'Succ' ('Zero' for 0, @'Succ' 'Zero'@ for 1, @'Succ' ('Succ' 'Zero')@ for 2, etc.).
-- Functions which require at least one element, then, are typed with @Succ nat@,
-- where @nat@ is either 'Zero' or any number of applications of 'Succ':
-- @
-- 'head' :: 'MonoTraversable' mono => 'MinLen' ('Succ' nat) mono -> 'Element' mono
-- @
-- The length is also a <https://wiki.haskell.org/Phantom_type phantom type>,
-- i.e. it is only used on the left hand side of the type and doesn't exist at runtime.
-- Notice how @'Succ' 'Zero'@ isn't included in the printed output:
-- @
-- > 'toMinLen' [1,2,3] :: 'Maybe' ('MinLen' ('Succ' 'Zero') ['Int'])
-- 'Just' ('MinLen' {unMinLen = [1,2,3]})
-- @
-- You can still use GHCI's @:i@ command to see the phantom type information:
-- @
-- > let xs = 'mlcons' 1 $ 'toMinLenZero' []
-- > :i xs
-- xs :: 'Num' t => 'MinLen' ('Succ' 'Zero') [t]
-- @
newtype MinLen nat mono =
    MinLen {
        unMinLen :: mono -- ^ Get the monomorphic container out of a 'MinLen' wrapper.
    } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Data, Typeable, Functor)

type instance Element (MinLen nat mono) = Element mono
deriving instance MonoFunctor mono => MonoFunctor (MinLen nat mono)
deriving instance MonoFoldable mono => MonoFoldable (MinLen nat mono)
deriving instance MonoFoldableEq mono => MonoFoldableEq (MinLen nat mono)
deriving instance MonoFoldableOrd mono => MonoFoldableOrd (MinLen nat mono)
instance MonoTraversable mono => MonoTraversable (MinLen nat mono) where
    otraverse f (MinLen x) = fmap MinLen (otraverse f x)
    {-# INLINE otraverse #-}
    omapM f (MinLen x) = liftM MinLen (omapM f x)
    {-# INLINE omapM #-}
deriving instance GrowingAppend mono => GrowingAppend (MinLen nat mono)

instance GrowingAppend mono => Semigroup (MinLen nat mono) where
    MinLen x <> MinLen y = MinLen (x <> y)

instance SemiSequence seq => SemiSequence (MinLen nat seq) where
    type Index (MinLen nat seq) = Index seq

    intersperse e = fmap $ intersperse e
    reverse       = fmap reverse
    find f        = find f . unMinLen
    cons x        = fmap $ cons x
    snoc xs x     = fmap (flip snoc x) xs
    sortBy f      = fmap $ sortBy f

instance MonoPointed mono => MonoPointed (MinLen Zero mono) where
    opoint = MinLen . opoint
    {-# INLINE opoint #-}
instance MonoPointed mono => MonoPointed (MinLen (Succ Zero) mono) where
    opoint = MinLen . opoint
    {-# INLINE opoint #-}

-- | Get the 'typeNat' of a 'MinLen' container.
natProxy :: TypeNat nat => MinLen nat mono -> nat
natProxy _ = typeNat

-- | Types a container as having a minimum length of zero. This is useful when combined with other 'MinLen'
-- functions that increase the size of the container.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- @
-- > 1 \`mlcons` 'toMinLenZero' []
-- 'MinLen' {unMinLen = [1]}
-- @
toMinLenZero :: (MonoFoldable mono) => mono -> MinLen Zero mono
toMinLenZero = MinLen

-- | Attempts to add a 'MinLen' constraint to a monomorphic container.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- @
-- > let xs = 'toMinLen' [1,2,3] :: 'Maybe' ('MinLen' ('Succ' 'Zero') ['Int'])
-- > xs
-- 'Just' ('MinLen' {unMinLen = [1,2,3]})
-- > :i xs
-- xs :: 'Maybe' ('MinLen' ('Succ' 'Zero') ['Int'])
-- @
-- @
-- > 'toMinLen' [] :: 'Maybe' ('MinLen' ('Succ' 'Zero') ['Int'])
-- 'Nothing'
-- @
toMinLen :: (MonoFoldable mono, TypeNat nat) => mono -> Maybe (MinLen nat mono)
toMinLen mono =
    case ocompareLength mono (toValueNat nat :: Int) of
        LT -> Nothing
        _  -> Just res'
    nat = natProxy res'
    res' = MinLen mono

-- | __Unsafe__
-- Although this function itself cannot cause a segfault, it breaks the
-- safety guarantees of 'MinLen' and can lead to a segfault when using
-- otherwise safe functions.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- @
-- > let xs = 'unsafeToMinLen' [] :: 'MinLen' ('Succ' 'Zero') ['Int']
-- > 'olength' xs
-- 0
-- > 'head' xs
-- *** Exception: Data.MonoTraversable.headEx: empty
-- @
unsafeToMinLen :: mono -> MinLen nat mono
unsafeToMinLen = MinLen

infixr 5 `mlcons`

-- | Adds an element to the front of a list, increasing its minimum length by 1.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- @
-- > let xs = 'unsafeToMinLen' [1,2,3] :: 'MinLen' ('Succ' 'Zero') ['Int']
-- > 0 \`mlcons` xs
-- 'MinLen' {unMinLen = [0,1,2,3]}
-- @
mlcons :: IsSequence seq => Element seq -> MinLen nat seq -> MinLen (Succ nat) seq
mlcons e (MinLen seq) = MinLen (cons e seq)
{-# INLINE mlcons #-}

-- | Concatenate two sequences, adding their minimum lengths together.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- @
-- > let xs = 'unsafeToMinLen' [1,2,3] :: 'MinLen' ('Succ' 'Zero') ['Int']
-- > xs \`mlappend` xs
-- 'MinLen' {unMinLen = [1,2,3,1,2,3]}
-- @
mlappend :: IsSequence seq => MinLen x seq -> MinLen y seq -> MinLen (AddNat x y) seq
mlappend (MinLen x) (MinLen y) = MinLen (x `mappend` y)
{-# INLINE mlappend #-}

-- | Return the first element of a monomorphic container.
-- Safe version of 'headEx', only works on monomorphic containers wrapped in a
-- @'MinLen' ('Succ' nat)@.
head :: MonoFoldable mono => MinLen (Succ nat) mono -> Element mono
head = headEx . unMinLen
{-# INLINE head #-}

-- | Return the last element of a monomorphic container.
-- Safe version of 'lastEx', only works on monomorphic containers wrapped in a
-- @'MinLen' ('Succ' nat)@.
last :: MonoFoldable mono => MinLen (Succ nat) mono -> Element mono
last = lastEx . unMinLen
{-# INLINE last #-}

-- | Returns all but the first element of a sequence, reducing its 'MinLen' by 1.
-- Safe, only works on sequences wrapped in a @'MinLen' ('Succ' nat)@.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- @
-- > let xs = 'toMinLen' [1,2,3] :: 'Maybe' ('MinLen' ('Succ' 'Zero') ['Int'])
-- > 'fmap' 'tailML' xs
-- 'Just' ('MinLen' {unMinLen = [2,3]})
-- @
tailML :: IsSequence seq => MinLen (Succ nat) seq -> MinLen nat seq
tailML = MinLen . tailEx . unMinLen

-- | Returns all but the last element of a sequence, reducing its 'MinLen' by 1.
-- Safe, only works on sequences wrapped in a @'MinLen' ('Succ' nat)@.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- @
-- > let xs = 'toMinLen' [1,2,3] :: 'Maybe' ('MinLen' ('Succ' 'Zero') ['Int'])
-- > 'fmap' 'initML' xs
-- 'Just' ('MinLen' {unMinLen = [1,2]})
-- @
initML :: IsSequence seq => MinLen (Succ nat) seq -> MinLen nat seq
initML = MinLen . initEx . unMinLen

-- | Joins two semigroups, keeping the larger 'MinLen' of the two.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- @
-- > let xs = 'unsafeToMinLen' [1] :: 'MinLen' ('Succ' 'Zero') ['Int']
-- > let ys = xs \`mlunion` xs
-- > ys
-- 'MinLen' {unMinLen = [1,1]}
-- > :i ys
-- ys :: 'MinLen' ('Succ' 'Zero') ['Int']
-- @
mlunion :: GrowingAppend mono => MinLen x mono -> MinLen y mono -> MinLen (MaxNat x y) mono
mlunion (MinLen x) (MinLen y) = MinLen (x <> y)

-- | Map each element of a monomorphic container to a semigroup, and combine the
-- results.
-- Safe version of 'ofoldMap1Ex', only works on monomorphic containers wrapped in a
-- @'MinLen' ('Succ' nat)@.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- @
-- > let xs = ("hello", 1 :: 'Integer') \`mlcons` (" world", 2) \`mlcons` ('toMinLenZero' [])
-- > 'ofoldMap1' 'fst' xs
-- "hello world"
-- @
ofoldMap1 :: (MonoFoldable mono, Semigroup m) => (Element mono -> m) -> MinLen (Succ nat) mono -> m
ofoldMap1 f = ofoldMap1Ex f . unMinLen
{-# INLINE ofoldMap1 #-}

-- | Join a monomorphic container, whose elements are 'Semigroup's, together.
-- Safe, only works on monomorphic containers wrapped in a @'MinLen' ('Succ' nat)@.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- @
-- > let xs = "a" \`mlcons` "b" \`mlcons` "c" \`mlcons` ('toMinLenZero' [])
-- > xs
-- 'MinLen' {unMinLen = ["a","b","c"]}
-- > 'ofold1' xs
-- "abc"
-- @
ofold1 :: (MonoFoldable mono, Semigroup (Element mono)) => MinLen (Succ nat) mono -> Element mono
ofold1 = ofoldMap1 id
{-# INLINE ofold1 #-}

-- | Right-associative fold of a monomorphic container with no base element.
-- Safe version of 'ofoldr1Ex', only works on monomorphic containers wrapped in a
-- @'MinLen' ('Succ' nat)@.
-- @'foldr1' f = "Prelude".'Prelude.foldr1' f . 'otoList'@
-- ==== __Examples__
-- @
-- > let xs = "a" \`mlcons` "b" \`mlcons` "c" \`mlcons` ('toMinLenZero' [])
-- > 'ofoldr1' (++) xs
-- "abc"
-- @
ofoldr1 :: MonoFoldable mono
        => (Element mono -> Element mono -> Element mono)
        -> MinLen (Succ nat) mono
        -> Element mono
ofoldr1 f = ofoldr1Ex f . unMinLen
{-# INLINE ofoldr1 #-}

-- | Strict left-associative fold of a monomorphic container with no base
-- element.
-- Safe version of 'ofoldl1Ex'', only works on monomorphic containers wrapped in a
-- @'MinLen' ('Succ' nat)@.
-- @'foldl1'' f = "Prelude".'Prelude.foldl1'' f . 'otoList'@
-- ==== __Examples__
-- @
-- > let xs = "a" \`mlcons` "b" \`mlcons` "c" \`mlcons` ('toMinLenZero' [])
-- > 'ofoldl1'' (++) xs
-- "abc"
-- @
ofoldl1' :: MonoFoldable mono
         => (Element mono -> Element mono -> Element mono)
         -> MinLen (Succ nat) mono
         -> Element mono
ofoldl1' f = ofoldl1Ex' f . unMinLen
{-# INLINE ofoldl1' #-}

-- | Get the maximum element of a monomorphic container.
-- Safe version of 'maximumEx', only works on monomorphic containers wrapped in a
-- @'MinLen' ('Succ' nat)@.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- @
-- > let xs = 'toMinLen' [1,2,3] :: 'Maybe' ('MinLen' ('Succ' 'Zero') ['Int'])
-- > 'fmap' 'maximum' xs
-- 'Just' 3
-- @
maximum :: MonoFoldableOrd mono
        => MinLen (Succ nat) mono
        -> Element mono
maximum = maximumEx . unMinLen
{-# INLINE maximum #-}

-- | Get the minimum element of a monomorphic container.
-- Safe version of 'minimumEx', only works on monomorphic containers wrapped in a
-- @'MinLen' ('Succ' nat)@.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- @
-- > let xs = 'toMinLen' [1,2,3] :: 'Maybe' ('MinLen' ('Succ' 'Zero') ['Int'])
-- > 'fmap' 'minimum' xs
-- 'Just' 1
-- @
minimum :: MonoFoldableOrd mono
        => MinLen (Succ nat) mono
        -> Element mono
minimum = minimumEx . unMinLen
{-# INLINE minimum #-}

-- | Get the maximum element of a monomorphic container,
-- using a supplied element ordering function.
-- Safe version of 'maximumByEx', only works on monomorphic containers wrapped in a
-- @'MinLen' ('Succ' nat)@.
maximumBy :: MonoFoldable mono
          => (Element mono -> Element mono -> Ordering)
          -> MinLen (Succ nat) mono
          -> Element mono
maximumBy cmp = maximumByEx cmp . unMinLen
{-# INLINE maximumBy #-}

-- | Get the minimum element of a monomorphic container,
-- using a supplied element ordering function.
-- Safe version of 'minimumByEx', only works on monomorphic containers wrapped in a
-- @'MinLen' ('Succ' nat)@.
minimumBy :: MonoFoldable mono
          => (Element mono -> Element mono -> Ordering)
          -> MinLen (Succ nat) mono
          -> Element mono
minimumBy cmp = minimumByEx cmp . unMinLen
{-# INLINE minimumBy #-}

-- | 'oextract' is 'head'.
-- For @'oextend' f@, the new 'mono' is populated by applying @f@ to
-- successive 'tail's of the original 'mono'.
-- For example, for @'MinLen' ('Succ' 'Zero') ['Int']@, or
-- @'NonNull' ['Int']@:
-- @
-- 'oextend' f [1,2,3,4,5] = [ f [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
--                           , f [2, 3, 4, 5]
--                           , f [3, 4, 5]
--                           , f [4, 5]
--                           , f [5]
--                           ]
-- @
-- Meant to be a direct analogy to the instance for 'NonEmpty' @a@.
instance IsSequence mono
    => MonoComonad (MinLen (Succ Zero) mono) where
        oextract  = head
        oextend f (MinLen mono) = MinLen
                                . flip evalState mono
                                . ofor mono
                                . const
                                . state
                                $ \mono' -> (f (MinLen mono'), tailEx mono')