module Main (main) where import Camera (camera) import Control.Exception (SomeException, catch) import Control.Monad (void) import DBus (Variant, toVariant) import Data.Bits (Bits (shiftR), (.&.)) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.ByteString qualified as ByteString import Data.Char (intToDigit) import Data.Default.Class (def) import Data.Sequence (Seq) import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack) import Data.Word (Word32) import Desktop.Portal (AddNotificationOptions (..), Client, GetUserInformationOptions (..), GetUserInformationResults (..), NotificationButton (..), NotificationIcon (..), NotificationPriority (..), Request, addNotificationOptions) import Desktop.Portal qualified as Portal import Desktop.Portal.Settings (ReadAllOptions (..), ReadAllResults) import Desktop.Portal.Settings qualified as Settings import Documents (documents) import Monomer import Monomer.Hagrid import OpenURI (openURI) import Paths_monomer_flatpak_example (getDataFileName) import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory, getHomeDirectory, listDirectory) import System.Environment (getEnvironment) import Util (osPathToText) data AppModel = AppModel { portalClient :: Client, fileSystem :: Seq EnvironmentInfo, environmentVariables :: Seq EnvironmentInfo, showOpenURI :: Bool, showDocuments :: Bool, showCamera :: Bool, alertContents :: AlertContents } deriving (Eq, Show) data EnvironmentInfo = EnvironmentInfo { key :: Text, value :: Text } deriving (Eq, Show) data AlertContents = AlertNotShown | AlertRequestingUserInformation (Request GetUserInformationResults) | AlertUserInformation GetUserInformationResults | AlertSettings ReadAllResults | AlertMessage {title :: Text, body :: Text} deriving (Eq, Show) data AppEvent = AppInit | AppInitFinish (Seq EnvironmentInfo) (Seq EnvironmentInfo) | GetUserInformation | GetUserInformationStart (Request GetUserInformationResults) | GetUserInformationFinish GetUserInformationResults | ShowAlertMessage {title :: Text, body :: Text} | AddNotification | ReadSettings | ReadSettingsFinish ReadAllResults | RetrieveSecret | SetShowOpenURI Bool | SetShowDocuments Bool | SetShowCamera Bool | RequestFailed Text | CancelRequest | CloseAlert main :: IO () main = do regularFontPath <- pack <$> getDataFileName "/fonts/Cantarell/Cantarell-Regular.ttf" boldFontPath <- pack <$> getDataFileName "/fonts/Cantarell/Cantarell-Bold.ttf" iconPath <- pack <$> getDataFileName "/io.github.Dretch.MonomerFlatpakExample.png" portalClient <- Portal.connect void (Portal.handleNotificationActionInvoked portalClient handleNotificationAction) startApp (initialModel portalClient) handleEvent buildUI (config regularFontPath boldFontPath iconPath) where initialModel portalClient = AppModel { portalClient, fileSystem = mempty, environmentVariables = mempty, showOpenURI = False, showDocuments = False, showCamera = False, alertContents = AlertNotShown } config regularFontPath boldFontPath iconPath = [ appTheme darkTheme, appWindowTitle "Monomer Flatpak Example", appWindowIcon iconPath, appWindowState (MainWindowNormal (1000, 800)), appFontDef "Regular" regularFontPath, appFontDef "Bold" boldFontPath, appDisableAutoScale True, appInitEvent AppInit ] buildUI :: UIBuilder AppModel AppEvent buildUI _wenv model = tree where tree = zstack [ vstack_ [childSpacing_ 5] [ label "Monomer Flatpak Example" `styleBasic` [textSize 40, paddingL 5, paddingT 10, paddingR 10], label "This is a demo of the monomer framework running inside the Flatpak sandbox." `styleBasic` [padding 5], hstack_ [childSpacing] [ label "Portals:", button "Get User Information" GetUserInformation, button "Documents" (SetShowDocuments True), button "Add Notification" AddNotification, button "Read Settings" ReadSettings, button "Open URI" (SetShowOpenURI True), button "Retrieve Secret" RetrieveSecret, button "Camera" (SetShowCamera True) ] `styleBasic` [padding 5], hagrid [ (textColumn "File System Info" (.key)) {initialWidth = 300}, (widgetColumn "" valueColumn) {initialWidth = 700} ] model.fileSystem, hagrid [ (textColumn "Environment Variable" (.key)) {initialWidth = 300}, (widgetColumn "" valueColumn) {initialWidth = 700} ] model.environmentVariables ], maybeOpenURI, maybeDocuments, maybeCamera, -- nodeKey to workaround maybeAlert `nodeKey` pack (show model.alertContents) ] maybeOpenURI | model.showOpenURI = alert_ (SetShowOpenURI False) [titleCaption "OpenURI Portal"] (openURI model.portalClient ShowAlertMessage `styleBasic` [padding 20]) | otherwise = spacer `nodeVisible` False maybeDocuments | model.showDocuments = alert_ (SetShowDocuments False) [titleCaption "Documents Portal"] (documents model.portalClient ShowAlertMessage `styleBasic` [padding 20]) | otherwise = spacer `nodeVisible` False maybeCamera | model.showCamera = alert_ (SetShowCamera False) [titleCaption "Camera Portal"] (camera model.portalClient ShowAlertMessage `styleBasic` [padding 20]) | otherwise = spacer `nodeVisible` False maybeAlert = case model.alertContents of AlertNotShown -> spacer `nodeVisible` False AlertRequestingUserInformation _ -> alert_ CancelRequest [titleCaption "Getting User Information"] (label "Wait or cancel by closing this alert..." `styleBasic` [padding 20]) AlertMessage {title, body} -> alert_ CloseAlert [titleCaption title] (label_ body [multiline] `styleBasic` [padding 20]) AlertUserInformation info -> alert_ CloseAlert [titleCaption "Get User Information Response"] (userInfoAlertContents info `styleBasic` [padding 20]) AlertSettings results -> alert_ CloseAlert [titleCaption "Read Settings Response"] (settingsAlertContents results `styleBasic` [height 400, width 800, padding 10]) userInfoAlertContents results = vstack_ [childSpacing] [ label "Request successful.", label ("User Id: " <>, label ("User Name: " <>, label ("User Image: " <> maybe "[none]" osPathToText results.image) ] settingsAlertContents :: ReadAllResults -> WidgetNode AppModel AppEvent settingsAlertContents results = hagrid [ (textColumn "Namespace" (.namespace)) {initialWidth = 200}, (textColumn "Key" (.key)) {initialWidth = 200}, (textColumn "Value" (pack . show . (.value))) {initialWidth = 200}, (textColumn "Standard Value" (pack . show . (.standardValue))) {initialWidth = 500} ] (Seq.fromList results.values) valueColumn :: Int -> EnvironmentInfo -> WidgetNode s e valueColumn _ix model = label_ model.value [multiline, ellipsis] handleEvent :: EventHandler AppModel AppEvent sp ep handleEvent _wenv _node model = \case AppInit -> [ Task $ do curDir <- pack <$> getCurrentDirectory homeDir <- pack <$> getHomeDirectory lsRoot <- pack . unlines <$> listDirectory "/" lsCurDir <- pack . unlines <$> listDirectory (unpack curDir) lsHomeDir <- pack . unlines <$> listDirectory (unpack homeDir) envVars <- Seq.fromList . map (\(k, v) -> EnvironmentInfo (pack k) (pack v)) <$> getEnvironment pure $ AppInitFinish ( Seq.fromList [ EnvironmentInfo "Current Directory" curDir, EnvironmentInfo "Home Directory" homeDir, EnvironmentInfo "ls /" lsRoot, EnvironmentInfo ("ls " <> curDir) lsCurDir, EnvironmentInfo ("ls " <> homeDir) lsHomeDir ] ) envVars ] AppInitFinish fileSystem environmentVariables -> [Model model {fileSystem, environmentVariables}] GetUserInformation -> [ Producer $ \emit -> do catchRequestErrors emit $ do req <- Portal.getUserInformation model.portalClient def { reason = Just "Allows FlatpakMonomerExample to show user information." } emit (GetUserInformationStart req) Portal.await req >>= \case Nothing -> emit CloseAlert Just result -> emit (GetUserInformationFinish result) ] GetUserInformationStart res -> [Model model {alertContents = AlertRequestingUserInformation res}] GetUserInformationFinish info -> [Model model {alertContents = AlertUserInformation info}] SetShowOpenURI showOpenURI -> [Model model {showOpenURI}] SetShowDocuments showDocuments -> [Model model {showDocuments}] SetShowCamera showCamera -> [Model model {showCamera}] AddNotification -> [ Producer $ \emit -> do catchRequestErrors emit $ Portal.addNotification model.portalClient $ (addNotificationOptions "testNotification") { title = Just "Test Notification", body = Just "Hello!", priority = Just NotificationPriorityLow, icon = Just (NotificationIconThemed ["weather-snow", "zoom-in"]), defaultAction = Just "testDefaultAction", defaultActionTarget = Just (toVariant ("wibble" :: Text, 42 :: Word32)), buttons = Just [NotificationButton {label_ = "Click Me", action = "testButtonAction", target = Nothing}] } ] ReadSettings -> [ Producer $ \emit -> catchRequestErrors emit $ do result <- Settings.readAll model.portalClient (ReadAllOptions []) emit (ReadSettingsFinish result) ] ReadSettingsFinish results -> [Model model {alertContents = AlertSettings results}] RetrieveSecret -> [ Producer $ \emit -> do catchRequestErrors emit $ do secret <- Portal.retrieveSecret model.portalClient emit (ShowAlertMessage "Retrieved Secret Successfully" (hex secret)) ] ShowAlertMessage {title, body} -> [Model model {alertContents = AlertMessage {title, body}}] CancelRequest -> let cancel = case model.alertContents of AlertRequestingUserInformation res -> [Producer (const (Portal.cancel res))] _ -> [] in cancel <> [Model model {alertContents = AlertNotShown}] CloseAlert -> [Model model {alertContents = AlertNotShown}] RequestFailed msg -> [Model model {alertContents = AlertMessage "Portal Error" msg}] catchRequestErrors :: (AppEvent -> IO ()) -> IO () -> IO () catchRequestErrors emit cmd = catch cmd handler where handler (e :: SomeException) = emit (RequestFailed . pack . show $ e) handleNotificationAction :: Text -> Text -> Maybe Variant -> IO () handleNotificationAction notificationId action actionTarget = do putStrLn $ "Received notification action:" putStrLn $ " Notification Id: " <> show notificationId putStrLn $ " Action: " <> show action putStrLn $ " Action Target: " <> show actionTarget hex :: ByteString -> Text hex = pack . ByteString.foldr' (\w acc -> hexChar (shiftR w 4) : hexChar (w .&. 0b1111) : acc) [] where hexChar = intToDigit . fromIntegral